theory of operation

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˌɑpəˈreʃən][ˈθiəri ɔv ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]

[计] 操作理理工作原理

  • A simulating system of semi-active laser guiding designator is designed in this paper it can be used to research laser guiding weapons ' theory of operation working process guiding arithmetic and anti-jamming performance as well as the hardware in the loop emulating of laser guiding .

    本论文的主要内容是研制一套激光半主动制导目标指示模拟器系统,用于对激光制导的 工作 原理、过程、算法和抗干扰性能进行研究,并可开展激光制导的内场仿真试验研究。

  • A supply voltage monitor and protection circuit is presented and its theory of operation is analyzed .

    本文介绍并分析了一种电源电压监控保护电路 工作 原理 应用。

  • This paper introduced the transformer control cabinet designed by the authors in order to let others well know the theory of operation performance manufacturing process reliability .

    介绍了自行开发研制的电力变压器控制箱,有助于进一步了解变压器配套控制箱的 工作 原理、性能、作用及可靠性。

  • The paper introduces not touching single supersonic probe level measurement theory of operation describes sort of factors that influences on measurement and install claim .

    本文介绍非接触或单探头超声波物位检测仪的 原理,分析影响检测仪 正常 使用的因素及其安装要求。

  • The theory of operation indication contradiction perioperative preparation complication curative assessment were studied in detail .

    本文同时也对 手术 原理,手术适应证,禁忌证,围手术期准备,术后并发症以及疗效判定标准作出了详细的讨论。

  • As a result genetic testing in science and improve its decoding and the sort of theory of operation completed in chip technology and other equipment after the building ;

    因此,基因检测科学在完善了其解码,排序的 理论 操作,在完成了芯片技术等设备建设后;

  • Third economic analysis model of product life cycle based on the feedback process is put forward in which the theory of operation management and automation are used .

    三是应用 生产管理 理论和自动控制 理论,提出了基于反馈流程的产品生命周期的经济分析模型。

  • It mainly explains the system 's theory of operation hardware design way of software and the methods of settlement of some bottleneck problem .

    主要介绍了系统的 工作 原理,硬件构成,软件的设计思路与关键问题的解决方案。

  • This paper discusses how to integrate the supply and demand management system and their management course via the theory of operation management considering the talent as a commodity .

    本文试从 运作管理的 角度,将人才作为一种商品,通过人力资源供求管理系统的构建和 要素分析,整合人才的供应、需求管理系统以及管理流程。

  • An operational unit for RISC microcontroller is described which is composed of an arithmetic logic unit ( ALU ) W-register shifter and status word register . The circuit structure theory of operation and design considerations are dealt with in detail .

    介绍了RISC单片机PIC16C57的运算部件,包括ALU、W寄存器、移位寄存器和状态字寄存器,详细说明了其电路结构、 工作 原理及设计 特点

  • Method The method of systematic reintegration from the theory of operation process recombination was adopted to recombine the hospitalization process for common disease entities in general surgery .

    方法采用 作业流程重组 理论中系统性重新整合的方法对普通外科常见手术病种的住院流程进行重组。结果重组后2000年研究病种的病人出院人数比重组前1999年增加1478%;

  • Several low current amplifying and measuring methods are compared mainly describing the theory of operation software and hardware design and performance of the A / D conversion circuit .

    对几种弱电流放大与测量方法进行了比较,主要介绍了电流A/D方法的 工作 原理、软硬件实现以及实际性能。

  • The new graphics standard designed by ibm-xga theory of operation and design

    IBM公司最新的图形标准 &XGA卡的 原理和设计

  • Introduces theory of operation of blast furnace loading system and frequency changer used in speed control of motor .

    介绍了高炉卷扬上料控制系统的 工作 原理及变频器在高炉卷扬上料控制系统中实现变频调速的应用情况。

  • The article introduces Cable modem 's develop foreground and theory of operation .

    介绍了CABLEModem的发展前景、 工作 原理

  • This book treats the theory of operation design and economic selection .

    本书包括 操作 原理、设计和经济选择。

  • The theory of operation and practical conditioning of the machine are systematically presented in the paper .

    文章由 原理实际、由 流程到技巧,比较系统地阐述了该设备的关键调试技术。

  • The core content of the article is base on the conception and methods of the theory of operation research such like zero-one planning column generation and some other direct solutions .

    本文中的核心技术思想是以 运筹 理论与方法为基础而构建的,在 系统设计的过程中大量的运用了0-1规划,ColumnGeneration(按列归纳 模型)等具体问题解决方法。

  • This paper introduces a novel topology about single-stage PFC converter based on bridge inverter and analyzes its theory of operation .

    提出了一种基于桥式逆变 电路的新型单级功率因数校正变换器的电路拓扑。

  • Design procedure theory of operation and program function of hardware and software are introduced in detail .

    文中对各种硬件电路的设计方法和 工作 原理、软件的模块化设计 方法和程序功能等进行了全面详细的介绍。

  • We hope this paper could provide helpful reference on the development construction theory of operation and practice of shopping centers in our country .

    希望本文的研究对我国购物中心开发、建设、 运营 理论和实践能提供有益的参考。

  • Applying the theory of operation research and the relevant principle and combining with the concrete problems in distribution center plan the paper puts forward a set of positioning models for a tobacco distribution center .

    应用 运筹 理论及相关原理,结合配送中心规划 实践中的具体问题,提出了一套侧重于实际应用的烟草配送中心布局选址模型,在实际应用中取得了很好的效果。

  • On the basis of analysing the theory of operation a experimental method on automatic control system for elevation is designed .

    在分析自动调平系统 工作 原理的基础上,设计了一套针对机液伺服自动调平系统进行试验室静态和动态性能试验的方法;

  • New Technology in the Cupola ( Part ⅰ): The New Theory of Operation and Coke Bed Control

    冲天炉新技术(1):冲天 操作理论与底焦控制

  • Summary on the Installation Technology of Hearth Mechanical Equipment of Walking Beam Furnace New Technology in the Cupola ( Part ⅰ): The New Theory of Operation and Coke Bed Control

    浅谈步进式加热炉炉底机械设备安装技术冲天炉新技术(1):冲天炉 操作理论与底焦控制

  • The double foots liner ultrasonic motor 's theory of operation and structure

    双足型直线超声电机的 原理 分析及结构设计

  • The theory of operation of this modified reflectometer in the swept-frequency mode is analyzed thoroughly the formula of the maximum error of this system is obtained and compared with that of the conventional case .

    对这种变型反射计在扫频方式下的 工作 原理进行了详细的分析,得出了此系统的最大误差公式,并与常规的情形作了比较。