the former

[ði ˈfɔrmɚ][ðə ˈfɔ:mə]


  • I am not a hired agent for the former president .

    我可不是 那位 总统的说客。

  • Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union .

    土耳其和希腊是 苏联与反苏国家之间的缓冲国。

  • They lauded the former president as a hero

    他们颂扬 总统为英雄。

  • If the family home and joint pension rights are of equal value the wife may choose the former and the husband the latter .

    如果家庭住房和共同养老金具有同样的价值,妻子可能会选 前者,而丈夫会选后者。

  • The former head of counter-intelligence had been stripped of his rank and privileges .

    反情报机构 前任长官被革职并剥夺了特权。

  • He is the former premier .

    他是 前任总理。

  • As in the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those ahead so each new generation excels the last one . ; Time makes it inevitable that in every profession the rising generation is worthier than the former one .

    长江后浪推前浪,一代更比 代强。

  • The spectacle of the former naval officers washing their dirty linen in public was distinctly embarrassing


  • The former party treasurer helped raise almost £ 40 million to fight the election campaign .

    党的 前任财政部长帮助筹集了近4万英镑用于竞选。

  • These planes are outclassed by the most recent designs from the former Soviet Union


  • It has so far accepted a miserable 1 refugees from the former Yugoslavia .

    迄今为止, 从前 南斯拉夫接收的难民只有区区 1人。

  • The former President was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free


  • There was intense speculation 18 months ago that the former foreign secretary might be parachuted into the Scottish Parliament .

    18个月前,人们普遍猜测 外交大臣可能会空降至苏格兰议会。

  • These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place .

    这些遗迹充分证明此处 昔日的宏伟。

  • They keep horses and cattle the former for riding the latter for food .

    他们养马和牛, 前者供骑乘,后者供食用。

  • It 's clear that the party of the former Prime Minister has suffered a major reverse .

    显然, 首相所在党派遭受了重大的挫折。

  • Accusations of harbouring suspects were raised against the former Hungarian leadership .

    匈牙利 领导层被指控窝藏嫌犯。

  • The former owner had not left any forwarding address .


  • The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal .

    想想人质 遭受的折磨,获救后其身体状况已经是出奇地好了。

  • Newspapers have been fulsome in their praise of the former president .

    报纸上对 总统都是些溢美之词。

  • Of the two opinions I prefer the former .

    这两种意见中我倾向于 一种。

  • That forceful young woman edged out the former headmaster and is now headmaster herself .

    那位强硬的年轻妇女排挤走了 前任校长,她自己现在当了校长。

  • She outpaced the former Olympic champion Evelyn Ashford .

    她超过了 奥运冠军伊芙琳·阿什福德。

  • Only when our theory combines with practice can the former become areliable knowledge .

    只有当理论与实践相结合时,它才变成 经得住考验的知识。

  • The former chairman was a key player in the deals that pushed the bank to the top .


  • The original elections were declared void by the former military ruler


  • The former mayor of San Antonio is Hispanic .

    圣安东尼奥市 前任市长是拉美裔美国人。

  • They accused the former prime minister of being a backseat driver .

    他们指责 首相越俎代庖。

  • Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive dirty cream one most people can be forgiven for choosing the former

    如果要在一件纯白的T恤和一件更贵的脏兮兮的米色T恤之间选择的话,多数人都会选 前者,这是无可厚非的。