thermal burn

[ˈθɚməl bɚn][ˈθə:məl bə:n]


  • The whole performance of Cu / Sep is superior to Ag / Sep and the former has good anti-water and thermal stable properties and catalytic activity under lean burn conditions .

    Cu/海泡石催化剂的整体性能优于Ag/海泡石催化剂,且Cu/海泡石催化剂在 富氧条件下具有良好的耐 湿热稳定性和催化活性。

  • And through a series of contrastive experiments of the samples for their chemical stabilities thermal expansions luster degrees pile burn viscosity test screen printing and decoration firing the impacts on the performance of the flux are studied .

    并通过对试样进行化学稳定性、 膨胀性、光泽度、堆 、粘度测试、印花彩烤等一系列对比实验考察所用外加剂对熔剂性能的影响。

  • Conclusionmmp-2and mmp-9play an important role in the course of the bacterial corneal ulcer and corneal thermal burn which are distributed with the substrate compatibly and conformed with the degree and position of the pathological change .

    mmp一2、mmp一9在角膜细菌性溃疡和角膜 烧伤的过程中起着重要作用,与作用底物分布相一致,与病变的程度和部位相一致。

  • These thermal power plants previously used regular diesel to help the coal burn at higher temperatures but Mr Chen says biodiesel burns much more cleanly .

    这些 火力发电厂之前使用普通柴油来帮助煤炭 燃烧燃烧温度较高,但Chen表示,生物柴油燃烧起来更加清洁。

  • Objective To explore the change of corneal protein and determine if there is any new denatured protein and detect their antigenicity following alkali burn acid burn and thermal burn .

    目的了解角膜碱、酸、 烧伤后有无新的角膜变性蛋白产生并检测其抗原性。

  • MMP - 2 and - 9 are the widest members among MMPs and play an important role in the bacterial corneal ulcer and corneal thermal burn .

    其中MMP一2、一9分布最广,研究最多。在细菌性角膜溃疡和角膜 烧伤中发挥重要作用。

  • Some Problems About the Thermal Calculation of Boiler That Burn mixed fuels

    冶金煤气锅炉 热力计算的问题

  • Objective : To explore some early useful diagnosis parameters and some methods to prevent and treat acute renal failure in severely thermal burn a serious complication of the disease .

    目的:寻找有助于早期诊断 烧伤并发急性肾衰竭(ARF)的诊断指标以及指导治疗和预防的有用措施。

  • Materials : we choose 10 healthy cornea and 10 cornea of bacterial corneal ulcer and 10 cornea of corneal thermal burn as experimental materials .

    材料:收集临床角膜移植供体角膜10例,细菌性角膜溃疡、角膜 烧伤角膜各10例。

  • It was shown that Sn x Zr 1 - x O 2 solid solution catalysts had good thermal stability and hydrothermal stability and could be used under lean burn conditions and a high space velocity .

    结果表明,锡锆固溶体催化剂具有较高的 稳定性和水热稳定性,以及较好的抗氧性能和对高 空速的耐受特性。

  • However Plumbum salts thermal stabilizers pollute environment with toxicity using organic stannum costs too much and the phenomenon of zinc burn will easily occur during the process of using Ca / Zn Composite Stabilizer .

    铅类 稳定剂毒性大,易造成环境污染等问题,有机锡成本较高,钙锌复合稳定剂在使用中易发生“锌 ”现象。

  • Among corneal diseases bacterial corneal ulcer and comeal thermal burn are seen frequently .

    角膜疾病是主要的致盲眼病之一,在所有角膜疾病中,细菌性角膜溃疡和角膜 烧伤比较常见。

  • Observation of amniotic membrane transplantation for early stage of severe ocular chemical and thermal burn

    羊膜移植治疗早期严重眼部 烧伤疗效观察

  • Results : 24.8 % patients with severely thermal burn complicated with ARF . Mortality rate in ARF group higher than that in ordinary group significantly ( P < 0.001 ) .

    结果:占248%的重度 烧伤患者并发ARF,而合并ARF的 烧伤患者死亡率显著高于普通组(P<0001);

  • Clinical study on keratoplasty for emergency treatment severe corneal thermal burn

    角膜移植治疗角膜重度 烧伤的临床研究

  • Severe injuries such as deep thermal burn cardiopulmonary arrest or immediate death associated with high voltage or lightning electrocution are well reported in the literatures .

    高压电烧伤或雷击造成的严重伤害(如深度 烧伤、心肺停止甚至死亡等等)常在文献中被报告及讨论。

  • Amniotic membrane retransplantation for corneal perforation after chemical or thermal burn

    再次羊膜移植治疗化学性和 烧伤后角膜穿孔

  • Conclusion Wound excision in the hypovolemic phase for thermal injured rats can not cut-off systemic inflammatory response after burn trauma but it could attenuate the inflammatory response . And the condition of the patient becomes stable with further treatment .

    结论大鼠 烧伤休克期切除创面,虽然不能阻止 烧伤后全身炎症反应的发生,但能减轻炎症反应,使病情趋于稳定。

  • In the course of the corneal thermal burn MMP - 2 increase gradually at first and then drop ;

    在角膜 烧伤中,MMP一2随着病程的发展,先呈现逐渐增高趋势后逐渐下降;

  • In order to cut down the energy consumption it is necessary to utilize gas from blast furnace coke furnace converter efficiently . There arc some characteristic in the thermal calculation of boilers that burn mixed fuels .

    为抓好降耗节能就要高效地利用高炉、焦炉、转炉煤气,特别是在锅炉中混 热力计算有若干特点。

  • Objective : To set up an animal model of imitated thermal radiation burn and to study the death probability and the early pathological changes in order to provide the basis for clarification of the mechanisms of early injuries .

    目的:建立大鼠模拟光 辐射 烧伤动物模型,并对其死亡概率和早期病理变化进行研究,以期为光辐射 烧伤 早期损伤机制的阐明奠定基础。

  • Operation Experience on Atretoblepharia Induced by Chemistry and Thermal Burn Injury

    眼部化学及 烧伤后睑球粘连的手术体会

  • During thermal degreasing in air the degreasing behavior of PVA and the change in mechanical strength of the compacts presented obviously gradational process and the mechanical strength of the compacts reduced gradually with the burn out of the binder PVA .

    试验表明在PVA脱脂过程中,其脱脂行为及粉末压坯强度随 温度的升高呈明显的阶段性变化,粉末压坯的强度随 粘结剂PVA的脱除逐渐降低。

  • It is suggested that PLG-PL system in burn wounds after thermal injury might have an important role in the burn wound healing .

    提示, 烫伤后创面中PLG-PL系统除纤溶功能外可能参与其它反应,并对伤口愈合起重要作用。

  • Clinical analysis of acute renal failure in severely thermal burn

    重度 烧伤 并发急性肾衰竭临床分析

  • Study of Thermal Calculation for 350 MW Boiler to Burn Mixture of Pulverized Coal and Blast Furnace Gas

    350MW煤/高炉煤气混 锅炉多工况 热力计算的研究

  • Thermal Stability of Two Ti-V - Cr Burn Resistant Titanium Alloys

    两种 Ti-V-Cr阻燃钛合金的 稳定性能

  • Setting up of an animal model of imitated thermal radiation burn and study on its death probability

    模拟 辐射 烧伤动物模型的建立和死亡概率的研究