My mother waxed eloquent on the theme of wifely duty .
我母亲大谈 为 妻之道。
She embroidered on this theme for about ten minutes .
她围绕这个 主题添枝加叶地说了大约10分钟。
A slow theme introduces the first movement .
第一乐章以缓慢的 主 旋律开始。
Many theories on punishment exist all of which are variations on a theme .
关于惩罚的理论有很多,虽形式略有不同,但其 主旨都是一样的。
' How many of the songs that dealt with this theme became hit songs ? ' — ' Not very many . '
“有多少关于这个 主题的歌曲风靡一时呢?”“并不很多。”
Elizabeth warmed to her theme as the letter continued with her favourite lament .
随着这封信接下来进入到伊丽莎白最喜欢抱怨的内容,她开始奔向 主题。
The rejection of the Jewish theme meant the rejection of everything that gave the script passion and life
抛弃了犹太 主题就等于完全抛弃了这个剧本的激情与活力之源。
Local companies find the sites and build the theme parks while we will look after the branding .
各地的公司确定园址后进行 主题公园的修建,而我们将负责品牌推广工作。
The first violins introduced the first theme a soft and beautiful melody .
第一小提琴奏出第一 主题,旋律轻柔动听。
The power of the Church is one theme all these writers return to .
所有这些作家都回归到了教会权力这个 主题上。
The need to strengthen the family has been a recurrent theme for the Prime Minister .
巩固家庭关系是首相屡次谈到的 话题。
There is a theme of tragedy that runs through it : I 'm thinking in particular of the story of Tom Howard .
贯穿始终的是一个悲剧 主题,特别是汤姆·霍华德的故事。
The theme of the play stands out even more clearly after it was revised .
经过改编,戏的 主题更加突出了。
The BBC used Vangelis 's Chariots of Fire as its Olympic theme tune in 1984 .
BBC选用了范吉利斯的《火战车》作为其1984年奥运节目的 主题音乐。
Jones harps on this theme more than on any other
这个 话题最能让琼斯唠叨个没完。
The novel 's central theme is the perennial conflict between men and women
小说的 主题是男人和女人之间永无休止的冲突。
' That 's another element in choosing a style of writing you see ' he says returning to his main theme
“瞧,那是选择写作风格时要考虑的又一个因素,”他又回到了 主题上。
The theme of the play is the life of migrant workers .
这个剧本以民工生活为 题材。
Most of the art exhibitions have a pronounced Scottish theme .
大多数的艺术展品带有明显的苏格兰 风格。
This painting points to another recurring theme in Munch 's work .
这幅画体现了蒙克作品中另一个常见的 主题。
This poem marries theme and style well .
这首诗的 主题和风格结合得很好。
The pieces on view are not grouped around any one theme but rather represent superb examples from various periods
展出的作品并非围绕着一个 主题,而是不同时期的经典之作。
The article is not coherent in theme .
文章的 主旨前后贯串不起来。
Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country .
她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个 主题 游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。
Race is a recurrent theme in the work .
种族问题是该作品里多次出现的 主题。
The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity
贯穿这许多提案的主线是个人权力和机遇这一 主题。
Recent events have made his central theme even more apposite
新近发生的事情使得他的中心 主题显得更加有的放矢。
The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe
大会的 主题是文艺复兴时期的欧洲。