thermodynamic system

[ˌθɚmodaɪˈnæmɪk ˈsɪstəm][ˈθə:məudaiˈnæmik ˈsistəm]


  • The work of this paper greatly enriched the categories of the thermodynamic system optimizing theory and the thermal dynamic theory .

    本文的工作丰富了 热力 系统优化理论和热力系统动态学的范畴。

  • Adaptive detection method of sensor failures based on APCA for the thermodynamic system in power plant

    基于APCA的电站 热力 过程故障传感器自适应检测方法

  • The analytic theory of thermodynamic system is effective for the performance monitoring of thermodynamic system and diagnosis of thermo-economics .

    热力 系统分析理论是热力系统性能监测和热经济性诊断的有效工具。

  • A mathematic model for the influence of extraction steam pressure loss on thermal economy of the unit was established based on the matrix thermal balance equation of the thermodynamic system .

    基于 热力 系统结构矩阵,通过严密的数学推导,给出了定流量条件下抽汽压损对机组热经济性影响的计算模型。

  • Based on it a theoretical model has been established for calculating heat release rates in equivalent thermodynamic system main and auxiliary chambers and so results are obtained .

    并在此基础上,建立了计算等效 热力 系统与主、副室燃烧放热率的理论模型,得到了计算结果。

  • With the notion of effective exergy drop based on equivalent enthalpy drop theory mathematic models of exothermic steam perturbation effect on the whole thermodynamic system were founded .

    基于等效焓降理论提出了有效降的概念,建立了当抽汽量扰动时对整个 热力 系统影响的数学模型。

  • The Stability of Solutions and Optimal Control of Sea-Ice Thermodynamic System

    海冰 热力学 系统解的稳定性及其最优化控制

  • Inverse dynamics of thermodynamic system is a new research area .

    热力 系统逆动力学是一个崭新的研究领域。

  • Selection of Gas Turbine Matched with Process Heater and Analysis of Its Thermodynamic System

    匹配工艺炉的燃气轮机选择和 热力 系统分析

  • A structure of irreversible process thermodynamic system with two coupled subsystems is put forward .

    摘要提出了不 可逆 系统的一个特殊形式-耦合双子系统结构。

  • The thermodynamic system heat balance calculation method based on a topological analysis is considered as the most successful computer based method for calculating thermal power plant heat balance .

    本文用拓扑分析方法,对 预制结构做了说明,并对 工艺 参量进行了理论预测,为设计功能复合材料和特殊结构复合材料提供了新的手段。

  • The model using the nodes pressure as state parameters is a common one of the thermodynamic system model which can meet the conditions in most of the simulation requirements .

    采取节里压力做为状况变量非 无的 模型之一,反在长数工况上模型能 脚仿实请供。

  • Thermodynamic system drainage recycling mode has a great influence on heat economy of unit .

    热力 系统疏水回收利用方式对机组的热经济性有很大的影响。

  • Study on General Model of Thermodynamic System Calculation in Thermal Power Plant

    火电厂 热力 系统通用计算模型的研究

  • Experiment of transfer function model of an environment chamber thermodynamic system

    环境试验室 热工 系统传递函数模型试验研究

  • This thesis gives a series of new mathematical models for analyzing the economy of thermodynamic system through appraising of existing common analytical methods .

    本文通功闭于当后常用的火力收电厂 经济性剖析方式入行比拟和评价,树立了一解列旧的数教模型。

  • Rankine Cycle is spread to universal thermodynamic system by using matrix theory . A new universal model is provided to describe thermodynamic system .

    利用矩阵理论,将朗肯循环推广到一般的 热力 系统,提出了热力系统广义数学模型。

  • The thermodynamic system structure matrix plays an important role in the analysis for the performance of thermodynamic system in power plant .

    热力 系统结构矩阵在电厂热力系统性能分析中发挥着重要作用。

  • By using a modular modeling method a dynamic simulation model for a combined cycle unit thermodynamic system was developed .

    采用模块化建模方法开发了燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组 热力 系统动态仿真模型。

  • An auxiliary steam-water system is an important integral part of the thermodynamic system in a thermal power plant .

    辅助汽水系统是火电机组 热力 系统的重要组成部分,分析其对发电煤耗率的影响具有重要的现实意义。

  • According to the features of equivalent enthalpy-drop method applied to thermodynamic system the methods of local quantitative calculation for cycle function method in regenerative system is deduced .

    根据等效焓降法在 热力 系统计算时的特点,推导了循环函数法在回热系统中的局部定量计算方法,导出了回热系统局部定量计算的几个重要结论。

  • The principal thermodynamic system diagram of thermoeleric generating set is designed .

    设计了该联合生产方式的原则性 热力 系统图。

  • In this process the value of the heat balance method of thermodynamic system is regarded as norm because of high precision in calculation .

    在比较过程中,以计算精度较高的 系统热平衡法的计算值为基准。

  • Research on New Technique of Simulated Evolution for Thermodynamic System

    热力 系统模拟进化新技术研究

  • For this reason the series optimization of such type units is conducted and the thermodynamic system is simplified thus improving the thermal economics of the units .

    为此,对该型机组进行了系列优化,简化了 热力 系统,改善了机组的热经济性。

  • Analysis Method for Thermodynamic System of Heat supplying Unit Based on Mass Unit

    基于质量单元的供热机组 热力 系统分析方法

  • In this paper the thermodynamic system traditional structure matrix of power plant is improved the structure matrix which considers thermal efficiency of the heater is inferred this structure matrix has been integrated and the rules to fill this matrix are also detailedly represented .

    本文对电厂 热力 系统传统结构矩阵进行了改进,推导出了考虑加热器热效率的结构矩阵,并对该矩阵结构进行了整合,填写规则也被详细阐述。

  • The economic analysis of the thermodynamic system is one of important studies in this thesis .

    火电 热力 系统的经济性分析是论文研究的重点之一。

  • Research on the Safety and Economy of the Thermodynamic System of 600 MW Unit Based on RBF Neural Networks

    基于RBF网络的600MW机组 热力 系统安全经济性研究

  • This model has superiority in aspects of generality calculation speed and calculation precision for thermodynamic system calculation .

    该模型能够针对不同复杂的 热力 系统进行迅速准确的计算,具有很好的通用性。