theory of similarity

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˌsɪməˈlærɪti][ˈθiəri ɔv ˌsɪməˈlærɪti:]


  • Reducing drag coefficient of sink tank can raise efficiency of pumping station . In this paper the theory of similarity is used to design the hydraulic model of polygonal sink tank and the different flowing states of the model are tested .

    减少汇水箱的阻力系数可以提高泵站装置效率,文章采用 相似 原理设计泵站多边形汇水箱水力模型,并对多边形汇水箱的不同流态进行了模型试验。

  • A deciding method was put forward which introduce the theory of similarity engineering to decide the design scheme of High Power Crosscurrent CO_2 Laser . It 's demonstrated that the virtual prototype was more reasonable than physical prototype in High Power Crosscurrent CO_2 Laser .

    相似工程 理论引入高功率横流CO2激光器设计方案的决策,提出了产品开发时样机方案的决策方法,论证了在高功率横流CO2激光器开发时,采用虚拟样机技术优于物理样机技术;

  • The modeling experiments were conducted according to the theory of similarity .

    根据 相似 原理进行了 相似模拟实验研究;

  • In the paper an indoor-simulation smart chemical application system was developed based on the Theory of Similarity .

    本文从 相似 理论入手,建立了室内模拟农药精确对靶施用系统。

  • Penicillin fermentation simulation results verify the correctness of the theory of similarity analysis and lay the future theoretical foundation for on-line fault diagnosis process . 2 .

    青霉素发酵仿真实验验证了 相似度分析 理论的正确性,并为以后的在线故障诊断过程做好理论基础工作。

  • This article explores the thinking of dancing art with the view on the theory of similarity .

    运用 相似 的观点对舞蹈艺术思维进行了探索。

  • Basing on the theory of similarity the similarity law of model for homogeneous hyperconcentrated sediment flow in laminar regime in open channel has been studied and the expression of scale for similarity has been derived .

    本文研究了明渠均质高含沙水流在层流区的模型律,导出了 模型 相似比尺表达式。

  • A three-dimensional BF raceway cold model was founded according to the Re rule of the theory of similarity and modeling .

    依据 相似与模 理论中Re准则,建立了回旋区三维冷态试验模型。

  • A reduced-scale model of 1:4 was made according to the theory of similarity moreover the anchorage and loading proposals of the model were researched and designed . 4 .

    按照 相似 理论设计、制作了1:4的大比例缩尺模型并且对模型的锚固和加载方案进行了研究和设计。

  • Based on the theory of similarity similar modeling analysis of the liquid nitrogen simulative cold energy recovery system of LNG is conducted .

    相似 理论的指导下,通过对比 分析氮气和天然气的物 ,对液氮模拟液化天然气汽车冷能回收系统进行了相似模化分析。

  • Theory of similarity and the profile of the mean density distribution of hypersonic boundary layer

    相似 理论和高超音速边界层的密度分布

  • This model takes into account the influence of air compressibility . Applying the theory of similarity and considering the characteristics of aero-engine component performance two exponent values can be obtained and then the components low state characteristics can be deduced .

    该模型考虑到空气可压缩性的影响,运用 相似 理论,结合发动机的部件特性关系,得到了两个指数值,进而得到了发动机的低状态部件特性。

  • After finite element tests this paper presents the combined-branch equations with the function theory of similarity and gives the experimental formulas of stress calculation at the dangerous points of the pushing frame .

    在采用有限元模拟试验后,根据 相似准则的函数 理论建立组分方程式,给出了顶推架危险点处应力计算经验公式,为制定顶推架应力规范公式提供了一种可行方法。

  • On the basis of the theory of similarity the equation for the coefficients of cross correlation was established the method of particle matching in image sequences was developed and the criterion used in determining and deleting the spurious velocity vectors was also given .

    二维 PIV的图像处理中,本文从互相关技术出发,建立了相应的连续两幅图像 之间的粒子对应方法,提出了误对应速度向量的判断和消除准则。

  • And studied CBR-based theory of similarity search then sets forth the algorithm of product similarity search .

    研究了基于CBR 相似产品查询 理论,给出了相似产品查询算法。

  • Theory of Similarity Finite Element

    相似有限元 理论

  • According to the theory of similarity this paper discusses the decisive function of similarity thinking in technology innovation and based on which it proposes the conception of engineering similarity theory .

    根据 相似 理论,本文论述了相似性思维对技术创新的决定性作用,并据此提出了工程相似论的概念。

  • Application of the Theory of Similarity in Experimental and Computer Simulation for Plastic Forming

    相似 理论在塑性成形的实验模拟和计算机模拟中的应用

  • Theory of Similarity Based Aeroengine Multivariable Control Method

    航空发动机 相似多变量控制方法

  • This paper mainly uses the theory of Similarity System to define manpower and the theory of Queuing to define the support equipment .

    主要讨论了用 相似系统 确定人力与人员的数量,用排队 确定保障设备的品种和数量。

  • Engine the data processing and comparability of the tests have been investigated in two aspects as follows : 1 . Based on the theory of similarity the air flow characteristics expressed by several non-dimensional parameters are analysed and generalized .

    并从两个方面研究了稳流试验数据的可比性:1.以 相似 理论为基础,分析归纳了气道性能试验的几种无量纲参数表示法。

  • According to the theory of similarity using aerodynamic model this paper has studied the convective heat transfer in the firing zone by means of counter-thermal-flow local simulation .

    本文根据 相似 原理,利用空气动力模型,采取局部模拟方法,研究了隧道窑烧成带的对流传热。

  • This paper discusses how to deal with the clustering problem with categorical attributes by means of the theory of similarity coefficients and the theory of entropy and emphatically studies the equivalence of the two similarity measures in resolving the clustering problem for intrusion detection .

    探讨用 相似 系数 理论和信息熵理论两种方法去解决含有分类属性的聚类问题,并重点对这两种相似性度量方法解决入侵检测聚类问题时的等效性进行了研究。

  • The Theory of Similarity and the Profile of Vertical Distribution of Concentration of Sand Particles

    相似 理论和泥沙的垂直分布

  • Analysis of starting performance of the single shaft gas turbines by theory of similarity

    相似 理论 单轴燃气轮机起动工况的分析

  • The theory of similarity views that the scientific way to know a thing is to find out and study the similarities between them .

    认识事物的科学途径就是要善于寻找事物之间的相似性,研究事物之间的 相似性。

  • In shis article we use the theory of similarity to build an electric circuit model of artery and calculate dynamic parameters of cardiovascular system .

    本文运用 相似 原理,建立动脉血管的电路模型,并藉此计算心血管动力学参量。

  • This experiment adopts the theory of similarity as theory foundation adopts Arq number as criteria of similarity designs and makes physical model according that geometric scale is selects experiment instrument and setting .

    标准机组段分层空调模型试验以 相似 理论为理论基础,采用热量阿基米德数Arq作为该试验的相似准则。

  • Therefore the theory of similarity entropy used for exploring the evolution ofsystem is conformable to the information entropy and entropy in physics .


  • In investigation of the theory of similarity and modeling test it needs to compute the π - terms but sometimes it should be transfered due lo the control factor of the test .

    相似 理论和模型试验的研究中,经常要计算π项组,而且出于试验控制等原因,有时还要对其进行转换。