thermal process

[ˈθɚməl ˈprɑsˌɛs][ˈθə:məl ˈprəuses]


  • Simulates the dynamic thermal process of the low temperature floor radiant heating system and the convector heating system under different solar irradiances .

    模拟了低温地板辐射供暖与对流散热器供暖系统在不同太阳辐射照度下的动态 过程

  • It summarizes the research results that intelligent control applied to thermal process automation of power plant in recent year .

    指出了当前研究的不足,并探讨了今后国内 热工自动化控制研究及应用的几个方向。

  • Modeling Research on Thermal Process Based on Operation Data

    基于现场数据的 热工 过程动态模型研究

  • 3D-Simulation of Thermal Process on the Tin of the Cooling Device Using in the Electrical Motor

    电机用冷却器翅片侧空气 热力 过程的三维数值模拟计算及分析

  • Simulation and analysis of the thermal process in a house with an elevated Chinese kang heating system

    架空炕采暖作用下建筑 过程的模拟与分析

  • The magnitude of the thermal process is also related to the heating and cooling characteristics of the product in the container .


  • PID controller design method based on probabilistic robustness was presented for thermal process with varied parameters .

    针对具有实参数不确定性的 热工 过程,基于概率鲁棒方法,提出一种PID控制器设计方法。

  • Simulation and Analysis of Thermal Process in Reheating Furnace Using Oxygen-Enriched Combustion

    采用富氧燃烧技术的加热炉 内热 过程模拟与分析

  • Fuzzy Identification of Thermal Process Based on Decomposing Cluster of the Worst Subspace

    基于最差子空间分解聚类的 热工 过程模糊辨识

  • An On-line Modelling Method Based on RLS Algorithm Applied to Thermal Process

    一种基于RLS算法的 热工 过程在线建模方法

  • The Control Based on Distributed Fuzzy Inferential Structure in Power Plant Thermal Process

    基于分散模糊推理结构的电站 热工 过程控制

  • The magnitude of the thermal process is a function of product pH or acidity .

    产品的pH值或酸度是 处理强度的函数。

  • Carbonisation is the thermal process for the conversion of coal into coke involving heating coal at high temperature for many hours in the absence of air whilst contained in ovens .

    焦化作用是将煤转化为焦炭的 处理 过程,涉及到将煤在焦炭炉中隔绝空气高温加热数小时。

  • The general purpose of pasteurization and of blanching is to deliver a mild thermal process to a food commodity and inactivate specific product components causing product quality deterioration .

    巴氏杀菌和热烫的目的是提供食品适中的 处理、灭活特殊食品成分、防止食品变质。

  • These methods have been used in the actual airplane cabin thermal process and heat load tests successfully .

    这些方法已成功地应用于飞机座舱 载荷和热特性试验

  • One of the most recognized disadvantages is the reduction in nutrient content of the product due to the thermal process .

    最大的缺点之一就是 处理会使产品的营养成分减少。

  • Chaos Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm in Thermal Process Control System

    混沌粒子群优化算法在 热工控制 过程中的应用

  • A Study on the Thermal Process Simulations of Multiple Land Surface Models in Xinjiang

    三个陆面模式对新疆地区 过程模拟的对比研究

  • By analyzing the abnormal operations of the thermal process protections for the4 generating units in Mawan General Power Plant measures for improvement were put forth and implemented .

    通过分析妈湾发电总厂4台机组主保护和主要辅机的 热工保护出现异动的具体情况,提出了完善的措施和方法。

  • A new method for preparation of potassium dihydrogen phosphate ( KDP ) from phosphoric acids by thermal process and potassium chloride by organic solvent extraction method was studied .

    研究了以 磷酸和氯化钾为原料,利用有机溶剂萃取法制备磷酸二氢钾的新方法。

  • The challenge associated with establishing the necessary thermal process is maintaining a high-temperature environment around the container for a duration of time needed to meet the minimum process at the slowest heating location in the container .

    与达到要求的 处理条件有关的挑战是维持高温环境达到一定的所需时间,使容器内传热比最差的点满足最低的加热处理条件。

  • As is evident blanching is a thermal process most often associated with the solid food commodities such as fruits and vegetables .

    如上所述, 烫是经常被用在固体食品(例如水果和蔬菜)上的一个 处理 过程

  • The GMAW welding thermal process for low alloy steel JG590 was analyzed based on the established heat source model .

    将熔化极气体保护焊(GMAW)的热输入处理为三维移动串热源,建立了串热源模型,模拟了JG590低合金钢的GMAW焊接 过程

  • For products with pH below 3.7 the magnitude of the thermal process is based on the thermal resistance of microbial spores associated with economic spoilage .

    对于pH值在3.7以下的产品, 处理强度是主要依据与腐败细菌有关的微生物芽孢的抗性。

  • Application Research Analysis on Nonlinear Predictive Control in Power Plant Thermal Process

    非线性预测控制在电厂 热工 过程中的应用研究

  • Any material which are cut by thermal process must be dressed back to clean metal .

    任何材料经过 切割后,必须 进行表面清理直到露出材料底色为止。

  • According to the thermal process in reclaimed copper reverberatory furnace the physical and mathematical simulation models were built .

    根据再生铜反射炉炉内 热工 过程的工作原理,建立了再生铜反射炉的物理、数学仿真模型。

  • The majority of the commercial sterilization processes are conducted by placing containers of the food product in a high temperature environment for a sufficient period of time to achieve the desired temperature established by the thermal process .

    商业灭菌主要是将装有食物的容器在高温条件下放置足够的时间,以达到 处理要求的温度关系。