there is no telling...


  • There is no telling how many precious fossils will be saved and collected in this way and what they could tell us about our origins and distant ancestors .

    项目 办法 告知 有多少珍贵的化石将被保存,但他们可以告诉我们,通过这种方式,将对我们的起源和祖先有更深的了解。

  • Also there is no telling whether the JVM was able to optimize away significant portions of the test .

    另外, 数据中看 JVM是否能够对测试的重要部分进行优化。

  • If we allow discrimination against one group of people there is no telling who might be next .

    如果我们允许对某个群体的歧视, 知道谁会是下一个。

  • There is no telling how much it will cost for Uber to enter all the markets it wants .

    Uber要进入它有意进驻的所有市场,成本将 多少?

  • There is no telling whether he will stay there for a week or even a month .

    他在 那儿要待上一个星期还是一个月, 准儿

  • And to my shock I have subsequently discovered that there is no way of telling what happened since improved CCTV only covers part of the airport .

    让我感到吃惊的 ,后来我发现 根本 无法 查找 到底发生了什么情况,因为经过改善的闭路电视只监控机场的部分地区。

  • In addition when those chemicals enter your body through your pores there is no telling what the long-term effect on your health might be .

    另外,这些化学物质通过毛孔进入你的身体以后,长期对你的健康造成的危害更 不言而喻的。

  • There is no doubt that he is not telling the truth .

    毫无疑问的他 的不是事实。

  • There is no guarantee that they are telling the truth .

    无法保证他们是 真话。

  • There is no telling what might have happened now but luckily the concern passed out of Aunt Polly 's face and she came to Tom 's relief without knowing it .

    幸运 波莉姨妈注意力转移了,这下她 无意中给汤姆解了围。

  • There is no telling what they could do .


  • But there is no telling how long a market recovery could take .


  • There is no telling whether it is correct .

    无法 知道这事对还是不对。

  • When programs are loaded into this block of memory there is no telling exactly where the code will go .

    当程序加载进入该内存块, 不能 确切 知道代码会跑到内存什么位置。

  • There is no way of telling what was original he says .

    他说: 知道哪些是原始的东西。

  • There is no point telling staff the client comes first and then rewarding them on the profit they make for the firm .

    告诉员工客户至上, 事实上却根据他们为公司创造的利润发给他们报酬, 这样 毫无意义的。

  • There is no telling what will happen in the future .

    无法 预测将来会发生什么。

  • There is no telling how long it took these Wise Men to come from Persia or even possibly further East all the way to Jerusalem .

    我们 晓得那些从波斯或更远地方来的东方博士要走多久才到达耶路撒冷。

  • With China 's banking system being slightly less transparent than the average house brick there is no telling how big the bubble will get before it bursts .

    由于中国的银行系统比一块普通砖块还要不透明一些, 难说这个泡沫在最终爆破之前会涨到多大。

  • In their language there is no word which means telling lies and my master had great difficulty in understanding me . I tried to explain .

    在他们的语言中 没有 撒谎一词,我的主人要理解我很困难。我尝试着解释。

  • There is no telling when they can get ready .


  • There is no telling what he is going to do .

    说出他要干 什么 可能的。

  • They are brilliant in devising tricks but there is no telling them what trick to work on next .

    他们的设计技巧很出色,但 可能 知道起作用的下一步技巧 什么。

  • There is no telling where she 's gone .

    无法 知道她到那儿去了。

  • Furthermore there is no way of telling how many duff loans have been sold by banks to investors through securitisations .

    另外, 我们 无法 得知有多少不良贷款被银行打包成证券出售给了投资者。

  • There is no point in telling financial institutions to set aside more capital if they are free to pump up their risks at the same time .

    如果一方面 金融机构保留更多的资本,另一方面允许它们随意加大自己的风险,这种做法 毫无意义。

  • There is no telling when he may come .

    他何时会来, 不得而知