the best part of...


  • The staff were amazing and very helpful they are the best part of this hostel .

    不过工作人员令人非常惊讶,提供了很多有益的帮助,他们是这个旅店 最好 部分

  • I stayed the best part of a week .

    我待了 大半个星期。

  • But let me tell you the best part of my day is .

    可请让我告诉你我今天 精彩 故事

  • My fear is my substance and probably the best part of me .

    “害怕”是我的本质,而且可能是我 优秀 方面

  • Youth is the best part of the long river of life everyone should take advantage of it .

    青春是人生长河中 美好 ,人人都要好好把握它。

  • Disease cut Brooks off in the best part of life .

    疾病结束了布鲁克斯 盛年的生命。

  • He had been in Israel for the best part of twenty-four hours

    24小时 多数时间在以色列。

  • The best part of my life is just beginning .

    我生命中 美好 部分才刚刚开始。

  • I spent the best part of an hour trying to find my car keys .

    我花了 一个小时找汽车钥匙。

  • You have to admit the best part of the game was the slam dunk from the free throw line .

    你得承认这场比赛 精彩 部分是从罚球线灌篮的那个球。

  • That 's the best part of it all .

    这是所有事情里 最好 部分

  • This is the best part of the worst part .

    最坏时期 最好 成绩

  • For students cultural background introduction is the best part of the book .

    对学生来说,文化背景的介绍是 本书 精彩 部分

  • The best part of his expedition had been the rediscovery of his natural passion for making things .

    他这次探险 最大 收获就是重新发现了自己对动手制作物品与生俱来的热忱。

  • The best part of availing offers using promotional codes is that several of these are offered by big brands .

    最好 推广应用提供了 部分代码利用这些优惠是由几个大品牌。

  • Knowin you the best part of life do I have the right to take yours ?

    我知道你是我生命 重要的 部分,我有权利剥夺你吗?

  • I spent the best part of a year here .

    我在一年中 最好 时节都待在这儿。

  • The longing summer vacation is approaching it is the best part of the school year for me .

    暑假即将来临的渴望,它是 世界最好的黉舍教育的 部分一年对我来说。

  • I consider my father and mother the best part of myself .

    我认为,我的父母 我说来是 重要

  • The finished manuscript ran to the best part of fifty double-sided pages .

    完成的手稿占了双面都写满字 足足50页纸。

  • You must have drunk the best part of a bottle of wine last night .

    你昨天晚上喝了 有一瓶葡萄酒。

  • In my opinion this is the best part of the evening .

    对我而言,这是除夕 部分

  • The best part of human history lies in the future not in the past .

    人类历史 美好 部分是在将来,而不是在过去。

  • A seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of £ 50

    7天的电视广告宣传可能会 耗费约5万英镑。

  • Seeing you is the best part of my day .

    见到你是我一天中 美好 时刻

  • It took the best part of an hour .

    这花去了 大半个钟头。

  • The best part of my novel !

    我的小说 最好

  • We should show them the best part of our company particularly the office computer management system .

    我们应该将公司 最好 一面展示给客户,特别是办公电脑管理系统。

  • And the best part of it is even less-than-great singers experienced the same positive effects .

    并且 最好 部分在于:即使对不那么出色的歌手也同样有积极的影响效果。