theory of structures

[机] 构造理论

  • A Unified Proof of the General Properties of the Linear Vibrations in the Theory of Elastic Structures

    弹性 结构 理论中线性振动普遍性质的统一论证

  • A Tentative Study of Philosophical Problems in the Theory of Dissipative Structures

    耗散 结构 中的哲学问题初探

  • This paper studies evolution problem of population and discusses its sustainable development goal by using the theory of dissipative structures and nonlinear stability criteria for nonlinear system .

    运用耗散 结构 理论 人口系统的演化问题进行了研究,并用非线性系统的稳定判据得出了人口持续发展目标。

  • Systematology information theory cybernetics and theory of dissipative structures try to go further .

    系统论、信息论、控制论和耗散 结构 理论等则试图走的更远一些。

  • Application of the theory of dissipative structures

    耗散 结构 理论的应用

  • In Part Two we study the theory of entwining structures and that of factorization structures .

    第二部分研究了代数与余代数之间的缠扭 结构以及与其密切相关的代数分解 理论

  • Study on Design of High Head Steel Plane Gates Using Theory of Thin-walled Structures

    薄壁 结构对高水头平面钢闸门设计的探讨

  • A Knowledge-Based Fault Diagnosis Theory of Structures

    基于知识的 结构故障诊断 理论

  • In this paper the author explains the designed method of CAI courseware and some question based on the characteristic of Designed Theory of Engineering Structures .

    本文从工程 结构设计 原理 课程的特点出发,简要说明了多媒体课件设计的方法和应注意的问题。

  • In this paper based on reliability theory of engineering structures the reliability of the prominent part and principal structure in the highrise building is analyzed and the about formulae are reached .

    文章根据工程 结构可靠度 理论,分析了高层建筑主体结构和突出物的可靠度和失效概率,并得出有关公式。

  • From the theory of dissipative structures symptoms is the process of the body deviates the orderly steady state ;

    提出从耗散 结构 理论来说,证候是机体偏离有序稳态的过程;

  • Systematology information theory cybernetics and theory of dissipative structures still adopt mechanics reduction ( thermal ) .

    系统论、控制论、信息论和耗散 结构 理论仍然采用力学还原(热力);

  • This text attempts to analyse every school evolution of theory from real example method status in knowledge sociology Prove knowledge sociology method in order to enlighten our country contemporary knowledge theory of sociology structures and should walk on the pluralistic way .

    本文试图从实证方法在知识社会学中的地位分析各学派理论的发展过程,论证知识社会学方法,以启示我国当代知识社会学的 理论 构建应走多元化方法之路。

  • On Forming Orderly Structure of Higher Education System under the Theory of Dissipative Structures

    论耗散 结构 理论下高等教育系统的有序生成

  • The shakedown theory of structures with damage is developed also in this thesis .

    本文还发展了弹塑性损伤 结构的安定 理论

  • The author of this dissertation puts forward the theory of the structures of Human essence after briefly introduced and commented on the main points of view of Human essence raised by the thinkers both ancient and present home and abroad especially modern thinkers .

    本文在简要介绍与评述古今中外思想家,尤其是现代思想家,关于人的本质理论的主要观点的基础上,提出了人的本质的 结构 理论

  • A Study on Density Functional Theory of Structures and Properties for Indigoid Dyes

    靛族染料化合物 结构与性能的密度泛函 理论研究

  • According to the dynamic theory of structures the hydrodynamic mass is determined by the dynamic behaviors of caisson measured in the model experiment under the conditions of no water and various water depths .

    依据 结构动力学 理论,由无水情况和各种不同水深情况下沉箱动力特性的实验数据确定沉箱运动时的附加水质量;

  • Analysis for High-speed Transmission Lines Based on the Theory of Block Structures of Distributed Parameter Systems

    基于分布参数方块 结构理论的高速传输线分析

  • As to the serious situation that farmlands are using and protecting in China the theory of dissipative structures and entropy exchange model is employed . The purpose of this study is to analyses the use and protection of cultivated land form new perspectives and by new methods .

    针对当前中国耕地利用和保护面临的问题,利用耗散 结构 理论与熵流模型(EEM),从新的视角并采用新的方法加以研究。

  • The geometric theory of quasicrystal structures is an important subject in quasi-crystal research .

    准晶 结构几何 理论是准晶研究的重要课题。

  • By now for domestic design theory of engineering structures the probability-based limit states design method has achieved a lot . One of its main points is how to make structure possess expected reliability in the design reference period .

    工程 结构基于可靠度 理论的设计方法,经若干年研究积累取得了一定成果,其要点之一是使工程结构在规定的设计基准期内具有预期的设计安全度。

  • According to the experience from engineering practices and reliability theory of building structures clustering index quantified criterion and clustering classes are confirmed .

    根据工程实践经验和 结构可靠度 理论,进行分析比较确定聚类指标、评定等级量化标准及聚类灰类。

  • Application of the Theory of Dissipative Structures on Training Competitive Ability of Athletes

    耗散 结构 在培养运动员竞技能力中的应用

  • Some recent developments and applications of shakedown theory of elastic-plastic structures

    结构塑性安定性 理论的若干进展及应用

  • The present paper discovers that it is helpful for solving completely the fault diagnosis problems of structures to consider physics constrains and to use experts ' empirical knowledge and a new knowledge based fault diagnosis theory of structures is established .

    发现考虑物理约束、借鉴专家知识和经验有助于结构故障诊断问题的根本解决,建立了基于知识的 结构故障诊断的 理论 框架

  • Structure of urban public transport ; Saving-energy ; Theory of dissipative structures ; Energy-saving mode ;

    城市公共交通结构;节能;耗散 结构 理论;节能模型;

  • Theory of dissipative structures and the law of land returns

    耗散 结构 理论与土地报酬规律

  • Elastic-plastic Dynamics and Aseismic Design Theory of Steel Structures

    结构弹塑性动力学及抗震设计 理论 研究

  • A Probe into the Selection and Fostering of Leading Industry in Less Developed Regions in the light the Theory of Dissipative Structures

    从耗散 结构 理论视角看欠发达地区主导产业的选择与培育问题