



  • For other developers of dating apps such as Tinder making money in China can be more of a challenge than elsewhere .

    对于 Tinder等其他约会应用的开发商来说,在中国赚钱比在其他地方挑战更大。

  • Action alone is the tinder which ignites the map the parchment my dreams my plans my goals into a living force .

    马上行动,它是点燃蓝图和 律法 导火索,我一切的梦想、计划、目标 将会 重现生机。

  • Consider whether there is dry tinder in the area and whether you need to take equipment to get this such as a knife or axe .

    考虑一下这个地方有没有干燥的 引火 ,你是否需要带上工具来采集一些,比如刀子或斧头。

  • Tinder has seen a 400 % day-over-day increase of new users in Sochi since the Olympics opened Friday Sean Rad says with numbers now in the thousands .

    交友应用 Tinder的西恩•拉德(SeanRad)表示,自上周五冬奥会开幕以来,Tinder在索契的新用户数量每日增加400%,现在已达数千人。

  • It is conceivable that accomodative monetary policy could provide tinder for a buildup of leverage and excessive risk-taking Yellen said in remarks to economists meeting in Denver .

    “它是可想到的,维持灵活的货币政策能是一种增强杠杆作用和过度的风险拿的 导火线,”耶伦在丹佛经济学家会议中说。

  • He spunked up like tinder . do you call me a liar ? he said .

    他像 火绒似的怒火中烧起来。“你说我撒谎?”他问道。

  • And many people including Winston Churchill were sure that it would only be a matter of time before some spark lit the unstable tinder .

    许多人,包括丘吉尔在内,都认为某个火化将点燃这个 导火索。这是个时间问题。

  • Cotton socks can also provide you with a source of fire-starting tinder .

    棉布袜还可以提供点火用的 火绒

  • In sunbaked southern Italy fires raged as parched forests and fields turned to tinder .

    太阳 炙烤下的意大利南部,大火蔓延,被晒干了的树林和田地都成了天然的燃料。

  • Today 's art directors delve into this tinder igniting hidden worlds through the subtle use of styling and photographic imagery .

    今天的艺术从业者 试图发现这个隐藏的通过巧妙运用造型和摄影图像点燃世界的 导火索

  • The plant is as dry as tinder after this long drought .

    植物经过长期 旱之后 如同 火绒 一般

  • But she saw problems with Tinder .

    不过,她 看到了 Tinder的问题 所在

  • Lacking adequate provision of fresh water electricity sanitation or health care they suffer privations that all too often provide the tinder for the fires of social unrest .

    他们无法获得足够的淡水、电力、卫生和保健,他们所受的困苦常常成为社会动乱的 火种

  • In Europe the combination of steel flint and tinder remained the main method of fire-lighting until the mid 19th century .

    在欧洲,保持钢、打火石和 火绒的化合物作为点火的主要方法一直持续到19世纪中期。

  • TINDER can provide alloy casting gray iron casting ductile iron casting and steel casting etc.

    公司提供 各种 牌号灰铁、球铁、合金铸铁、铸钢和合金钢等铸件。

  • TINDER is a lost foam ( EPC ) high-tech enterprise mainly design and make production line of different capacity provide lost foam technology service make equipment and casting and trade .

    公司 消失模铸造工程设计、装备制造、技术服务、铸件生产与国际贸易为一体的高新技术企业,是 中国最大的消失模铸造技术和装备 供应商

  • Tinder declined to release download figures but claims 58 million matches have been made out of 5.8 billion ratings .

    Tinder不愿公布下载数据,但声称已经匹配了5800万对, 照片评价 次数达到58亿次。

  • The day after the impromptu meeting Mr. Bhat had dinner with the three founders of Tinder the popular dating app .

    就在这场临时会面的次日,哈特先生与当红约会应用 Tinder的三位创始人共进了晚餐。

  • This is a key fire prevention area no smoking and tinder .

    公司是重点防火单位, 厂内严禁吸烟、 严禁 携带 火种

  • However the case study show that tinder barrier-free condition the perforated degree is used to being lower and resulting in lower flow rate of well .

    通过实例计算,在无隔板的情况下, 油井的打开程度都较小,产量 较小。

  • Be careful what you say to Mr Smith for he is like tinder .

    你跟史密斯先生说话要小心,因为他 脾气

  • With forests dry as tinder thousands of hectares of trees have fallen prey to fire in Portugal and Spain .

    由于森林干燥 易燃,葡萄牙和西班牙有数千公顷林木遭受火灾肆虐。

  • The study on image times in China has developed flaring like fire set to dry tinder since the nineties of last century .

    自上个世纪90年代,中国对图像时代的相关研究 如火如荼地展开了。

  • As in the run-up to other wars there is today more than enough tinder lying around to spark a great power conflict .

    象其它战争的酝酿阶段一样,如今到处都是足以引起强权冲突的 导火索

  • She is also revealing how in love she is with Phelps and claims the two clicked after meeting on Tinder .

    她还表示自己与菲尔普斯正在热恋中,声称两人是在 陌上 对方萌生爱意

  • She told Us Weekly afterward that Tinder was such a distraction that she had to delete it from her phone .

    她在夺金后对《美国周刊》(USWeekly)表示, Tinder 人分心,她不得不从手机上删除了这个应用。

  • How did your son dislodge the tinder ?

    你儿子怎么砸碎 壁炉

  • The strongman will be as tinder and all his work a spark : both will burn together and no one will quench the fire .

    强者将似 麻絮,他的工作犹如火花:二者 必要同时焚烧,无人予以熄灭。

  • The plants are as dry as tinder .

    草木十分干燥, 着火