thermal water

[ˈθɚməl ˈwɔtɚ][ˈθə:məl ˈwɔ:tə]


  • Anomalies caused by thermal water can only be recognized if they are greater than this disturbance .

    只有在超过了干扰值的条件下, 热水引起的异常才能够被识别出来。

  • Results showed the geothermal water is the mixture of net thermal water and normal ground water .

    氢氧同位素研究结果表明,研究区地下热水为净 热水与常温水的混合,常温水混合量达半数以上。

  • Hydrogeochemical characteristics of thermal water and genetic model of geothermal system in North Beijing

    京北地区 热水水文地球化学特征与地热系统的成因模式

  • Therefore the basement for the mineralization model with thermal water sedimentation built in the past is not existed in this area .

    因此,过去在该区建立的 热水沉积成矿模式的基础已不复存在。

  • Development and management of underground thermal water resources in Xi'an City

    论西安市地下 热水资源的开发与管理

  • Thus dynamic features of geothermal water table in thermal storage layer of quaternary period and bedrock and funnel distribution were compared and analyzed according to exploitation intensity and space-time distribution of thermal water level .

    针对这一状况,从开采量及 热水水位时空分布的角度,对比分析了第四系热储层及基岩热储层中水位的动态波动特征及漏斗展布状况。

  • Tianjin is located at north part of northern China plain where is rich in thermal water in sedimentary basin .

    天津位于华北平原的北部,那里的沉积盆地含有丰富的地下 热水

  • Hot spring means thermal water or cold water or gas or geothermal ( steam ) which conforms to the standards .

    一温泉:符合 温泉基准之 温水、冷水、气体或地热(蒸气)。

  • However the rapid development of hot spring tourism will put forward higher request to continuance utilize and scientific protecting of the thermal water resource in Chongqing .

    然而,重庆市温泉旅游业的快速发展对 地下 热水资源的可持续开发利用和科学的保护提出更高的要求。

  • Forming and developing future of underground thermal water in Shandong

    山东地下 热水 资源的形成与开发前景

  • For much of the year running a hot bath is free too ( bar the installation costs ) because of a separate solar thermal water heating system .

    每年的多数时间,由于另外安装了 太阳能 热水系统,洗热水澡也不费分文(安装费用除外)。

  • The production state of medical mineral thermal water in xi ' an and geothermal field

    西安地热田医疗 的产出状况分析

  • Application of one driving two thermal water resistance actuator in the start-up of compressor 's high-voltage motor


  • And mixed water mainly come from fresh water and sea water and thermal water came from mixed water sealed in early layer and deep hydrothermal fluid migrating along faults and unconformable surfaces caused by later tectonic movement .

    混合水来源主要是大气淡水与海水, 热水的来源主要是早期封存在地层中的混合水以及后期构造运动引起的沿断裂和不整合运移的深部热液流体。

  • According to the result of environment tritium math-physical model and carbon-14 age dating think the renew ability of the thermal water in study area is confined and inhomogeneity .

    根据环境氚的数学物理模型计算和碳-14测年结果,关中盆地 热水可更新性具有有限性和非均一性特点。

  • The principle of land subsidence due to producing thermal water in this area is discussed and the correlative model between the production of geothermal water in the porous aquifers and land subsidence is established with the statistic recursive method .

    在分析地 热水开采引起地面沉降机理的基础上,通过统计回归方法建立了深层孔隙型地热水开采量与地面沉降量的相关模型;

  • THE INFLUENCES OF THERMAL WATER FROM THE NUCLEAR POWER STATION ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF FISH EGGS AND LARVAE OF SPARIDAE IN DAYA BAY There is a round robin meeting of expert fishermen on the radio giving advice on how to catch fish .

    核电站 排水对大亚湾鲷科鱼卵、仔鱼分布的影响广播电台播出捕鱼能手座谈会的节目,就如何捕鱼的问题进行指点。

  • The results coincided well with the linear structure intersections interpreted by remote sensing reflecting the effectiveness of radiometric measurements in underground thermal water exploration .

    其结果与遥感解译的线性构造位置 交汇处相吻合,证明了放射性测量方法的有效性,达到了对测 的初步勘探目标。

  • Application of combined grouting and freezing for plugging water in shaft construction under Karst thermal water conditions

    注浆、冻结联合堵水法在岩溶 热水条件下的立井建井中的应用

  • Ingredients : Extract semen nelumbinis aloe glycerin and kinds of herb essence combing multi-hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and thermal water .

    成份:精心萃取莲子、芦荟、甘油等草本精华,混合透明质酸、 温泉 多种天然保湿成份。

  • In the development of the solar energy industry thermal water heater conversion technology is undoubtedly the most mature .

    在太阳能产业的发展中,中国 太阳能 热水器的 利用转换技术无疑是最为成熟的。

  • Except the net thermal water in Xi'an and Xianyang the thermal water has mixed with cold water through channel faults .

    除咸阳西安“净 热水”外,关中盆地大多数地下热水由于构造导水作用经历了不同程度的混合。

  • As for the radiation heating surface of the furnace take the effective coefficient of the thermal water wall as the fouling characteristic parameter and then establish the overall monitoring model of a slagging heating surface based on the lumped parameter model and furnace exit gas temperature .

    然后,对炉膛辐射受热面,以 水冷有效系数作为受热面的灰污特征参数,基于集总参数模型和炉膛出口烟温,建立了炉膛辐射受热面结渣的整体监测模型。

  • Main compositions : Lactipeppermint Thermal water extract Dissolubility hyaluronic acid Extract of sweet tea Iyophilic sodium PCA .

    主要成份:乳酸薄荷脂、 温泉 精华、溶性透明质酸、甜茶萃取液、亲水性保湿因子。

  • The paper approaches the sustainable utilization countermeasures of underground thermal water resources in Kunming basin beginning with the study of the genesis distinction and distribution of them . All the countermeasures have been put forward based on sustainable theory .

    文章以可持续发展的理论为指导,从研究 地下 热水资源的成因、特征及分布出发,有针对性地探讨了昆明盆地地下 热水资源可持续利用的对策。

  • Prediction on underground thermal water resources in Harbin region

    哈尔滨地区地下 热水资源预测

  • The low thermal water radian heating type with modified polypropylene pipe is systematically analyzed .

    对以改性聚丙烯管为管材的低温 热水辐射采暖方式进行了系统分析。

  • Shallow cold water recharges deep thermal water .

    浅层常温水对深层 热水亦有补给。

  • At the same time we predicted well depth water temperature and water content in the sections where is good prospect for developing underground thermal water resources .

    同时对地下 热水资源开发前景好、浅部水温异常地段预计了井深、水温、水量。

  • Research on Multiport Buoyant Jet of Thermal Water in Co-Flowing ; From the higher point on the table the water moves laterally vertically or obliquely downward .

    同流 环境中多孔 热水紊动浮射流特性数值模拟研究水从水面的高处倾向、垂向或斜向地向下流动。