working years

[法] 工龄

  • Methods Comparison and analysis were done on the constitution enterprise categories ages of occurrence job category and working years of new pneumoconiosis from 1 / 11 / 1996 to 12 / 31 / 2001 in Shanghai .

    方法对1996年1月1日~2001年12月31日上海市新诊断尘肺患者进行构成、所属企业性质、发病年龄、接尘工种、 工龄等方面进行比较分析。

  • Part two conceptualizes the human capital into three latitudes : the level of education career skill and the re-employment training which measured by level of education working years whether owns a professional post and whether joins in the re-employment training .

    其次,将人力资本操作化为受教育程度,职业技能和再就业培训三个纬度,分别用受教育程度、 工龄、是否具有专业职称和是否参加过再就业培训四个指标加以衡量。

  • Nanrong Chu had accumulated rich experiences in many respects during the past working years .

    南荣 在社会上打滚 多年,学经历都非常丰富,对许多事情也都有他自己的看法。

  • I see so many young couples who get married and trap themselves into a lifestyle that will not let them get out of debt for most of their working years .

    我见过许多年轻夫妇,结婚后不久就陷入了以后大部分 年月 都无法摆脱债务的生活方式中。

  • Reference to wages and working years to determine the standard of economic compensation funds .

    经济补偿金支付的标准应参照 工作 年限和工资来确定。

  • Questionnaire investigation was conducted on 72 nurses ' in operation room who had different working years to analyze the main reasons of gastritis and peptic ulcer they suffered .

    通过对不同 工龄的72名手术室护士的问卷调查,分析手术室护士患胃炎、溃疡病的主要原因。

  • Remarkable distinctions regarding cynicism and professional efficacy between jail policemen in different age groups and different working years were found .

    不同年龄组、不同 工作 年限干警在玩世不恭和职业效能方面有显著差异;

  • Difference of burnout was not obvious in sex and age but more outstanding in marriage education working years and nature of enterprise .

    职员人口统计学变量和企业性质,会不同程度影响职员工作倦怠。工作倦怠体现在性别和年龄上的差异不显著,而在婚姻、受教育程度、 工龄和企业性质上差异较为显著。

  • The first-aid pressure of nurses with different working years at non-emergency departments in Northern Guangxi

    非急诊科不同 护士急救压力的调查分析

  • Injury and poison diseases malignant tumors and heart diseases are the main causes of future working years lost .

    导致井下 工人 工作 年限损失的前3位死因是损伤与中毒、恶性肿瘤和心血管疾病。

  • Set a tentative timetable for the working years ahead .

    给今后 工作 时间制定出一套临时时间安排表。

  • The headmasters with different number of working years are fairly different in responsibility . Those having worked more than 15 years are better as a whole .

    不同 工作 年限的中学校长在责任心维度上存在显著性差异,工作 时间在15年以上的中学校长总体状况较好。

  • There was no significant different among the nurses with the different working years ( P 0.05 );

    不同 工作 年限的护理人员对《条例》的掌握程度无显著性差异(P0.05);

  • Methods The structures of age and working years of the current 261 nursing staff were analyzed .

    方法统计并比较我院现有261名护理人员的年龄、 结构。

  • There is no significant correlation-ship between village doctors final educations and their ages or working years .

    乡村医生的最后学历与年龄、 工作 年限之间都无相关关系。

  • Conclusion The administrator should be suggested to pay attention to management methods caring about nurses less than 10 working years improving their mental adaptability and their working enthusiasm increasing the staff 's vigor .

    结论提示管理者注意管理方法,关心 10 工龄的护士,提高其心理适应能力,调动10 以上 工龄护士的工作积极性,增强群体活力。

  • The correlation between doctor-nurse cooperation and job satisfaction among Emergency Department nurses The first-aid pressure of nurses with different working years at non-emergency departments in Northern Guangxi

    急诊护士医护合作水平与工作满意度相关性研究非急诊科不同 护士急救压力的调查分析

  • The five types of motivation are different in such variables as sex age working years administrative rank and area .

    五种激励类型在性别、年龄、 工作 年限、行政级别和地区等变量上表现出一定的差异;

  • Methods To study the causes of resident 's diseases injuries and death in Henan province by means of mortality years of potential life lost ( YPLL ) working years of potential life lost ( WYPLL ) .

    方法采用死亡率、潜在寿命损失年数(YPLL)和潜在 工作损失 数(WYPLL)等指标对1995~1999年河南省居民病份死因模式进行了研究。

  • But there was no difference among the trainees with different working years ( P > 0.05 ) .

    不同ICU 工作 年限的学员理论成绩差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

  • On the basis of the original model the paper takes the expectation working years into account and adds a new definition - expectation working years coefficient . Making use of the data of 1995 the paper gives a demonstration analysis and compares the different results .

    在原有模型的基础上,考虑了预期 工作 年限,引入了预期工作年限系数,并利用1995年抽样调查的劳动人口数据进行实证分析,比较了模型更改前后所得的结论。

  • Saving money regularly during one 's working years will help to safeguard one 's age from want .

    工作期间定期储蓄将有助于保证 晚年不受贫困之苦。

  • The work stress and social support for military teachers vary in ages education background and working years . 3 .

    第二,在年龄、学历、 工作 年限等人口学变量上,军校教员的工作压力和社会支持存在差异。

  • ( Results In ) the period of military system reform nurses with secondary level of professional title 6 ~ 17 working years and associate degree have much more psychological problems .

    结果职称为护师、 工作 年限在6~17年、学历为大专的军队护理人员在此变革中心理问题较多。

  • This article reported the hearing losses of 410 groundcrew who had worked under 100-130 dB ( A ) aircraft noises for various working years .

    本文报告了在飞机噪声100~130dB(A)条件下工作的410名不同 工龄机务人员的听力损伤。