
[ðæt, ðət][ðæt]





  • That person who violates the law and discriminates should suffer in his career .


  • I am a disappointing though generally dutiful student . That is I do as I 'm told

    我虽然总的来说循规蹈矩,但依然是个令人失望的学生 就是说,叫我做什么我就做什么。

  • Just like that I was in love


  • He called her up one day and said that he and his wife were coming to New York

    有一天,他给她打电话, 他和妻子要来纽约。

  • I hate to be nasty and all that


  • I would have walked out I was that angry


  • She became so nervous that she shook violently

    她太紧张了 浑身抖得厉害。

  • Look at that guy . He 's got red socks

    你看那边 那个家伙,他穿着双红袜子。

  • That 's my wife you were talking to


  • Where did you get that hat ?


  • ' Well if that 's the way you want it ' he replied tears in his eyes ' I guess that 's that . '

    “好吧,如果 就是你想要的,”他两眼含泪说道,“我想那就这样吧。”

  • That morning I had put on a pair of black slacks and a long-sleeved black blouse .


  • The story was published in a Sunday newspaper later that week

    这篇报道于 周晚些时候刊登在一份周日报纸上。

  • Indoor pollution falls into two categories that which we can see or smell and pollution which is invisible and produces no odour .

    室内污染分为两种 一种是我们能看得见或闻得着的,另一种是无色无味的。

  • ' Hey is there anything the matter with my sisters ? ' — ' Is that why you 're phoning ? '

    “喂,我的姐妹们没事儿吧?”——“你打电话就为 这个?”

  • Some members feared Germany might raise its interest rates on Thursday . That could have set the scene for a confrontation with the US .

    一些成员国担心德国可能于星期四提高利率, 有可能导致其与美国发生冲突。

  • A recession like that of 1973 – 1974 could put one in ten American companies into bankruptcy

    像1973–1974年间 那样的经济衰退能让1/10的美国公司破产。

  • Success never seems to come but through hard work often physically demanding work at that

    不付出艰苦的努力似乎就不会取得成功,而且 一努力通常要劳其筋骨。

  • In my case I chose that course which I considered right

    至于我呢,就选择了我认为正确的 条路线。

  • They said you particularly wanted to talk to me . Why was that ?


  • When he left the office that was it the workday was over .

    他一离开办公室, 就此打住,一天的工作就结束了。

  • You should have learned to walk away from things that don 't concern you .


  • Not even Gary he said was that stupid

    他说,就连加里也没有 那么蠢。

  • The Commissioners get between £ 50 and 60 a year in various allowances . But that amount can soar to 90 a year

    委员们每年领取的各种津贴在5万 6万英镑之间 但最高可达9万英镑。

  • ' I 've never been to Paris . ' — ' That 's a pity . You should go one day . '

    “我从没去过巴黎。”——“ 可惜了,你什么时候应该去一次。”

  • I really thought I was something when I wore that hat and my patent leather shoes

    我头戴 顶帽子,脚蹬漆皮鞋,当时感觉挺像那么回事儿。

  • ' She said she 'd met you in England . ' — ' That 's true . '


  • The biggest increase was on the cheapest model the CRX-HF . That car had a 1990 base price of $ 9 .

    涨价最快的是最便宜的车型CRX-HF, 款车1990年的基价是 9美元。

  • It 's interesting that you like him

    你喜欢他 这真有意思。

  • You see that man over there that man who has just walked into the room ?

    你看见那边 那个人了吗,就是刚走进房间的那个人?