theoretical basis

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈbesɪs][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈbeisis]


  • The study in this paper could provide important theoretical basis for the optimization of cementing design .

    该研究可为优化固井注水泥设计方案提供重要的 理论 依据

  • This study provides the theoretical basis for the fast estimation of nutrient content in apple flowers .

    该研究为快速估测苹果花营养元素含量提供了 理论 依据 参考

  • Its theoretical basis is credit and fairness doctrine .

    理论 基础在于诚实信用原则和公平原则。

  • China has established sound theoretical basis and accumulated rich experience through long-term river training and harnessing practice .

    在江河治理的长期实践中,中国在泥沙问题研究和处理方面奠定了坚实的 理论 基础和积累了丰富的实践经验。

  • The study may provide a solid theoretical basis for the development and design of tourist attractions .

    充分认识自然审美价值的丰富性和复杂性,能为旅游景点的开发和设计提供坚实的 理论 指导

  • And economics of the new system provides a theoretical basis for the accounting postulates .

    新制度经济学为会计准则的供需分析提供了 理论 基础

  • It provides a theoretical basis for error analysis in high-precision laser measurement .

    为高精度激光测量误差分析提供了 理论 依据

  • Its theoretical basis is the human dignity and due process of law .

    这一制度的 理论 基础是人性尊严和正当法律程序。

  • As a completely new cognitive theory constructionism provides the cultivation of qualified translators with a new theoretical basis .

    建构主义作为一种全新的认知理论,为翻译人才的培养提供了新的 理论 基础

  • The simulation result will supply a theoretical basis for calculation of moving loading and analysis of road safety .

    仿真计算结果为路面动荷载的计算和道路安全的分析提供了 理论 基础

  • The theoretical basis of this technique is the effect of gravity on particles in suspension .

    该技术的 理论 基础是重力对悬浮液中粒子的作用。

  • This will provide a theoretical basis for the development and use of black wheat in food processing .

    为开发和利用黑粒小麦进行食品深加工提供 理论 基础

  • It provides the necessary theoretical basis for the new crystallizer non-sine vibration waveform of the practical application of technology .

    为结晶器非正弦振动技术的实际应用提供了必要的 理论 基础

  • This study provides a theoretical basis for developing attractant of C.buqueti .

    本研究为研制长足大竹象取食引诱剂提供了 理论 依据

  • The results show that the study provides a theoretical basis for the design to optimize spray system .

    研究结果表明,该研究为喷涂系统的优化设计提供了 理论 依据

  • Technology for cage-culture of tuna worldwide is reviewed in this paper to provide theoretical basis and reference for further study in our country .

    本文详细介绍了世界金枪鱼网箱养殖技术,为今后我国的进一步研究提供了 理论 基础和参考。

  • Therefore this model could be used to provide theoretical basis for the development and study of polymer-coated fertilizers .

    该模型将对聚合物包膜肥料的研制和应用提供重要的 理论 指导

  • This group of hybrids for the Sanya and Thailand have provided the theoretical basis of heterosis .

    这就为三亚和泰国群体杂交产生杂交优势提供了 理论 基础

  • The theoretical basis can be found on the theory of bureaucratic system and the theory of special power relationship .

    公务员服从义务的 理论 基础可以从官僚制和特别权力关系理论加以解释。

  • The critical attitude angles for stable platform system were given to provide theoretical basis for further practice .

    通过分析和仿真得到的平台系统稳定临界姿态角为平台尝试大姿态角运动提供了 理论 依据

  • Pay management for the enterprise to carry out a theoretical basis specified in the right direction .

    为企业薪酬管理的开展提出了 理论 依据,指明了方向。

  • This constitutes the theoretical basis of this dissertation .

    这部分内容构成了本文的 理论 基础

  • In the content it provided a theoretical basis for the ruling and the social governance .

    在内容上是为国家的统治和社会的治理提供 理论 依据和对策方法。

  • Numerical results provide the theoretical basis for system design and signal processing at switching nodes in hybrid network .

    模拟结果为系统设计和混合光网络交换节点信息处理提供了 理论 依据

  • The analysis of performance indices can provide a theoretical basis for the design and improvement of the system .

    通过对指标的分析,为弹载控制网络的设计和优化提供了 理论 依据

  • The third part introduced the theoretical basis for the implementation capacity research .

    第三部分先容了新疆地方政府执行力研究的 理论 基础

  • This provides the theoretical basis for chaotic sequences as address code .

    这为混沌序列用作地址码提供了 理论 基础

  • The study results provided theoretical basis for optimum design and excavation technology of coal pillar .

    研究结果为优化煤柱设计和现场施工工艺提供了 理论 依据

  • The research results can he used as a theoretical basis for the tribology design of swing movable teeth drive .

    弹流润滑研究的结果为摆动活齿传动的摩擦学设计提供了 理论 依据

  • Of course this should have a solid theoretical basis .

    当然这要有坚实的 理论 基础