


  • Thatcher had a particularly close relationship with Ronald Reagan the former US president .


  • Mrs. Thatcher was back on her old conference form .


  • In Margaret Thatcher 's words This is no time to go wobbly .

    撒切尔 夫人的话说,没时间摇摆不定了。

  • Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician .

    撒切尔 夫人是一位态度强硬、不轻易妥协的政治家。

  • Did you vote for Mrs Thatcher in the last election ?

    上次大选你是否投了 撒切尔夫人的票?

  • His single-minded pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power .

    他对欧洲统一的执著追求在一定程度上促成了 撒切尔夫人的下台。

  • In Iron Lady Meryl Streep shows us how hard Margaret Thatcher worked to become prime minister of England .

    梅丽尔•斯特里普在《铁娘子》中向我们展示了 撒切尔 夫人努力工作,最终成为英国首相的历程。

  • Mrs Thatcher was succeeded as prime minister by John maior .

    约翰梅杰接替 撒切尔夫人做了首相。

  • They did for Empress Thatcher and I hear it said that they will get me too .

    他们这样对 撒切尔女王,我听到他们也要这样对我。

  • Astonishingly however Margaret Thatcher repeated Churchill 's error after her victory in the 1979 election .

    然而,令人惊讶的是, 玛格丽特撒切尔在赢得1979年的选举之后,又重蹈邱吉尔的覆辙,做了一个掌心向内的V形手势。

  • Lady Thatcher who is abroad was not available for comment .

    撒切尔 夫人现在国外,所以不能发表评论。

  • Female politicians such as Margaret Thatcher and Mrs Clinton have taught younger women that anything is possible .

    玛格丽特 撒切尔和希拉里?克林顿这样的女政治家教会了年轻女孩们“万事皆有可能”。

  • So to us this was Arnault Wilde and Thatcher combined ; politics art fashion and culture .

    因此对我们来说,这是阿尔诺、王尔德和 撒切尔的组合;是政治、艺术、时尚与文化的组合。

  • NARRATOR : Margaret Thatcher had a gut instinct for market economics .

    旁白:玛格丽特 撒切尔对市场经济有一种本能的直觉。

  • To see if Becky Thatcher was noticing .

    看看贝基 撒切尔是不是看见了这一切。

  • Margaret Thatcher dismissed the idea .

    玛格利特 撒切尔驳斥了这种想法。

  • He was a political virgin when Mrs Thatcher picked him as Lord Advocate .

    撒切尔夫人 任命他为苏格兰检察 总长时,他是个 完全没有从政 经验 新人

  • His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought her down .

    他的挑战导致了 撒切尔夫人的下台。

  • The next girl was Becky thatcher .

    下一个就该问到贝基 撒切尔了。

  • After Mrs Thatcher 's first election victory in 1979 Labour moved sharply to the left

    1979年 撒切尔夫人首次大选获胜后,工党的路线明显左转。

  • I told old Thatcher so to his face .


  • Margaret Thatcher made history when she became the first British woman prime minister .


  • Margaret Thatcher of Britain and Indira Gandhi of India were vastly powerful politicians and global ideological icons as well .

    英国的 玛格丽特·撒切尔和印度的英迪拉·甘地同样也是铁碗政治家和全球的精神偶像。

  • This was the great Judge Thatcher brother of their own lawyer .

    这就是了不起的 撒切尔大法官,是他们镇上律师的哥哥。

  • Mrs Thatcher fell in love too . With the exact opposite .


  • Baroness Thatcher 's claims seem credible to many


  • Mrs Thatcher 's standing was much higher in the US than at home .

    撒切尔夫人在美国要比在本国更 欢迎

  • As he passed Jeff Thatcher 's house he saw a new girl in the garden .

    当他路过 杰夫·撒切尔的房子时,看见花园里有一个新来的女孩。

  • I said What if Mrs. Thatcher opposes it ?

    我当时说;如果 撒切尔 夫人反对的话怎么办?

  • The moment Mrs Thatcher fell from power has left a lasting imprint on the world 's memory .

    撒切尔夫人 倒台的那一刻在世人的记忆中留下了永久的印痕。