total bit

[ˈtotl bɪt][ˈtəutəl bit]


  • The results of indoor static simulation show that in the 8 ms effective time the total number of received frames and the number of received correct frames are both 8 at 1 024 bit data rate .

    室内静态模拟试验结果显示,在8ms有效时间内,接收 帧数与接收正确帧数均为8帧 1024bit数据。

  • Simulation results show that the proposed scheme needs lower total user power consumption than the frequency-separated scheme while quality of each user 's data rate and bit error rate is guaranteed .

    模拟结果呈现出我门的方案比全部频率不共用的方案需要比较少的 总体使用者功率,而确保各使用者传输率和 位元错误率的品质。

  • The simulation results show that the ratio of base-layer bit rate to the total bit rate is different from images and the compression rate .

    实验结果显示,随码率的增大,基础层所占的比率越来越低,同时,对包含边缘较多的图像,其基础层 码率的比率也较低。

  • Both schemes aim at minimizing the total user transmit power while satisfying required data rate and bit error rate .

    两个方案均以在满足资料传输率和 位元错误率之限制下,降低 总体使用者的传输功率为目的。

  • Jesse Ausubel : The total number of marine microbes known and described when the census began a bit more than a decade ago was only about 5 . And now we have DNA sequences for hundreds of thousands .

    杰西奥苏贝尔:普查项目刚开始时,我们了解和记录的海洋微生物大概只有5000多种,仅比10年前 多一 点点,但如今,我们已经得到了数十万种海洋微生物的基因序列。

  • While another drop in the house prices will turn some cash loan whose total volume is just a bit higher than mortgage assets into negative value .

    房价开始新一轮下滑可能使一些目前 总额高于抵押房产价值的物业套现贷款转为负值。

  • In this thesis chunk-based resource allocation algorithm is introduced that maximize overall system throughput on condition that the total transmit power is limited and user data rate is proportional and integer nature of the number of bit per subcarrier is considered .

    本文提出了一种以系统 功率和用户数据速率成比例公平为约束条件,并且考虑子载波上所加载 比特的整数特性,以最大化系统总吞吐率为目标的基于资源块的资源分配算法。

  • The new model is equivalent in function to the source model and the channel model however the total efficiency of the key agreement under the new model is increased . ( 2 ) A new bit pair interation advantage distillation / advantage degeneration protocol was proposed .

    新模型与原信源模型和信道模型在功能上等价,但新模型提高了密钥协商的 信息率。(2)提出了一种新的 比特对优先提取/退化协议。

  • The fast increase of Internet needs faster core trans - mission network so we developed a high - powered IPv4 / v6 router whose total throughput had reached 1.28 terabit bit .

    因特网流量的快速增长,对骨干网的传输提出了更高的要求,为此我们研制了 吞吐率高达1.28T 比特高性能IPv4/v6路由器。

  • Total dose effects testing techniques for 12 bit A / D converters

    12 A/D转换器 剂量辐射效应的测试技术

  • The proportion of total economy of Bit based Information goods in is increasing .

    比特存储方式的信息产品在经济 总量中所占比重正在不断增加。

  • Single layer-structured lawn had a less percentage while the vegetation quantity of herb synusia accounted for 22.9 % of the total suggesting an afforestation characteristic of making use of every bit of space in the workshop area .

    结构单一的纯草坪型绿地在厂区应用较少,但草本层片的绿量占 绿量的 22.9%。

  • It also calculates total consumed energy with Romberg integral which determines the impacting cutting bit curve .

    并采用 Romberg积分确定冲击切削刃线,计算 冲击消耗能量。

  • Even one area distributor 's annual sales is not too big total quantity might be become a bit big from all31 provinces even our market share is small .

    这样的话,即使一个地区的年销售量并不太大,但是全国的 销售量可能并不小。现在我们的市场份额是通过这种方式我们可能从全部31省的销售来变得大一

  • The paper showed that the increase speed of the number of doctors and total health workers will both slow down in rural China in the next 14 years but the increase speed of doctors will be a little bit faster than that of health workers .

    文章还指出今后农村医生和 技人员数量的增长速度均趋减缓,但医生数量的增长速度 高于卫技人员。

  • You are contemplating an average annual increase of 10.9 per cent in the total value of handicraft production over a period of three five-year plans ; that seems a bit too small .

    手工业的 产值,你们设想在三个五年计划期间平均每年增长百分之十点九,似乎低一

  • Total organic carbon content of sample 6 and 7 kept basically the level of CK or was a bit higher than CK .

    6号、7号土壤随着培育年限的延长,各处理土壤 有机碳含量基本维持或 高于试验前的水平。

  • Chapter 4 proposes an adaptive resource block allocation scheme which could be used in the LTE downlink OFDMA system . The proposed scheme solves the resource allocation problem subject to constraints on total power bit error rate and proportionality among user data rates .

    本文第四章提出了一种适用于LTE下行 OFDMA系统的资源分配方案,在用户速率 比例约束的条件下研究资源分配优化问题。

  • The method is introduced into rate adaptive ( RA ) algorithms aiming at maximization of data rate under the constraint of total transmit power and bit error rate .

    研究了发射 功率和系统 误码率上限不变时传输比特数最大化(RA)的自适应算法。

  • When producing the signal by DAC the Total Harmonious Distortion of signal is decided by the bit width and the converting speed of D / A converter .

    应用DA转换器拟合波形时,波形的 失真度主要取决于DA 转换器字宽和 数据输出速率。