there is no question of


  • I am afraid there can is no question of putt up an advertisement .

    恐怕做广告 可能的。

  • Issuing its own currency means the US can settle its debts by printing more money if need be so there is absolutely no question of its ability to pay .

    发行自己的货币,意味着如果有必要,美国可以通过印刷更多的货币来解决自己的债务,所以它的支付能力绝对 存在 任何 问题

  • There is no question of ingratitude on my part ; it 's simply that I am in love .

    的忠贞 毋庸 置疑的;,我爱上了他。

  • There is no question of any soul losing any gains made in raising their consciousness levels .

    可能 出现 这样的情况, 就是 任何灵魂失去已获得的经验 提升他们的意识水平。

  • Burton Malkiel : there is no question that transparency of Chinese accounting standards standards of corporate governance etc. are problematic .

    波顿麦基尔: 毫无 疑问,中国会计准则的透明度、公司治理标准等等都很成问题。

  • There is no question of the fact however that in all of Chinese recorded history there is not a single case of voluntary abdication from the throne . Those abdications which did take place were forced .

    但是 一个事实 无法 否认:中国 记载的历史中,没有一个皇帝主动退位让出皇权;曾经有过让位的例子,但那是出于被迫。

  • There is no question of overlap between the two courses .

    这两门课程之间 存在重叠的 问题

  • In all that is said by the doctrinarian objection above presented there is no question of anything but effect we seek the cause .

    在上面提到的那种教条主义的反对言论 谈到的只是效果,而我们要找的 起因。

  • However generic functions are much better ; generic functions will order themselves from more to less specific so there is no question of putting an elif in the wrong place .

    然而,使用通用函数会更好;通用函数自己就会有些或多或少的特性,因此 不会在错误的地方使用 elif

  • Prime Minister and president are as one that there is no question of any diminution of national capabilities above all in the nuclear field .

    英国首相和法国总统一致认为, 存在削弱国家实力的 问题,尤其是在核武器领域。

  • There is no question of any ' sell-off ' of Russian land or assets .

    任何俄罗斯的土地或资产 可出售。

  • There is no question of our leaving on such a rainy day .

    在这样的雨天我们 可能动身的。

  • There is no question that a ban of a complex product such as a CDs involves technical complexities that commentators like myself probably underestimate .

    毫无 疑问,禁止cds这样的复杂产品,会涉及像我这样的评论员很可能低估的技术复杂性。

  • There is no question of postponing this task until to-morrow .

    这工作 不能留到明天去做。

  • So from the point of view of the Ground the absolute our nature is the same as the buddhas ' and there is no question at this level of teaching or practice to do .

    因此,从根的角度-究竟-我们的自性是如同诸佛一样,在这个层面上 教义或实修,并 没有 什麽 问题

  • There is no question of the government using the stoppage of water or electricity supply to expedite the land resumption process he stressed .

    他强调,政府 绝不会以截水截电方式加快收回单位的过程。

  • But there is no question that the nature of the insurance business magnifies the effect which individual managers have on company performance .

    但是, 毫无 疑问,保险业的本质放大了个别经理人对于公司业绩的作用。

  • There is no question of the taxpayer picking up the bill for the party .

    纳税人为该党买单 可能的。

  • There is no such question of superior or inferior value the point is that whether or not you have made the correct decision based on your position in the industrial chain and whether or not you have performed excellently in your sector .

    这里 没有价值优劣, 问题端在于你能否基于你所在产业生态的位势做出正确的选择,在你所在的环节做到最好。

  • Where it is absent there is no question of a market economy .

    在缺乏这种制度的地方, 便 没有市场经济的 问题

  • There is no question of any agreement or understanding with the coalition forces whereby they are allowed to conduct operations on our side of the border .

    毫无 疑问,联军 没有获得任何允许与协议,怎么可能被允许在我国边境进行军事行动呢。

  • There is no question of returning a reference to static data if the function doesn 't have one .

    如果函数 没有静态数据,那么也就不 存在返回静态数据的引用的 问题

  • There is no question about validity of the enterprise .

    这项企业的合法 没有 任何 疑问

  • There is no question of us interfering in the running of the business .

    我们 不会 插手公司的经营。

  • I am sadness and there is no question of any ideal to be anything else .

    “我很悲伤” 没有 问题没有设想没有其他任何东西。

  • The results of both are published and appear in league tables and so there is no question of information not being made public .

    学院和学部的成绩都发表在排名表中, 存在隐瞒信息的 问题

  • There is therefore no question of China Netcom changing its mind he said . There is no setback there is no upset there is no problem .

    因此中国网通改变想法 没有 问题的,他表示,双方的关系没有倒退,双方没有发生不快,这里面没有问题。

  • Once you master the basic technique there is no question of which chopstick to use in a typical dining situation .

    只要掌握了基本技巧, 一般在用餐时,你 绝不产生“该用哪根筷子”的 问题