


  • Liz : No that 's when I see my therapist .

    丽莎:不行,这个时间我约了我的 治疗师

  • If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist you must discuss it

    如果面对咨询顾问或 治疗师时你觉得不自在,一定要提出来。

  • This led the therapist to question Jim about his parents and their marriage

    这让 治疗 专家问起了吉姆有关他父母及他们婚姻的情况。

  • I still think of you as my therapist .

    我仍然觉得你是我的 心理咨询师

  • My therapist helped me feel my anger .

    我的 治疗 专家帮助我感受自己的怒气。

  • I 'm not asking you to be her therapist .

    我不是让你做她的 心理治疗师

  • I work now every day to deal with this condition and have a wonderful doctor and therapist .

    我现在每天都努力对付自己的疾病,并有了很好的医生和 治疗师

  • As I understand from your therapist that you are living there again .

    我从你的 医生 那里了解到,你又回 华盛顿住了。

  • Ally goes to see her therapist the next day .

    翌日,爱莉去见她的 治疗师

  • You have a very smart therapist .

    你有个非常优秀的 心理 医生

  • I found this fantastic therapist .

    我找到一个很棒的 心理 医生

  • We saw the therapist four times and the children have now settled down .

    我们去看了四次 治疗 专家,现在孩子们已经稳定下来了。

  • Psychotherapy consists of three common factors : therapist client and therapy process .

    心理治疗有三个共同因素即: 治疗 、来访者和治疗过程。

  • From the observation booth we watched Ted and his therapist through the one-way glass .

    我们在观察室透过单向玻璃注视着特德和他的 治疗师

  • The counsellor referred her to another therapist .

    咨询指导让她去 另一位 治疗 专家

  • ' Go on ' the therapist prompted him

    “接着说,” 医生鼓励他道。

  • You broke into stacy 's therapist 's office .

    你闯进了史黛西 心理 心理 医生的办公室。

  • We 'd have to work with a therapist for three years .

    我们和一个 治疗师工作了很长时间。

  • I really shouldn 't be your therapist anymore .

    我真的不该再当你的 心理 医生了。

  • Sometimes I feel like my guitar is my therapist .

    有时候我觉得我的吉他就是我的 治疗师

  • To start work with a therapist .

    来开始和 治疗师一起工作。

  • In the hospital we have specific physical therapist and occupational therapist .

    在医院,我们这有专门的 理疗师和职业治疗师。

  • An anger management program or a therapist can help you learn to defuse your rage .

    一个愤怒管理项目或是一个 理疗师可以帮助你化解你的怒气。

  • You 'll have to have a few sessions with the physical therapist .

    你必须有几个会议与物理 治疗师

  • The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist .

    这门基础课程并不能让你获得 治疗师的从业资格。

  • It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist

    治疗师 面前放松下来是很重要的。

  • It is your prerogative to stop seeing that particular therapist and find another one .

    你有权决定不再去看那个 治疗师而另找一个。

  • You want to know why I went to a therapist ?

    你想知道我为什么去 医生