

[化] 热经济学

  • By incorporating an item of total expenses of environmental protection into the energy cost equation of the existing thermoeconomics one can perform a quantitative analysis in thermoeconomics with ecological effects being taken into account .

    作者在现有 经济学中的能量成本方程中加入总环保费用一项, 从而对于生态效应的考虑能够实现热经济学上的定量分析。

  • The Analyses of Endoreversible Thermoeconomics for Heat Engine with Heat Transfer Law of Q ∝(Δ T ) ~ m

    传热规律为Q∝(ΔT) ~m时热机的内可逆 经济学

  • Mission and Assignments of Thermoeconomics Research


  • Impressive Developments in Thermoeconomics


  • Configuration optimization of marine generating units based on thermoeconomics

    基于 经济学的舰船发电机组配置优化

  • The thermoeconomics related thermodynamics basic research issues are explored enunciating the influence of exergy law on thermoeconomics .

    探究热力学基础研究与 经济学相关的问题,提出熵定律对热经济学影响。

  • Based on the analysis for combined cycle plant and its heat gain a cost calculation model on thermoeconomics is put forward . The Determination of Heat Gain Boundary Condition from Office Equipments and the Influence on the Indoor Flow Field

    本文在分析燃气 - 蒸汽联合循环及其热经济性的 基础上,提出了 天然 联合循环发电成本计算的 经济学模型。办公设备散热量边界条件的确定及对室内流场的影响

  • The exergy analysis method and the thermoeconomics analysis method are used for faults diagnosis of an energy system .

    本文将 建立在热力学 定律 基础上的分析方法与 经济学方法运用于能量系统的故障诊断。

  • Development and Application of Thermoeconomics

    火用 经济学的发展及应用

  • Based on the present heat-power cost analysis theory of thermoeconomics product degree coefficient and supplementary equation creation are combined and new supplementary equation creation principles are put forward .

    在现有热 经济学方法分析 、电成本的基础上,将产品地位系数与补充方程构建相结合,提出了按照联产企业性质构建补充方程的新原则。

  • The building of criteria of cost sharing of thermoeconomics & the application of average unit cost the theory of LIFO and the respectively advantages .

    2 经济学成本分摊的准则的建立, 主要是平均成本的应用,以及后进先出法的理论的研究以及它与前者的各自优缺点。

  • According to up-to-data research of thermoeconomics we study the feasibility that structural theory is applied to thermal units of power plant .

    本文根据 经济学的最新研究成果,对结构理论应用于电厂热力设备在线监测可行性进行了研究。

  • This paper analyzes the energy consumption and investment of the facilities of the freeze-drying process and the corresponding models are made with the principle of the thermoeconomics .

    文章 运用 经济学原理对冷冻干燥过程中的设备投资和能源消耗 建立了对应的 估算模型。

  • Thermoeconomics optimization of the marine diesel engine waste heat power recovery systems

    船舶柴油机废热回收系统 经济 优化

  • These relations are formulated to algebraic equations following the Structural Theory of Thermoeconomics . The costs of each Fuel-Product stream are calculated .

    这种描述的数学模型是结构理论建立的代数方程 ,求解结果可以得到各个部件的燃料/ 产品流的成本。

  • Endoreversible thermoeconomics of heat engines with linear phenomenological heat transfer law

    线性唯象传热规律下热机内可逆 经济学研究

  • The theory of thermoeconomics construction analyzing a given system combining the LIFO .

    4 经济学结构理论的 讨论主要是结合后进先出法来对一给定的系统进行 概括的分析。

  • Analysis on Thermoeconomics of Steam Pipe Design

    蒸汽管道的 经济学设计分析

  • Diagnosis Model of Boiler Thermoeconomics

    锅炉 经济 的诊断模型

  • Thermoeconomics method of economic analysis for the production process of a heat and power cogeneration enterprise

    热电联产企业生产过程经济分析的 经济学方法