


  • The conclusion validity interpretation and performance of the contract of a joint venture and settlement of disputes in connection therewith shall be governed by the laws of the people 's Republic of china .


  • Love is not altogether a delirium yet it has many points in common therewith .

    爱情并不完全让人神志不清,但它却有很多相同 之处

  • The nominated Sub-Contractor shall engage a licensed surveyor to conduct a geometrical survey of the as-built viaduct piers and to allow all necessary costs in connection therewith .

    指定分包商应雇佣持有执照的测量师对竣工高架 桥墩进行几何测量,并考虑 相关的所有必要费用。

  • Yet a stroke therewith may break a man 's back .

    可用 断人的 脊梁

  • To develop land and to lay out streets and open spaces for the purpose of providing housing or in connection therewith ;

    为提供房屋或 致有关目的而发展产业及设计街道与 空地

  • The rights conferred upon the holders of the shares of any class issued with preferred or other rights shall not be deemed to be varied by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu therewith .

    授予已发行优先权或其它权利的任何级别股票 持有人的权利,不得因股票进一步按比例发行或生成而受影响。

  • Relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces associated therewith .

    关于身体物质运动的, 随其而产生的力量的。

  • There is also disclosed a method for making such an edge protector and an edge protector fitted therewith .

    本发明还公开了保护 物品边缘的装置的制造方法。

  • When real estate is transferred the rights and obligations stated in the contract for granting the land-use right shall be transferred therewith .

    房地产转让时,土地使用权出让合同载明的权利、义务 随之转移。

  • In the adjustment of general average the following lettered and numbered Rules shall apply to the exclusion of any law and Practice inconsistent therewith .

    共同海损理算,适用下列字母规则和数字规则,凡与这些规则相 抵触的法律和惯例都不适用。

  • The mounting of the network also becomes a kind of industry therewith a kind of inseparable process .

    网络的架设也 随其成为一种产业,一种密不可分的过程。

  • An express warranty does not exclude an implied warranty unless it be inconsistent therewith .

    除非明示保证 默示保证相抵触,明示保证不排除默示保证。

  • The film stretching machine consists of a film-stretching roller installed on the film-stretching frame and an air cylinder in connection therewith .

    所述的拉膜器系由设置在拉膜架上的拉膜 辊筒和与之相连的气缸构成;

  • Thereupon the entire class applauded ; with that she left the room ; I therewith withdraw my complaints .

    整个班随即鼓起了掌;她随即离开了那个房间;我 随即收回了我的抱怨。

  • This should produce a greater sense of cultural teaching and therewith learning in intercultural conflicts .

    这将能够营造一种更好的文化教学感,并 随之 能够在跨 国界的文化冲突中学习。

  • Not that I speak in respect of lack : for I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content .

    我并不是因缺乏说这话;我无论在什麽 景况都可以知足,这是我已经学会了。

  • When the fixed plate cylinder turns the flexible plate-hanging belt and the flexible printing plate synchronously moves therewith ;

    当固定印版滚筒转动时柔性挂版带、柔性印版 随其作同步运动;

  • Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith not included in other classes ;

    类的贵重金属及其合金,以及不属别类的贵重金属制品或镀有 贵重金属的物品;

  • Graft copolymerization of epoxy resin and acrylate monomers and the properties of automobile cathodic electrophoresis coating prepared therewith

    环氧树脂与丙烯酸酯单体的接枝 共聚及其汽车阴极电泳涂料的性能

  • Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith .

    少有财宝,敬畏耶和华,强 多有财宝, 烦乱

  • Guarantor shall be liable for the full amount Buyer is required to repay plus costs interest attorneys fees and any and all expenses which Buyer paid or incurred in connection therewith .

    则担保人应负责支付买方必须偿付的全部金额及各种费用、利息、律师费,以及买方已支付的或已发生的一切相关 开支

  • Delilah therefore took new ropes and bound him therewith and said unto him The Philistines be upon thee Samson .


  • In the transfer or mortgage of real estate the ownership of the house and the land-use right to the house site shall be transferred or mortgaged therewith .

    房地产转让、抵押时,房屋的所有权和该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权同时转让、 抵押

  • Claims are limited to one claim per shipment settlement of which will be full and final settlement for all loss or damage in connection therewith .

    索赔 是每件货件只可提出一个完全及最终的 包括所有相关的损失或损坏。

  • The following clauses shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this insurance inconsistent therewith .

    下列各条是首要条款,本保险中任何与下列 各条不一致的规定, 均属无效。

  • These Provisions shall also apply when the essential part of the mark constitutes a reproduction of any such well-known mark or an imitation liable to create confusion therewith .

    这些规定,在商标的主要部分构成对上述驰名商标的复制或 仿制,易于产生混淆时,也应运用。

  • State organs institutional organizations and societies as well as labourers who form a labour contract relationship therewith shall follow this Law .

    国家机关、业组织、会团体和与 建立劳动合同关系的 劳动者,依照本法 执行

  • Avenge me ! Said the ghost and therewith disappeared .

    鬼说“替我报仇!” 随后消逝了。

  • The lady gave him a rose and a smile therewith .

    这位女士给他一 玫瑰, 外加一个微笑。