thermoelectric junction

[ˌθɚmoɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈdʒʌŋkʃən][ˌθə:məuiˈlektrik ˈdʒʌnkʃən]


  • Thermoelectric cooler ( TEC ) is commonly used to cool and maintain laser diode module ( LDM ) junction at predetermined temperature therefore the simulation for performance of TEC is very important for thermal design and optimization of LDM .

    作为半导体激光器组件的重要一部分, 热电 制冷器TEC)工作特性的模拟对激光器组件的设计与优化有着重要的意义。

  • For transforming compensating voltage to temperature adopting least squares techniques to fit thermoelectric curves of thermo junction the thermoelectric curve is acquired .

    为了将补偿后的电压转换为测量 的温度值,本文采用最小二乘法对 热电偶 热电 特性曲线进行了拟合,得到了热电特性方程。