thrust block

[θrʌst blɑk][θrʌst blɔk]


  • According to the post-earthquake survey Wenchuan earthquake is a thrust and dextral strike-slip fault earthquake which is generally considered to be the release of accumulating stress after the Songpan - Ganzi block migration eastward resisted by the stable Upper Yangtze block .

    据震后调查,汶川地震是一个 兼右旋走滑构造断裂地震,普遍认为是松潘&甘孜 地块向东运移受稳定的上扬子地块阻挡后累积应力的释放。

  • Thrust Block Renovation of Main Axis and Practice in Operation on AP 6 6 Type Steam Turbines

    AP-6-6型汽轮机主轴 推力 改造及运行实践

  • Analysis on Driven System of the Mandrel Thrust Block of Piercing Mill

    无缝钢管穿孔机组顶杆 小车传动装置浅析

  • Longxian - Qianyang tectonic belt are mainly north of the West towards the thrust fault and the fault block is characterized by folder . 4 .

    陇县&千阳构造带则主要以北西走向的 断层及其所夹断 为特征。

  • Daba mountain arc thrust nappe tectonics lie in the boundary of Sichuan province Shanxi province and Hubei province which separate Qinling and Yangzi block .

    大巴山 覆构造带位于川、陕、鄂交界处,分隔着秦岭造山带与扬子 地块

  • Haiyuan left lateral active fault and northern edge thrust fault of Qilian moutain compose the major northeastern boundary of present day crustal movement of the Qinghai Tibet block .

    海原左旋走滑断裂带和祁连北缘 断裂带构成了青藏 东北缘现今地壳运动的主边界。

  • Technology analysis of safety mining under grounder water in thrust block

    外来系地层水体下 13-1煤层安全开采技术分析

  • The Application of Forging and Welding Construction to Thrust Block of Vertical Hydrogenerator

    锻焊结构在立式水轮 发电机 推力 上的应用

  • Thrust block may bridge the space between the termination of the arch and the foundation rock at the same elevation .

    推力 可以跨在拱脚和同高程的基岩之间。

  • Structure of back thrust block on the north part of Tarim Basin and hydrocarbon accumulation

    塔里木盆地北部背 构造与油气聚集

  • Finally it is shown that the forward thrust fault block sequence of piggy-back pushing from the Tianshan Mountain to the Tarim basin tensile structures with graben-horsts and strike slip transfer tectonics could become the oil-gas bearing local structures with oil pools formed in the late period .

    并指出由天山向塔里木盆地 推进的前列式背驮构造、 垒式引张构造及走滑转换构造可以成为晚期成藏的含油气局部构造。

  • Application of Bus Loopy Absolute Encoder in Position Control System of Mandril Thrust Block

    总线式多圈绝对值编码器在顶杆 小车位置控制系统中的应用

  • Within the test range of the experiments the thrust loss is between 0.65 % ~ 1.35 % per 1 % tab block ratio and especially about 0.8 % per 1 % at supercritical flow condition .

    在实验范围内,小突片 堵塞比每增加1%,所造成的 推力损失在063%~135%之间,对超临界状态,可认为大约增加08%。

  • The experimental results show that the tabs indeed cause thrust loss and the thrust loss will increase with the block ratio of tabs .

    结果表明,小突片对收敛喷管的推力特性有明显的影响,并且小突片所造成的 推力损失基本上随小突片的 堵塞比增加而增加。

  • Deformation behavior of main and secondary thrust bush pivots and elastic thrust block under static COAD

    主、副 推力支枢和弹性 静载荷的变形试验

  • Now the scheme which is mainly modification of the thrust block and the inner oil pot wall was put in practice to three units successfully and the oil leakage problem was solved essentially .

    目前,以修改 推力 与油盆内挡油圈为主要 内容的改造方案已成功运用于3台机组, 油现象已基本上得到解决。

  • In the next free debate the two sides are more thrust I block you and neck .

    在接下来的自由辩论里,双方更是 唇枪舌剑,你来我 ,难解难分。

  • Thrust System of the North Lhasa Block

    拉萨 地块北部 构造系统

  • Based on CAD Environment Graphic Method Design Translation Apex Throwout Lever Disk Cam Analysis on Driven System of the Mandrel Thrust Block of Piercing Mill

    基于CAD环境下设计直动尖顶推杆盘形凸轮无缝钢管穿孔机组顶杆 小车传动装置浅析

  • This article analysis the major reasons that lead an axial negative thrust in unit 3 introduce the method of remove axial negative thrust with block the balance hole .

    通过计算,分析了3号汽轮机轴向负推力产生的主要原因,介绍了 平衡孔消除轴向负 推力的方法。

  • It is very important to understand the hydrogeological features of this thrust because it threats safe mining under the Fufeng thrust block .

    该断层的水文地质特征,对 下安全采煤具有重要影响。

  • Lab experiment on rock mechanics for thrust block formation interval at mountain front structural belt and bit optimization

    山前构造带 段岩石力学实验及钻头选型

  • The structural deformation of the Paleogene is characterized evidently by thrust block and broad folds .

    下第三系的构造变形主要表现为区内下第三系红层的 和宽缓褶皱变形。