thermal decomposition

[ˈθɚməl ˌdikɑmpəˈzɪʃən][ˈθə:məl ˌdi:kɔmpəˈzɪʃən]


  • The thermal decomposition kinetics experiment of sodium percarbonate was statistically designed in theory and the optimum experimental position was determined .

    从理论上对过碳酸钠 分解动力学实验进行了统计设计,确定了最佳实验点的位置,并通过实验进行了验证。

  • Study on thermal decomposition kinetics of HCFC-22

    HCFC-22 分解动力学的研究

  • This model gave a good explanation of the relation between thermal decomposition products and functional groups of coal and the whole process of coal pyrolysis was described thoroughly by this model .

    模型很好地解释了 热解 生成物与煤中官能团的相应关系,完整地描述了煤的热解生成物生成的全过程。

  • Studies on thermal decomposition of food grade polycarbonate

    食品级聚碳酸酯的热释放成分和 分解机理研究

  • The energy reuse and thermal decomposition of scrap tire are summarized .

    对废旧轮胎的热能利用和 分解技术进行了综述。

  • Catalytic Action of ZnO on the Thermal Decomposition of Urea

    氧化锌对尿素 分解过程的催化作用

  • Effect of Particle Size on the Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Nanoparticles

    粒径对纳米粒子 分解动力学的影响

  • The mechanism of thermal decomposition for calcium benzoate was studied by using TG DTA and IR .

    用流变相法合成了苯甲酸钙,通过元素分析, 红外光谱确定了它的组成和 晶体结构。

  • Thermal Decomposition of the Mixtures of RDX 、 HMX and Organic Flame Retardants

    黑索今、奥克托今和有机阻燃剂混合物的 分解研究

  • The thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate produces calcium oxide and carbon dioxide .

    碳酸钙 加热 分解,生成氧化钙和二氧化碳。

  • Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of Magnesite in Nitrogen

    菱镁矿在氮气气氛中的 分解动力学

  • Critics however suggested that the magnetite was formed by a chemical process called thermal decomposition .

    但批评人士认为,这枚陨星是在 分解的化学过程中形成的。

  • And the effects of granularity and content of nano-particles on the thermal decomposition of AP were also investigated .

    考察了纳米颗粒的粒度和含量对AP 分解 催化性能的影响。

  • The one dealing with proton transfer shows a new feature of the titled compound 's thermal decomposition .

    而涉及 质子转移的 反应途径则是一个新的发现;

  • In this paper the thermal decomposition characteristic of ammonium nitrate in industrial explosive was retrospective researched .

    本文对工业炸药中硝酸铵 分解特征的相关研究进行了回顾。

  • For example compounds containing phosphorus are converted to acidic materials which catalyze the thermal decomposition of the polymer .

    例如,含有磷的化合物可以转变成酸性物质,它会催化聚合物的 分解

  • Study on the Catalytic Effect of Transition Metal Oxides on the Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate

    过渡金属氧化物对高氯酸铵催化 分解反应的研究

  • Thermal Analysis and Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Polyester

    聚酯的热分析与 分解动力学的研究

  • The thermal decomposition kinetics of Cardanol-formaldehyde polymers has been studied by non-isothermal thermogravimetry .

    用非等温热重法研究了腰果酚甲醛铁聚合物的 分解反应动力学。

  • This article deals with the kinetics of thermal decomposition process of non-coking coal with modified coal tar pitch used in a steel company .

    本文对国内某钢铁公司焦化厂所用的非焦煤配改质沥青的 分解过程进行了动力学研究。

  • This type of thermal decomposition is called pyrolysis .

    这种类型的 分解 反应称做热解。

  • First-principles study of thermal decomposition of liquid nitromethane and its compressive effect

    液态硝基甲烷 分解行为及压力效应的第一性原理研究

  • Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Siderite in Nitrogen

    菱铁矿在氮气中的 分解动力学研究

  • The thermal decomposition behaviors of single-base propellants stored with different humidity were studied by using microcalorimetry with sealed and open glass test-tube .

    在单基发射药装入玻璃试管密封和非密封的条件下,用微量热法研究了不同湿度单基发射药的 分解行为。

  • Most textile flame retardants change or interrupt the normal thermal decomposition process of the polymer .

    多数的纺织用阻燃剂改变或干涉聚合物(织物)正常的 分解过程。

  • Thermal Decomposition reaction kinetics of cerium carbonate was investigated with Netzsch STA449C thermal analyzer .

    利用德国 耐驰STA449C型综合热分析仪对碳酸铈 分解过程动力学进行了研究。

  • The effect of organ-metallic compound OME on the combustion and thermal decomposition of ammonium dinitramide ( ADN ) was investigated by burning rate measurement DSC and TG .

    通过燃速测定、差示扫描量热技术(DSC)和热失重技术(TG)研究了有机金属化合物(OME)对二硝酰胺铵(ADN)单元推进剂的 分解和燃烧性能的影响。

  • This paper lists the course and technology progress of various processes to get hydrogen and sulfur by H2S decomposition such as thermal decomposition catalytic thermal decomposition electrochemical method microwave method and photochemical catalysis method etc.

    本文阐述了 高温 分解 、催化热分解法、电化学法和光催化法以及微波法等分解硫化氢制氢气和硫的工艺过程和技术进展情况。

  • Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Nanowires Using Thermal Decomposition of Organic Solvent and Research of Their Several Properties

    有机溶剂 分解 碳化硅纳米电缆合成与性能研究

  • Influence of Several Metal-Oxide Catalyzers on Thermal Decomposition Performance of Double-base Propellant

    几种金属氧化物催化剂对双基药 分解性能的影响