theory of plasticity

[ˈθiəri ʌv plæˈstɪsətɪ][ˈθiəri ɔv plæˈstɪsətɪ]


  • A new method has been suggested using the theory of plasticity to evaluate the residual strength of a ship damaged by such typical attacking weapons as laser bombs missiles and torpedos .

    基于 理论,提出了一个新的校核舰艇剩余强度的方法.以激光炸弹、反舰导弹和鱼雷为典型攻击武器。

  • The Unified Form of the Yielding Criterion in the Theory of Plasticity


  • Similarly Non-Coupled Variational Principles for Flow Theory of Plasticity

    力学流动 理论的相似非耦联变分原理

  • Constitutive Theory of Transformation Plasticity and Transformation Toughening Analysis

    相变 细观本构 理论与增韧分析

  • The constitutive equation in the present method is based on flow theory of plasticity to consider the loading history while deformation theory of plasticity in the classical inverse analysis method .

    改进的反向模拟法采用了一种基于 流动 理论的本构方程,可以充分考虑应变历史对塑性变形的影响。

  • With the combination of the mathematical theory of plasticity orthogonal test and the technology of artificial neural network an intelligent prediction system was established to calculate the drawing load of cup drawing precisely .

    结合 力学 理论、正交试验法及神经网络技术建立了精确计算杯形件拉深力的智能化预测系统。

  • We discuss the dynamics problems of ideal rigid-plastic material in the flow theory of plasticity in this paper .

    本文讨论了 性流动 理论中的理想刚塑性材料的动力学问题。

  • Constitutive Theory of Plasticity Coupled With Orthotropic Damage for Geomaterials

    岩土材料弹 正交异性损伤耦合本构 理论

  • It is related to metallurgy thermology and the theory of plasticity and developed on the basis of them .

    它涉及金属学、传热学和 力学 理论,并以此为基础,交叉发展而成。

  • The principle and the expected result of reducing forming load of the twist-compression forming process are analysed by the theory of plasticity . The strain distribution of the process is predicted by SEM analysis .

    根据 理论分析了压扭工艺省力的原理及预期效果,用塑性有限元预测了该工艺的应变分布。

  • Based on the theory of plasticity the variety rule of internal pressure and axial force in the process of thin tube bulge forming is studied .

    采用 变形 理论研究了薄壁管液压胀形过程中轴向载荷与内压力的变化情况。

  • A. is limited to a simple constitutive law based on the total deformation theory of plasticity accounting for the isotropic hardening and damage The assumptions of proportional loading and damage saturation after the damage threshold lead to a closed form solution for the damage evolution equation .

    A被限定在考虑各向同性强化和损伤的 全量 理论基础上的简单的本构关系。做比例加载和临界损伤达到以后的损伤饱和假定,可以得到损伤演化方程的封闭解。

  • Based on the limit analysis theory of plasticity the upper limit method of radial slice analysis of homogeneous slope was derived according to the definition of strength safety coefficient in this paper .

    采用 力学极限分析 原理,结合强度储备安全系数定义法,推导出了均质土坡稳定性径向条分极限上限法。

  • A rational strength criterion of such a problem can be found only by a shakedown analysis on the theory of plasticity .

    只有运用 理论的安定性分析才能找到合理的强度判据。

  • A simple three-dimensional constitutive relation for concrete is presented . Based on the flow theory of plasticity the nonlinear compressive behaviour of concrete is characterized by the yield condition the flow and hardening rules .

    提出了一个简单的混凝土三维模型,基于 流动 理论,混凝土的非线性受压特性通过屈服条件、流动和硬化规则描述。

  • Recent developments in the constitutive theory of plasticity

    本构 理论 研究近况

  • A review on the stress - strain relations in the theory of plasticity

    应力应变关系 理论的文献总结

  • In this paper based on the three-dimensional flow theory of plasticity the fundamental equations for plane strain problem of elastic-perfectly plastic solids are presented .

    本文从三维的 流动 理论出发,导出了关于理想塑性固体平面应变问题的基本方程。利用这些方程, 分析了不可压缩理想 性固体的逐步扩展裂纹顶端的弹塑性场。

  • According to theory of thermal plasticity the formula of stress and deformation are deduced while bearing axisymmetric temperature and equal pressure .

    因此根据 力学 理论,给出了平面轴对称温度分布和受内外均布压力的作用下圆筒应力和变形计算式。

  • This paper deals with the strain energy linear ductile arrester by using theory of plasticity .

    本文对线性 应变能缓冲器进行了 理论 实验 研究

  • In this paper four minimum and two generalized energy principles are described for the deformation theory of plasticity under simple loading condition so that the most common used plasticity theory in engineering may be solved through simultaneously linear equations or quadratic programming instead of iterative methods .

    本文针对简单加载全量理论问题,建立了相应的控制变量变分原理,使得这一类工程上应用较多的弹 理论可以用解参数二次规划的方法求解,不再依靠传统迭代途经。

  • For the flow theory of MSG plasticity we developed a finite element formulation which is then used to study the problems of micro-indentation and fracture of static crack .

    发展 MSG流动 理论的有限元方法,并模拟了微压痕实验和静止裂纹问题。

  • Based on strict theoretic analysis the following have been verified : the single yield surface model which is based on classic theory of plasticity would be unsuitable to geomaterials whether the associated flow rule is applied or not ;

    通过严格的理论分析,证明了基于经典 理论的单屈服面模型无论是否采用相关联流动法则都是不适用于岩土材料的;

  • The two basic points of geotechnical plasticity : one is the basic theory of geotechnical plasticity another is how to establish the condition of geotechnical yield strength .

    岩土塑性中的两个基本问题:一是岩土 基本 理论;二是如何确立岩土屈服条件。

  • A generalized yield criterion is proposed by means of the plastic deformation mechanism and the theory of plasticity and the reasons for the difference between the Tresca and Mises yield criteria are analyzed with the results given by the generalized yield criterion .

    根据金属塑性变形机理及有关 理论 基本公式,提出了一种广义屈服条件,并用所得结果分析了Tresca条件和Mises条件与实验结果不完全一致的原因。

  • The Application of Dirac Matrices and Pauli Matrices for the Theory of Plasticity

    Dirac矩阵和Pauli矩阵在 力学中的应用

  • Deformation theory of plasticity is used to analyze the elastoplastic behavior of the spherical shell under the ring distributed concentrated load . In the limit analysis a rather simple formula in finite form is obtained for the calculation of limiting load of the shells .

    形变 理论获得了可以计算受环状集中载荷作用下球壳的弹塑性变形发展情况的方法,并得到较简单的有限形式的极限载荷公式。

  • The angle 109.4 ° of conjugate deformation zones was given by the slip-line theory of plasticity the zero-extension theory proposed by Waterston ( 1999 ) and the theory of the maximum effective moment suggested by Zheng et al . ( 2004 ) .

    力学的滑移线 理论 Watterson零伸长度理论和最大有效力矩准则均获得共轭变形带的夹角为109.4°。

  • Based on Ilyshin 's theory of the plasticity plastic damage is studied in consideration of loading path in this paper .

    作者基于伊留辛 理论并考虑加载路径的影响,建立了塑性损伤演化方程;