thermal stimuli

[医] 温刺激物

  • Objective To observe the effects of rectal thermal - and pressure - stimuli on visceral perception thresholds in patients with irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) and investigate its pathogenesis .

    目的探讨直肠内 温度及压力 变化对肠易激综合征(IBS)患者内脏感觉阈值的影响,进一步研究IBS的发病机制。

  • Besides traditional thermal responsive shape memory polymers a variety of new shape memory polymer materials which can response to stimuli such as electricity light and magnetic have been prepared .

    响应形状记忆高分子材料的基础上,人们相继开发出了对电、磁、光、 溶剂刺激响应的高分子形状记忆材料。

  • The values of spontaneous pain score and thermal stimuli test of group D were different from group B 、 C ( P < 0.05 ).

    D组与B、C组相比,自发痛评分和 痛逃避潜伏期在 4~11天明显减少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

  • Results Five days after being ligated unilateral sciatic nerve rats back limbs of the same lateral were markedly sensitive to pain and the pain threshold to thermal stimuli reduced markedly .

    结果坐骨神经结扎5天后,该侧肢体表现出明显的痛敏 现象 痛阈显著降低(P<001)。

  • The analgesia effect of tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) in mice treated with chemical and thermal stimuli was studied .

    为探讨河豚毒素(TTX)镇痛作用与剂量的效应关系,应用化学 刺激 热刺 法研究了TTX对小鼠的镇痛作用。