theory of function

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˈfʌŋkʃən][ˈθiəri ɔv ˈfʌŋkʃən]

[计] 函数论

  • The result generalizes the corresponding theory of analytic function .

    该结果推广了解析 函数的相应 理论

  • The theory of iterated function system ( IFS ) is elaborated and the stochastic iterated algorithm to construct IFS attractor is given .

    阐述了迭代 函数系(iteratedfunctionsystem,IFS) 理论,给出了构造IFS吸引子的随机迭代算法。

  • The theory of automorphic function is the result of the intersection of geometry algebra complex analysis and differential equation which manifest the unity of mathematics .

    这一 理论是几何学、 代数学、复分析、微分方程解析理论交叉的产物,体现了数学的统一性。

  • The theory of symmetrical function is used to suppress additive stationary random noise ; assumption is that the signal and the noise are mutually uncorrelated .

    文中利用对称相关 函数 理论分析了抵消平稳随机过程中与信号不相关的加性随机噪声的机理,并应用于线谱信号检测。

  • The theory of analytic function is applied to analyze acoustic vector signals and a new concept of analytic acoustic energy flux ( AAEF ) is brought forward in this paper . The AAEF expression for a single hydrophone output is derived .

    文章中把解析 函数 理论用于声矢量信号分析,提出了一个新概念“解析声能流”,给出了单矢量传感器输出的解析声能流表达式。

  • To overcome it based on the theory of smooth function a new smooth ATC model is presented in this dissertation .

    为了克服这一困难,论文基于光滑化 函数 理论,建立了光滑化的ATC新模型。

  • A Preliminary Study of the Theory of FunctiOn Correlation

    函数相关 初探

  • Instability of Simply Supported Ribbed Slab on the Theory of Complex Variable Function Given a reduced result that is treated with theory of function of a complex variable .

    根据复变函数 理论,采用围道 积分 方法,给出φ1在复平面内进行简化处理的结果其 形式简单,便于计算。

  • Clifford Algebra Theory of Its Function and Their Application to Mechanics

    Clifford代数及其 函数 理论在力学上应用

  • The teacher 's language expression in teaching is discussed here based on the theory of language function and its appropriate application in teaching . The result is that the teacher 's expression can produce very important affection on the students and their learning effect .

    就语言的 功能及教师在 教学中的合理运用,论述了教师语言的表达在教学中对学生学习所产生的作用及其对教学效果的重要影响。

  • In this paper . applying the theory of Mathieu function the vertical free vibration . parameter vibration and stability of liquid contained in a rigid elliptic liquid-storage-tank are studied .

    本文应用Mathieu 函数 理论研究了刚性椭圆形储液罐内液体的垂向自由振动、参变振动和稳定性。

  • About decision theory of function ′ s uniformly continuous

    关于可导 函数一致连续性的判定 定理

  • To Establish the Model of Plural Cost Calculating by the Theory of Function Estimation

    运用 功能评价 理论,确立多元成本计算模式

  • Guided by the theory of textual function this paper analyses the textual construct of contracts in the international business and economics ;

    本文以语篇 功能 理论为导向,分析了外经贸合同的语篇构建,论证了 功能语言学在实际生活中的可行性和实用性;

  • New Development in Theory of Consumption Function

    消费 函数 理论的新发展

  • In order to detect the strong influence points in attribute sequence this paper introduces the perturbation theory of autocorrelation function in the mean time having several minute perturbations .

    为了探测时间序列中的强影响点,介绍了同时对几个点作微小扰动时自相关 函数(AF)的扰动 理论

  • Two Equations and Their Application in Theory of Algebroidal Function

    二个等式在 代数函数中的若干应用

  • The theory of automorphic function is an intersection of many subjects which manifests the unity of mathematics .

    自守 函数 理论是多个数学分支交叉的产物,体现了数学的统一性。

  • The limit theory of function is one of the most important theories in mathematics . It 's also a part of contents which is most difficult to understand .

    函数极限 理论是数学中最重要的理论之一,也是最难理解的一部分内容。

  • In this paper based on the theory of Iterated Function System ( IFS ) we deeply discuss the fractal reversed problem from two aspects .

    本论文基于IFS迭代 函数系统 理论,从两个方面对分形反问题进行了深入的探讨和研究。

  • In this paper the orthotropic bimaterial interlaminar fracture problem is studied by using theory of complex function .

    采用复变 函数 方法研究了正交异性双材料层间断裂问题。

  • In this paper the structural properties of regular output feedback compensator were discussed by means of the algebraic theory of rational function matrix . At the same time the sufficient and necessary conditions which a rational function matrix become regular output feedback compensator were given .

    本文用有理 分式阵的代数 理论讨论了正则输出反馈补偿器的结构性质.并给出了一个有理分式阵能成为正则输出反馈补偿器的充要条件。

  • Recent Researchs of the Mean Convergence Theory of the Function 's Interpolations

    函数插值平均收敛性 理论的近期研究

  • Using the experimental mathematics method combining the theory of analytic function of one complex variable with computer aided drawing this paper researches on the structure topological inflexibility and the discontinuity evolution law of generalized Mandelbrot-Julia set .

    采用复变 函数 理论和计算机制图相结合的实验数学方法,作者研究了的广义M-J集内部的结构拓扑不变性和裂变演化规律。

  • Equidistance point and difference theory in theory of function approximation are studied . Meanwhile the relation among difference difference quotient and derivate is revealed .

    函数逼近 中等距节点和差分理论进行了研究,揭示了差分、差商与导数之间的联系;

  • And I hope it will be helpful to the deeper understanding of the limit theory of function and be helpful to the higher mathematics .

    通过 规律 分析将有助于对极限 理论的深入理解,以期对高等数学的学习有一定的帮助。

  • Building design model and a theory of function decomposing are the key for mechanism conceptual design .

    设计模型的建立和 功能分解 理论是机构概念设计的关键。

  • Firstly in order to establish a base for the following study the article introduces some essential theories such as the theory of tax criterion the optimal income tax theory the theory of tax function etc.

    文章首先对建立个人所得税的基本理论,如税收原则理论,最适课税理论和税收 功能 理论进行了概述,为下文的分析研究提供 理论基础。

  • The mathematical theory of penalty function methods of optimal processes

    最优过程罚 函数方法的数学 理论

  • By the theory of principal function regionalization the development of Guangxi coastal areas is analyzed .

    运用区域主体 功能区划 理论,对广西沿海地区的发展进行了分析。