three-dimensional space


  • Space language is the most basic language method of communication which lies in any matter of the three-dimensional space .

    空间语言是存在于 三维 空间的任何物质,交流或传递信息的最基本的语言方式。

  • The Cubists and other20th-century painters abandoned depiction of three-dimensional space altogether .

    立体派和20世纪的其它画家都放弃了这种三度 空间的画法。

  • Scientific development made Greece painting three-dimensional space and so became the origin of classical art .

    但科学的发展使希腊美术描绘了 空间,成为了古典艺术的起源。

  • The manipulator is capable of finishing various operations in a three-dimensional space and can carry an object from one azimuth to another azimuth within certain spatial range .

    该机械手能在 三维 空间完成各种作业,在一定空间范围内将一个物体从一个方位搬运到另一个方位。

  • Structure is the objective reality of structure . Design sketch is thinking of three-dimensional space of fictitious space .

    结构是客观存在的构造关系,设计素描是虚拟空间的 三维 造型思考。

  • Listening to audio watching animations and videos even playing in three-dimensional space .

    听音乐、看动画片和录像,甚至玩 三维 游戏

  • The author first defined the paddling angle to describe the complicated paddling route in a three-dimensional space .

    本文首先定义划水路线角,并以此来描述 三维 空间复杂的划水路线。

  • In three-dimensional space the boundary is a two-dimensional surface-that is an area the size of which increases as the square of the distance .

    三维 空间中,边界是一个二维的面,也就是一块面积,其大小会随著距离的平方而增加。

  • Combined with weighted filtration to successful sample points it uses the method of sampling in three-dimensional space and range constraint to acquire three-dimensional coordinates of nodes .

    为了减小定位误差和提高算法的适应性,利用 三维 空间抽样和范围约束的方法,并结合对成功样本点的加权筛选,获得节点的三维估计坐标以实现抽样定位。

  • The complicated block have many characteristics such as too many sliding surfaces and distributing in three-dimensional space .

    复杂块体具有多滑面、 三维 空间分布的特点。

  • Represent the hub in a three-dimensional space

    代表 三维 空间中的中心

  • In fine art forms the ultimate goal is to present the understanding of three-dimensional space .

    在美术艺术形式中,最终都是对 三维 空间本质的理解表现为目的的。

  • In three-dimensional space development of technology was crucial in emulation of foreign in large game as the mainstream .

    firepowerex摘要国内的 三维 游戏开发技术正处于赶超国外的关键时期,以大型的游戏作为主流。

  • In Level I they live elsewhere in good old three-dimensional space .

    在第一个层次里,他们住在同一个 三维 空间里的其他地方。

  • Simulations indicate that the algorithm can carry out localization on sensor node in the three-dimensional space effectively and turns to be one kind of localization methods which can be applicable .

    仿真表明,该算法能有效地对 三维 空间中的传感器节点进行定位,是一种可选的定位方案。

  • In the three-dimensional space flux will be measured through a surface .

    三维 空间中,通量由流体所通过的表面来度量。

  • This text used the average string in the three-dimensional space to establish the assess damaged efficiency account model for the missile and then used the model to account and analysis an example .

    建立了评定导弹战斗部对不规则目标毁伤效率的 三维平均弦法计算模型,并运用该模型进行了实例计算和分析。

  • For now people only know about the one-dimensional time two-dimensional three-dimensional space and Einstein the reference to four-dimensional space-time concept .

    就目前而言,人们只了解一维时间、二维平面、 三维 空间以及爱因斯坦提及的“四维时空”概念。

  • One might conclude that the expansion of our three-dimensional space requires the presence of a fourth dimension .

    所以有人也许会急著下断语说,我们所处的 三维 空间,要膨胀就要有第四个维度存在。

  • The Formation of Three-dimensional Space on Plane Advertisement Layout

    论平面广告版面中的 三维 空间构成

  • I have a vector which is in three-dimensional space .

    假设有一矢量,在 三维 空间中。

  • The analysts will find that resolving the issues will make their job of designing and analyzing an integration hub in the three-dimensional space much easier .

    分析师将发现解决该问题会使他们的设计和分析 三维 空间的中心的工作变得非常容易。

  • The molding method of complex cutting tools in three-dimensional space is discussed .

    讨论了复杂刀具的 三维造型方法。

  • This ability to locate the sources of sounds in three-dimensional space is called localization .

    这种能力,以找到来源的声音,在 三维 空间是所谓的本土化战略。

  • It is hard to draw in two dimensions a picture of a vector function in three-dimensional space .

    在两维图上画 三维 空间的矢函数图形是件难事。

  • Moreover it reads a two-dimensional array of data from the retina and creates from it the impression of three-dimensional space .

    此外,大脑从视网膜读到二维的数据排列并由它创生 三维 空间的印象。

  • I use X Y and Z axes to illustrate pictures in the three-dimensional space .

    我使用X、Y和Z轴在 三维 空间中展示图片。

  • A Data Association Method for Maneuvering Target Tracking in Three-Dimensional Space under the Circumstance of Clutter

    一种用于 三维 空间杂波环境机动目标跟踪的数据互联方法

  • On the other hand a positive curvature would imply that three-dimensional space is finite and closed .

    另一方面,一个正的曲率将必然说明 三维 空间是有限的,而且是封闭的。