thus far

[ðʌs fɑr][ðʌs fɑ:]


  • Thus far the two prime ministers have achieved no concrete results .

    目前 为止,两位首相还没有取得实质性成果。

  • This is the story as it has been pieced together thus far .

    这是因为它的故事已经拼凑而成, 迄今

  • Duque has exhibited a highly sophisticated strategy thus far .

    目前 为止duque展示了一个高度纯熟的策略。

  • That this expedition has thus far exceeded my most sanguine expectations .

    这次远征的收获已经 远远超出了我的期望。

  • It 's been a very successful career thus far he says .

    他说, 目前他拥有一个成功的职业经历。

  • Thus far we see nothing larger than a football he said .

    现在 为止,我们看到的碎片,都还没有足球大”他说。

  • This is a fundamental change from the multi-master replication model that we 've been discussing thus far .

    这是与我们 目前 为止一直讨论的多主机复制模型最根本的不同。

  • Thus far you may go and no farther .

    你只能 到此 为止,不能再过头。

  • However thus far this has not been demonstrated experimentally .

    然而, 迄今 为止这并没有得到实验证实。

  • Consider the recipe DSL I have created thus far .

    考虑 迄今 为止我所创建的配方DSL。

  • Thus far the project has exceeded expectations .

    目前 为止,项目超出了预期效果。

  • The lack of trust in government has framed and weakened the Obama presidency thus far .

    迄今 为止,美国人缺乏对政府的信任,已经框定并削弱了奥巴马的总统任期。

  • It is about one third done thus far .

    现在大约完成了三分之一的 剧情

  • Thus far this has not created serious problems .

    目前 为止,这尚未造成严重的问题。

  • It dared to change and thus far it has won .

    它敢于改变,而且 目前 为止,它已经成功了。

  • All told there are9 immune responses to plastic to be developed that have been mapped thus far .

    目前 为止,根据已经绘制出来的地图,对塑料的免疫反应总共而言有9种。

  • Our success has been limited thus far .

    就此 而言,我们的成功是有限的。

  • The capital outflows have thus far been modest but bankers said that their clients remained nervous .

    迄今 为止,资金流出规模不大,但银行家表示,他们的客户仍感到紧张。

  • Thus far you 've only modified existing Actions within the application .

    目前 为止,您仅在应用程序中修改了现有的操作。

  • Thus far we have solved the torsion problem in terms of the twist θ .


  • And those are four of the data types we 've discussed thus far .

    这是我们 现在 为止学习了的四个数据类型。

  • I have been fortunate thus far in being able to reach out to them through programs like C.H.A.N.G.E.

    目前 为止,我很幸运能通过像 C.H.A.N.GE这样的课程接触到更多的人。

  • Thus far the spread of the virus has been rapid but not particularly vicious .


  • But thus far they have not offered any convincing explanation .

    迄今 为止,他们尚未提出任何令人信服的理由。

  • We haven 't had any problems thus far .

    我们 至今没有任何问题。

  • Thus far we have focused on drug-induced changes that relate to dopamine in the brain 's reward system .

    目前 为止,我们都只谈到药物在脑部报偿系统所引起、多巴胺有关的变化。

  • In every example thus far we 've had a semicolon saying that 's our initialization .

    在每个例子中 我们有一个分号来指明,那是我们的初始化。

  • Thus far intelligence reports that US policies have created more new terrorists than they have destroyed .

    迄今 为止,有情报显示,因美国政策而涌现的新恐怖主义分子,要多于其消灭的恐怖主义分子。

  • We have thus far wisely avoided the temptation to resort to national answers .
