



  • But people exposed to high levels of radioactive iodine can get thyroid cancer .

    但暴露于高水平的放射性碘环境中会患上 甲状腺癌。

  • Objective : To investigate CT manifestations and diagnostic value of thyroid adenoma and thyroid carcinoma .

    目的:探讨 甲状腺瘤及甲状腺癌的CT表现特点和诊断价值。

  • The thyroid gland one of these glands affects the whole body and every cell function .


  • Glucosinolates can interfere with uptake of iodine by the thyroid for example .

    例如,硫代葡萄糖苷能干涉 甲状腺对碘的吸收。

  • Papillary thyroid carcinoma with prominent hobnail features : a new aggressive variant of moderately differentiated papillary carcinoma .

    鞋钉样特征显著的 甲状腺乳头状癌:中分化乳头状癌一种新的侵袭性亚型。

  • Specializes in thyroid breast stomach colo-rectal disease diagnosis and treatment .

    擅长 甲状腺、乳腺、腹部、肛肠疾病的诊断和治疗。

  • Design : The study was a prospective nonrandomized analysis of a consecutive series of thyroid surgical patients .

    设计:该研究是一项对一系列连续性的 甲状腺外科患者进行的前瞻性的、非随机性的分析研究。

  • This study investigates the correlation between computer-assisted nuclear morphometry and known prognostic factors in thyroid follicular carcinoma .

    摘要本研究主要探讨在 甲状腺滤泡细胞癌中肿瘤细胞之计算机辅助形态测定研究与预后因子之关联性。

  • Most cancers of the thyroid gland can be treated if found early .

    如果发现得早,大多数 甲状腺癌症是可以治疗的。

  • It is also common in people with thyroid disorders .

    这也是常见的,与 甲状腺疾病的人。

  • However other factors could be associated with both thyroid function and longevity removing credit from the thyroid .

    然而,除了甲状腺外,其他因素可能与 甲状腺功能和长寿都具有关联性。

  • Amiodarone influences thyroid hormone secretion and metabolism in all patients taking the drug .

    胺碘酮影响所用服用这种药物的患者的 甲状腺激素的分泌和代谢。

  • These are thyroid cancer bone cancer and leukemia .


  • The results of the thyroid scanning and protein-bound-iodine show that you have hyperthyroidism .

    根据 甲状腺扫描和蛋白结合碘检查结果说明你得了甲状腺机能亢进病。

  • Both ultrasonic preoperative thyroid lobe volumes and the operative incision lengths were analyzed in all patients .

    对所有病人的术前超声测定的 甲状腺叶体积及手术切口长度进行了分析。

  • Objective : To retrospectively evaluate the necessity to dissect the recurrent laryngeal nerve in operation of thyroid gland .

    目的:通过回顾性分析,评价 甲状腺手术中解剖喉返神经的必要性。

  • Abstract : objective to study the clinical characteristics surgical treatment and prognosis of thyroid papillary carcinoma in children .

    文摘:目的探讨儿童 甲状腺乳头状癌的临床特点、外科治疗和预后。

  • Relatively small doses of radiation during infancy and childhood increase the risk of developing benign and malignant thyroid neoplasms .

    婴儿和儿童期相对小剂量照射增加良性和恶性 甲状腺瘤危险。

  • Objective : To investigate the effects and mechanism of iodine on the development of autoimmune thyroid disease .

    目的:探讨碘在自身免疫性 甲状腺疾病发病中的作用及机制。

  • Conclusion Ultrasound of thyroid nodules in benign and malignant diagnosis is important .

    结论超声对 甲状腺结节的良、恶性鉴别诊断有重要意义。

  • Alopecia may also occur in syphilis thyroid disease and iron deficiency .

    梅毒、 甲状腺疾病和铁缺乏症也可引起脱发。

  • Objective : To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of bilateral thyroid carcinoma .

    目的:探讨双侧 甲状腺癌的诊断与外科治疗经验。

  • The majority of patients given diagnoses of thyroid cancer have their thyroid gland removed .

    多数被诊断患有 甲状腺癌的患者,被切除了 甲状腺

  • The hypoxia and hypercapnia ameliorated after thyroid hormone therapy .


  • Methods The diagnosing method and operative technique of65 patients with thyroid carcinoma were made summary analysis .

    方法对65例 甲状腺癌的诊断及手术方式进行总结分析。

  • CT plays an important role in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of thyroid adenoma and thyroid carcinoma .

    CT在 甲状腺瘤与甲状腺癌的诊断及鉴别诊断中具有重要价值。

  • Selenium is also essential for normal functioning of the immune system and thyroid gland .

    硒元素同样也是免疫系统和 甲状腺功能所必需的。

  • Objective To discuss the diagnosis and classification of benign and malignant tumor of thyroid .

    目的探讨 甲状腺肿瘤的诊断方法和良恶性肿瘤的分类。

  • Objective Analysis of ultrasound of thyroid benign and malignant nodules in the differential diagnosis .

    目的分析研究超声对 甲状腺良、恶性结节的鉴别诊断价值。