thermal reactor

[ˈθɚməl riˈæktɚ][ˈθə:məl ri:ˈæktə]


  • Influence of particle size temperature and calcination extent on limestone calcination and carbonation of calcium oxide is analyzed in the dual-environment thermal gravimetric reactor in detail .

    在多功能 反应 (TGR) 就化学循环 反应过程中的颗粒尺寸、温度煅烧分解率等对吸附剂煅烧分解和吸收特性的影响进行了比较充分的 实验 研究

  • Thermal Reactor Benchmark Testing of 69 Group Library

    69群库的 基准检验

  • Computing worth of thin slab control rod in thermal research reactor

    中子研究 薄板型控制棒价值计算

  • In this paper the dynamic response equation of thermal parameters of a reactor core and the primary loop at a loss-of-feedwater for the steam generator is derived with the model of lumped heat capacity and its approximate solutions are obtained .

    文中把集总热容量法用于 芯和一、二回路,导出了蒸汽发生器给水流量丧失时 芯和一回路 热工参数的动态响应方程及其解析解。

  • The external curing method is usually adopted as traditional forming process of composite shell which places the wound shell into the thermal compression reactor or the oven to cure . This process greatly limits the molding efficiency because winding and curing proceed respectively and separately .

    传统的复合材料壳体成型通常采用外固化工艺,即将缠绕后的壳体放入 热压釜或固化炉内加热固化,由于缠绕和固化两个过程需要分开进行,因此这种工艺会限制成型效率。

  • Thermal nuclear reactor is the use of hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium atomic nucleus to achieve nuclear fusion reactors .

    热核 反应堆是利用氢同位素氘和氚的原子核实现核聚变的反应堆。

  • Experimental studies on emission purification of automotive gasoline engine with thermal reactor

    车用汽油机排气 反应净化的实验研究

  • In a thermal balance reactor the process of carbon nanofibers growth was investigated .

    天平 反应 对催化剂上碳纤维的生长过程进行了研究。

  • All kinds of the design basis accidents must be taken into account in the thermal design of reactor .

    反应堆的设计中,必须考虑到正常工况和各种基准事故下的 运行状态,并予以分析以 增强 反应堆 固有安全性。

  • Dynamic Response of Thermal Parameters of Reactor Core to Load Disturbance of Turbine Used in Nuclear Power Plant of Ship

    船舶核动力装置 汽机负荷扰动时 芯动态响应特性

  • Thermal Property Measurement of Reactor Control Material Rod Ag-In - Cd

    反应堆控制棒材料Ag-In-Cd的 物理性能测量

  • Thermal Neutron Spectrum in Thermal Column of Pulse Reactor Measured Techniques With Time of Flight Method

    飞行时间法测量脉冲 柱孔道热中子能谱

  • Solving measurement flux spectra in thermal neutron reactor with flexible tolerance method


  • Research progress of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in thermal plasma reactor


  • Higher thermal efficiency of plasma reactor and precise control can be gotten through adjusting tangential and radius air admission gas flow rate reasonably .

    通过合理调节切向和径向气体流速,能够提高等离子体 发生器 效率并能对等离子体实现精确控制。

  • Dynamic Response of Thermal Parameters of Reactor at Loss of Feedwater for SG

    蒸汽发生器给水流量丧失事故时 反应堆 热工参数的动态响应

  • Fast and thermal reactor burnup computer code

    快和 反应堆燃耗计算机代码

  • The steam supply to the initial runup was taken from steam produced from energy conversion from mechnical to thermal while the reactor coolant pump was operating .

    这次机组冲转的汽源是利用一 回路主泵转动时机械能转化为 热能而产生的蒸汽。

  • At present the thermal flow-reversal reactor is an effectively technology that realize recovery and utilization of VAM .

    目前, 逆流 氧化技术是实现煤矿乏风瓦斯有效减排和 回收利用的主要技术之一。

  • The coolant density of SCWR is low soit can be designed into a thermal reactor or fast reactor .

    由于堆芯冷却剂密度低,因此SCWR可设计为 ,也可设计为快堆。

  • In the thermodynamic design surplus in the nuclear steam supply system of the nuclear power station a small part ( like 4 % ) can be used to increase the thermal power of the reactor core and turbine output .

    核电站核蒸汽供应系统的热工设计裕度中有一部分如4%可用于增加 功率和汽轮机出力。

  • The analysis and checking calculation of LOCA simulating test in an advanced thermal reactor

    新型 转换 失水事故模拟实验的验算和分析

  • Three-dimensional simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a thermal plasma reactor

    等离子体 反应 中传热与流动的三维数值模拟

  • In this paper in view of the thermal stability of fixed-bed reactor maximum tube diameter and temperature difference of heat transfer for low & pressure tube-shell methanol synthesis reactor were calculated .

    从固定床 反应 的操作 稳定性出发,对管壳式低压甲醇合成反应器的最大允许管径和最大传热温差进行了计算。

  • Optimization simulation of thermal plasma reactor for acetylene production from coal

    煤等离子 热解制乙炔 反应 结构优化模拟

  • Why Chinese ? Study on the Dehydrogenative Coupling of Methane in a Thermal Diffusion Column Reactor

    扩散管 反应 中甲烷转化反应的研究

  • An analysis of the nonaxisymmetric temperature field and thermal stress in the reactor barrel

    反应堆吊篮的非轴对称温度场和 应力分析

  • Pressurized Thermal Shock Analysis for Reactor Pressure Vessel

    反应堆压力容器承压 冲击分析

  • Production of Radioisotope Thermal Fuel by Reactor and Its Application

    反应堆生产放射性同位素 热源 材料及其应用