


  • The results showed that an order of vivacity of phosphorus increased together with texture and inorganic-phosphorus available for plants mainly in the sand soil thereunto Ca-P was major proportion .

    结果表明,土壤磷素活性高低的顺序为:紧沙土轻沙土沙土,无机磷盐是风沙区植物所能利用的土壤磷素的主要磷形态, Ca-P所占的比例最大。

  • That no man should be moved in these tribulations : for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto .

    你们自己原也知道:我们是注定要 受苦的。

  • Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of1934 the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized .

    按照 1934年证券交易法的规定,上报公司正式责成下列正式授权人代表其在本报告上签字。

  • Thereunto tectonic fracture was the main secondary fracture the reflection of the stress field accorded with regional or local stress field .


  • And by fraud kept back part of the price of the land his wife being privy thereunto : and bringing a certain part of it laid it at the feet of the apostles .

    他扣留了一部分价钱,妻子也 同意,就带了一部份 放在宗 脚前。

  • Thereunto the market mechanism is dominant and the government is secondary . The ecological mechanism and moral mechanism are the vital complements .


  • For the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect .

    律法 既是 将来 美事的影儿,不是本物的真像,总不能藉着每年常献 一样的祭物,叫那 前来的人 得以完全。

  • The local control rate of the tumor is 30.4 % ( 7 / 23 ) thereunto unique external radiotherapy has one case adjuvant intracavity radiotherapy has 4 cases and postsurgery plus radiotherapy 2 cases .

    肿瘤局部控制率为 30.4%(7/23), 其中 单纯外照射1例,加腔内放射治疗4例,术后+放射治疗2例。