


  • The conventional approach in Pulsed Power designs is to use a gas switch such as a thyratron ignitron or spark gap . However these devices have limited lifetime high cost low repetition rate and high losses .

    常用的传统开关有 闸流 、引燃管和火花间隙开关等,这些开关受限于它们的使用寿命、高成本、低重复频率和高损耗等。

  • Nowadays the switches which are being studied or applied such as gas spark gap thyratron and ignitron etc are of different structures operating principles advantages and disadvantages and are applied in various situations and fields .

    目前处于试验中或者投入实际应用的开关元件很多,如火花放电间隙、 闸流 、引燃管等,它们有不同的结构、原理和优缺点,应用在不同的场合和领域。

  • A constant current source & thyratron constant current used for THF method of pressure resistance in laboratory

    一种 安装在仪器室内的压阻法恒流源 线路 & 闸流 恒流源 线路

  • Double-grid hydrogen thyratron high-voltage fast pulse generator study

    双栅极氢 闸流 高压快脉冲源研究

  • A power supply of copper halide laser preventing thyratron from conducting continuously

    一种可防止 闸流 连通的卤化铜激光开关电源

  • A controlling system by using NCS-51 single chip microcomputer for are welding power source made from crystal thyratron is introduced .

    介绍了一种由 NCS-51系列单片机组成的晶闸 弧焊电源控制系统。

  • The Study of A Double Thyratron Pulse Modulator Used in CVL

    铜蒸汽激光器双 闸流 触发系统的研究

  • Experimental phenomena of the quenching of hydrogen thyratron discharges

    闸流 放电猝熄实验现象

  • Single-chip microcomputer control system for thyratron reversed power source

    晶体 闸流 逆变 弧焊电源单片机的控制系统

  • Works in this paper adopts hydrogen thyratron as the switch of mainly discharging circuit . Comparing with semiconductor switch it can be with higher tolerance voltage and bear large rate of change of electric current of voltage and work reliable .

    本文所设计的电 快速 脉冲 发生器是通过采用充氢 闸流 作为 回路放电开关,与其它半导体开关器件相比它能够耐受更高的电压,可以承受大的电压电流变化率,工作可靠。

  • By introducing the MPC into the circuit which compresses the pulse current efficiently the lifetime of the thyratron will be prolonged .

    实验表明,磁脉冲 开关有效地压缩电流脉冲宽度,对 激励电路中的 闸流 保护作用。

  • This paper introduces a kind of cold cathode pulse a hydrogen thyratron based on which the method to research multiplex high-voltage fast pulse generator is provided .

    介绍了一种冷阴极脉冲氢 ,并为基于这种 脉冲 的多路输出高压快脉冲源的研制提供了方法。

  • Using a double-grid hydrogen thyratron a fast pulse generator with four outputs high-voltage low jitter was made to use at special occasion .

    采用双栅极氢 闸流 作为主开关,研制成功一种四路输出高压低晃动快脉冲源应用于某种特殊场合。

  • Magnetic pulse compressor ( MPC ) with thyratron as discharge switch used in Ti : Sapphire laser was put forward for the first time .

    首次提出了将磁脉冲压缩开关应用于钛宝石激光器中,由磁脉冲压缩开关和 闸流 组合作为放电开关。

  • Test Circuit for the Rise Rate of Forward Voltage - of KP Type Transistor Thyratron

    KP型晶 临界正向电压上升率测试电路 分析

  • An UV nitrogen laser which uses domestic hydrogen thyratron as switch and isotope as preionizer is reported .

    报道一种紫外氮分子激光器,采用国产氢 闸流 作触发器,同位素作预电离源。

  • Base on the physical model of three phase half wave controllable rectifying circuit and the on off condition of crystal thyratron a set of differential equations is developed for the physical variables of rectifying circuit under different conditions .

    在三相半波可控整流电路物理模型的基础上,根据晶 通条件,建立了在不同条件下整流电路中物理量所适应的常微分方程组。

  • A HV EFT generator is developed which adopts switching mode power supply as HV DC power supply and hydrogen thyratron as switch .

    在此基础上研制了一台以开关电源作为高压直流电源、以氢 闸流 作为 开关的 脉冲 电源。

  • It was shown that appropriate selection of sharpening capacitor and circuit inductance would decrease the current-pulse length without any harm to the thyratron .

    适当选择锐化电容和回路电感量,可以使放电电流 脉冲变窄而又不加重 闸流 的负担。

  • The Influence of Thyratron Reservoir Voltage on CuBr Laser Power

    闸流 发生器电压对CuBr激光功率的影响

  • Replacement of Thyratron by High-Voltage Silicon Rectifier for High-Frequence Power Source

    用高压硅整流器代替 闸流 的高频感应加热装置

  • UV nitrogen laser using hydrogen thyratron as switch

    闸流 触发的紫外氮分子激光器

  • The term thyristor came from its gas tube equivalent thyratron .

    晶闸管一词源于其气体管等价物& 闸流

  • The new high voltage pulse generator is mainly composed of condense capacitors hydrogen thyratron high voltage transformer and voltage adapter .

    介绍了一种可调的高压脉冲发生器,该发生器主要由储能电容器组、氢 闸流 、电压调节器、 保护 电路、高压变压器等 部件组成。

  • This power supply can reduce the impenetrate probability of thyratron at the same time it can ensure the high steadiness of the charge for the laser .

    该电源在有效降低 闸流 连通概率的同时保证了激光器充电的高稳定性。

  • Charging hydrogen thyratron used in the Fast Transient Generators not only can improve the generator stability and can significantly reduce costs .

    充氢 闸流 在快速瞬变 脉冲 发生器中的应用不仅可以提高发生器的稳定性,而且能够大幅度降低成本。

  • To make full use of thyratron performance we design a better triggering circuit and optimize the main return circuit to reduce loop inductance that ensure the pulse produced meet the demand of qualifications .

    本文为 闸流 设计了良好的触发电路,对其性能进行深入挖掘,对放电主回路进行了优化,减小了回路电感,使发生器产生符合要求的 快速 上升沿脉冲

  • By rational configuration of the low voltage solid circuits and hydrogen thyratron circuits long precise delay and low jitter of high voltage output can be obtained .

    采取低压固体电路与 大小 电路的合理配置,较好地解决了精密长延迟和高压脉冲输出时低延迟时间晃动的 难点

  • Principle and design feature of main circuit and controlling system for square wave AC pulse TIG welding machine is presented The controlling system of electronics possesses pulse output function while the transistor - thyratron is used as power modulator .

    阐述了方波交流脉冲钨极氩弧 焊机主电路与控制系统工作原理及其设计方法.控制系统 全部采用电子线路。