the pros and cons


  • We need to discuss the pros and cons of this method .

    我们必须讨论此方法 正反 两面

  • We should hear all the pros and cons of the matter before we make a decision .

    在作决定前,我们应该就这件事听取各种 赞成 反对 意见

  • Saturn would help you to analyze the pros and cons of each happiness industry and whether or not you really could earn a living in that manner .

    土星会帮助你分析 利弊 每一个“幸福的 利弊”工业和你是否真的可以赚取以这种方式生活。

  • We examine the pros and cons of each method and discuss their strengths and weaknesses .

    我们将查看每种方法 缺点,讨论它们的长处与不足。

  • But we shall need to consider the pros and cons of the features which differ .

    但是对不同的特征,我们需要考虑 它们 利弊

  • For decades experts have weighed in on the pros and cons of corking bottles .

    几十年来,专家们已经权衡了赛软木塞瓶子 优点 缺点

  • Many people have debated the pros and cons of the China phenomenon .

    围绕中国现象 ,人们进行了不少辩论。

  • We would like to weigh the pros and cons with you .

    我们想 您仔细衡量 案子

  • The constant change in this technology also changes the pros and cons of each of these suggestions .

    在这个技术中不停的变化也改变着每一个建议 争论

  • Recognize different study designs and understand the pros and cons of each .

    认识不同的研究设计和了解每 优点 缺点

  • Before doing it we must weigh the pros and cons very carefully .

    在这样做之前,我们要仔细 权衡利弊

  • Below a look at three popular Android options and the pros and cons for travelers .

    下面我研究了三款流行的安卓产品,并 分析各自 优劣

  • What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet ?

    养宠物 是什么?

  • But what are the pros and cons of management and is it right for you ?

    但究竟是什么 优点 缺点的管理,是它最适合你?

  • They sat for hours debating the pros and cons of setting up their own firm

    他们在一起坐了数小时,讨论自己创办公司 利弊

  • Let 's discuss the pros and cons of the new sales plan in the next meeting .

    下次会议我们来讨论新销售计划 利弊 得失

  • I am very protective of my time and weigh the pros and cons of everything I do .

    我很保护我的时候, 权衡利弊 得失一切,我做的。

  • We discussed the pros and cons of changing the company 's operating system .

    我们讨论更换公司操作系统 利弊 得失

  • Here are a few points to consider as you weigh the pros and cons of home ownership .

    当你衡量房屋拥有权 时这里有一些要点供你考虑。

  • Table 1 outlines the pros and cons of using the Atmosphere framework .

    表1下表概述了使用Atmosphere框架 利弊

  • Anne Holker looks at the pros and cons of making changes to your property

    安妮·霍尔克负责权衡你房屋改造 弊。

  • We balanced the pros and cons of the situation .

    我们考虑 正反 方面的情况。

  • Learn the pros and cons of the different solutions and decide which method is best for you .

    了解不同解决方案 优点 缺点,并确定哪种方法最适合您。

  • As a developer you must weigh the pros and cons of having multiple languages in your application .

    作为开发人员,必须权衡 一应用程序中使用多种语言 优点 缺点

  • The pros and cons of strike action were discussed .

    人们商讨了 支持 反对罢工活动 论点

  • The book also addresses the pros and cons of using a proprietary toolset .

    书中还列出了使用工具集 正面 反面的例子。

  • Let 's think about the pros and cons in this argument .

    让我们考虑一下争论中 赞成 意见 反对 意见

  • You 'll see several alternatives described in this article together with the pros and cons of using them .

    在本文你就能看到多种描述和 赞成 或者 反对使用它们的 理由

  • What are the pros and cons of space research ?

    太空研究 利弊有哪些?

  • In this section you learn the pros and cons of each option .

    在这一部分中,您 学习每个选项 优点 缺点