


  • Theosophy an approach to transform vedic knowledge into western thinking .


  • It was later enriched and influenced by those individuals who gave Theosophy further expression .

    它后来由个人 对接 神论进一步 阐释而更为丰富并受到他们的影响。

  • ( 1575-1624 ) German mystic and theosophist who founded modern theosophy ; influenced George Fox .

    (1575-1624)建立现代 神论的德国神秘主义哲学家和见神论者;影响了乔治福克斯。

  • Theosophy was created by the need to understand mystical teachings especially the eastern approach to the mystical .


  • European interests in Indian religions were not by no means confined to the movements like Theosophy .

    欧洲人对印度宗教的兴趣,并不 在于无法限制像 通灵 学派这样的运动。

  • The doctrines and beliefs of a modern religious sect derived from theosophy and claiming to develop knowledge and Realization of spiritual reality .

    神智 发展出来的现代宗教派别的教条和信仰,宣称要发展关于精神实在的知识和理解。

  • Theosophy is the result of the scientific development in the west society .


  • Through Theosophy and Anthroposophy the concept of Atlantis also entered Nazi Mysticism .

    尽管 神论和人智学,亚特兰蒂斯的概念也进入纳粹神秘主义。

  • Today a drink theosophy am not clear !

    如今,饮料, 神智不太清楚!