theoretical logic

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈlɑdʒɪk][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈlɔdʒik]


  • This paper attempts to identify reasons for the belief weakening of Marxism and to argument its scientific and rational characteristics from the perspectives of logic philosophy economics to make the theoretical logic of the Marxist faith more clear and Marxism faith more convincing .

    本文尝试从多个方面找出马克思主义信仰弱化的原因,并从逻辑、哲学、经济学等角度论证其科学合理性,使马克思主义信仰的 理论 逻辑更加清晰,让马克思主义信仰更具说服力。

  • Its study mainly covers the nature of economics principle the theoretical form logic the economic explanations and defence and the logic of theory development .

    主要研究经济学原理的性质、 理论的形式 结构与经济学解释、辩护及理论发展的逻辑。

  • Based on above-mentioned knowledge with the structure of modern enterprise institution as a frame of reference this thesis tries to establish a theoretical logic structural frame for the analysis of family firm institutional structure .

    基于上述认识,本文尝试着以现代企业制度的结构框架为参照系,建立一个用于分析家族企业制度结构的 理论 逻辑构架。

  • As to the specific concoction and operational approach different options should be tried and tested to inform and illuminate over time the underlying theoretical logic .

    至于具体如何综合并在实践中操作,则尚有待于实用性的试验,据此尔后逐步提炼其中的 理论逻辑

  • Shareholding Structure and Corporate Governance : Rethinking of the Theoretical Logic of the Two Corporate Governance Models

    股权结构与公司治理的基本命题:重读两种模式的 理论 逻辑

  • The statistics results support the theoretical logic of 6P_1B model and provide managers with some valuable hints on how to improve organizational learning capabilities .

    这些研究结果对6P-1B模型的 理论 逻辑提供了一定的统计检验的支持,同时也给管理者提供了一些关于如何提高组织学习能力的方法和启示。

  • Because they write the true felt strong theoretical logic so one can feel that their reading stories appealing to delivering it .

    因为这些书写的真实有感, 理论 逻辑 思维强,让人一读就能感到其故事性,吸引人继续读下去。

  • Traditional socialist political economics takes collectivism as its theoretical logic presupposition and it is proved in practices that it can not hold water .

    传统的社会主义政治经济学以集体主义为 理论 逻辑前提,实践证明它是不能成立的。

  • The Theoretical Logic of Making the structure of Corporate Governance to law

    公司治理结构法律化的 理论 逻辑

  • This article first act of worship of consumption were defined and then through the idol worship involving sociology semiotics psychology communication and other related theories in order the theoretical logic of the text summary of travel .

    本文首先对崇拜性消费行为进行了定义,继而通过对涉及偶像崇拜的社会学、符号学、心理学、传播学等相关理论的梳理,总结出行文的 理论 逻辑

  • Secondly based on their theoretical logic relationship and thinking of final control shareholders we divide related party transaction into two parts related party transaction in internal capital markets and in external capital markets .

    其次,基于内部资本市场与关联交易的 理论 逻辑关系,从最终控制人出发界定我国的内部资本市场,并将关联交易划分为内部资本市场关联交易与外部资本市场关联交易。

  • A Study of Theoretical Logic of Oilfield Sub-Community

    油田经营准社区的 理论 框架研究

  • Proceduralist Theory of Law : Theoretical Logic and Appropriate Circumstance of Times

    法律程序主义: 论证 逻辑和时代际遇

  • It is necessary to establish new theoretical logic presupposition for the development of modern economics against the practical background of socialist market economy : the beneficial structure doctrine of individual developmentalism .

    发展以社会主义市声经济为现实背景的现代经济学,需要建立新的 理论 逻辑前提:个人发展主义的利益结构认。

  • The theoretical logic presupposition of neoclassic economics is essentially materialistic beneficial doctrine which can not also explain numerous economic facts .

    新古典经济学的 理论 逻辑前提实质上是个人占有主义的物质利益论,它也难以解释众多经济事实。

  • The Legal Theoretical Logic and Results of Taxation in Chinese Monarchical Society

    中国皇权社会赋税制度的 法理 逻辑及其制度结果&从王税官课成为赋税制度基本形态谈起

  • Marx 's view on this issue shows his historic materialism not only has strong theoretical logic in the plane of historic nature but also is rich in content in the plane of historic operation .

    马克思在这一问题上的观点显示了其历史唯物论除了在历史本质论层面具有强劲的 理论 逻辑之外,在历史运作论层面同样具有丰富的内容。

  • Two is : existing as theory the feminism political thought has its own theoretical logic .

    作为一种理论形态存在的女性主义政治思想有自己内在的 理论发展 逻辑

  • Corporate governance relies not only on the theoretical logic induction but also on system basis .

    公司治理不仅取决于 理论 逻辑演绎,还取决于公司治理的制度基础。

  • The theoretical logic of this thesis is just the realistic logic presented in the process of network communication with a hope to guide the news practice .

    论文的 理论 逻辑,就是舆论在网络传播过程中呈现出来的现实逻辑,以期对新闻实践具有实际指导意义。

  • The paper deeply analyzed theoretical logic and practical path of constructing technological innovation system of enterprise then presented main suggestions for constructing technological innovation system of state-owned enterprise .

    本文深入分析了建立健全企业技术创新体系的 理论 逻辑和现实路径,进而指出了建立健全我国企业技术创新体系的关键举措。

  • In analyzing of the reason the paper use statistical analysis and theoretical logic to proof certification theory and reputation theory are not applicable in our country .

    接着进行了原因分析,在此过程中,本文先采用统计分析与 理论 逻辑对国际上流行的认证理论与声誉理论进行分析论证,发现这些理论在我国均不适用。

  • On Theoretical Logic of Evolution of Frankfurt School 's Ethical Thoughts of Science

    试论法兰克福学派科学伦理思想演进的 理论 逻辑

  • The author wants to express the following ideas and its theoretical logic . The worldwide spirit crisis has been a universal problem to which Mankind have to face up in the contemporary social development .

    作者表述了如下的思想和 理论 逻辑:1、世界范围的精神危机已成为当代社会发展中人类面临的一个普遍问题。

  • The Selection of a Sustained Development Route : Its Theoretical Logic and Inspiration of Practice

    可持续发展路径选择: 理论 逻辑与实践启示&以深圳经济特区的发展为例

  • Optimism Risk and Legal Modernization & Comments on The Theoretical Logic of Legal Modernization by Gong Pixiang ;

    乐观主义、风险与法制现代化&评公丕祥《法制现代化的 理论 逻辑

  • Primarily introducing the origin of credit and then bringing the concept of government credit . Next pointing out four theoretical logic hypothesis of government credit defining the concept character and status of government credit so as to offer theory support for government credit construction .

    其次,从 理论角度指出政府信用的四个 逻辑前提,进而对政府信用概念、特点、地位进行界定,以为政府信用建设提供理论支撑。再次,界定制度概念,并由此引申出政府信用制度的概念。

  • The causation that educational theory is able to help educational practicer reflect is mostly educational theory is only theoretical logic . What theoretical logic evoke is not action but thinking .

    之所以说教育理论可帮助教育实践进行反思,原因主要在于教育理论只是一种 理论 逻辑,所导致的不是人的行动,而是人的思维。

  • On Interactive Mechanism between Responsible Consumption and CSR : Theoretical Survey Logic Comparison and Path Options

    责任消费与企业社会责任的互动影响机制& 理论回顾、 逻辑比较及路径选择

  • The Theoretical Logic of Offensive Realism and Its Critique

    进攻性现实主义的 理论 逻辑及其批判