

[化] 祝马丁

  • Expression of Thaumatin Gene in Horticultural Crops


  • Studies on Enhancement of Transgenic Potato 's Resistance to Late blight by Inducing the Expression of Thaumatin like Protein Gene

    利用 蛋白基因诱导表达提高马铃薯对晚疫病的抗性研究

  • With the market for low-calorie sweeteners nearing $ 1 billion a year in the US alone thaumatin is likely to become a cash cow .

    低热量增甜剂的市场单在美国就接近每年十亿美元 因此 索默丁即可能成为 商家 的摇钱树。

  • Construction of the Expressing Vector of Thaumatin

    甜味 蛋白 thaumatin表达载体的构建

  • Thaumatin is one of the sweetest substances known to date it is important to study the thaumatin .

    奇异 蛋白是迄今为止最甜的物质之一,对其研究具有很重要的意义。

  • Studies on the Expression of Foreign Thaumatin like Protein Gene in Potatoes

    外源 蛋白基因在马铃薯中的表达

  • Progress in the Studies of Sweet Protein Thaumatin

    植物甜蛋白 Thaumatin研究进展