thermal pulse method

[ˈθɚməl pʌls ˈmɛθəd][ˈθə:məl pʌls ˈmeθəd]


  • The construction and principle of transient automatic measurement apparatus for measuring materials ' thermal physics properties are introduced . The apparatus is applied to measure the thermal diffusion coefficient and thermal conductivity of materials by pulse method .

    简述了热物理性质瞬态自动测量仪的结构和原理,应用该仪器采用 脉冲 测量了材料的热扩散系数和 热导率。

  • This paper describes the determination of thermal diffusivity of two-layer composites by laser pulse method .

    本文介绍用激光 脉冲 测定两层复合试样导 系数的 方法

  • The effect of thermocouple response on measurement of thermal diffusivity by laser pulse method

    热电偶响应对激光 脉冲 测量 扩散率的影响

  • Determination of the Thermal Diffusivity of Two-Layer Composites by Laser Pulse Method

    两层试样激光 脉冲 测导 系数

  • Thermal Neutron Spectrum in Thermal Column of Pulse Reactor Measured Techniques With Time of Flight Method

    飞行时间 测量 脉冲柱孔道热中子能谱

  • The coupling effect of thermal pulse and pressure pulse in the inner bore is extremely obvious so more accurate results can be obtained by using dynamic full coupled calculation method .

    脉冲与膛压脉冲在内膛表面耦合效应十分明显,采用动态全耦合 方法进行计算更加准确。

  • The thermal diffusion coefficient of the crystals were measured by the crystal pulse method .

    激光 脉冲 测量了晶体的 扩散系数,比较了晶体a轴和c轴的 扩散系数随 温度的变化关系。

  • Thermal physics coefficient measurement by pulse method with transient automatic measurement apparatus

    在瞬态自动测量仪上用 脉冲 测量 材料 物理系数