total ash

[ˈtotl æʃ][ˈtəutəl æʃ]


  • The smoke is influenced by a-ammonium nitrogen / total nitrogen ash ;

    对烟气指标有重要影响的是a-氨基氮/ 氮、 灰分

  • Methods : Inspecting the appearance general subjects ( water content total ash sour insoluble ash ) on different type of new radix angelicae sinensis praeparata and using HPLC to determine the content of ferulic acid .

    方法:对不同规格的当归新型饮片进行性状、水分、 灰分、酸不溶性灰分、浸出物检查,HPLC测定阿魏酸含量。

  • Spices and condiments-Determination of total ash

    GB/T12729.7-1991香辛料和调味品 灰分的测定

  • Appearance Loss on drying Total Ash Assay Heavy Metals Arsenic Microbiological .

    性状,干燥失重,含量, 灰分,砷,重金属,微生物。

  • A bio-diesel fuel sample methyl esters from soybean oil ( SME ) was prepared by basic catalysis and transesterification . The important characteristics such as acid value free glycerol viscosity (ν) total glycerol ash and phosphor content were determined .

    以大豆油为原料采用碱催化酯交换法合成生物柴油,测定了其酸值、游离甘油、 甘油、 灰分、黏度和磷含量等指标。

  • Continual determination of water total ash and acid-insoluble ash in Chinese medicine tablets

    中药饮片中水分、 灰分、酸不溶性灰分的连续测定

  • From characteristics total ash moisture dopant absorbability and others check items the paper discussed the reasons that affected the quality of carthamus tinctorius after mixing spurious breed .

    从性状、 灰分、分、质、收度等检验项目,探讨掺伪后影响红花质量的原因。

  • Pharmacopeia method was used in water soluble extractives and limit test for heavy metals and total ash and acid-insoluble ash to test the quality in Lumbricus from different origin .

    采用药典方法分别测定浸出物、 灰分和酸不溶性灰分和进行重金属检查,综合考察不同产地地龙的内在质量。

  • The total ash contents of four growth years ' samples from different plant areas were lower than 5.0 % the acid insoluble ash contents were lower than 0.8 % .

    不同种植区4年生样品中 灰分含量多数低于5.0%,酸不溶灰分均低于0.8%,干燥方式处理对总灰分及酸不溶灰分含量无显著差异。

  • The correlation analysis between the chemical components and aroma quality showed that the chemical components which had close relation with aroma quality were mainly sugar the chemical compound including nitrogen and total ash .

    化学成分与香气品质的相关分析表明,与香气品质关系密切的化学成分主要为糖组分、含氮化合物和 灰分

  • The taste is influenced by total volatile base ash ;

    对口感指标有重要影响的是 挥发碱、 灰分

  • Gmelini were observed . Content of extract total ash acid - insoluble ash and moisture of 14 samples from different habitats were determined .

    对14个不同产地毛脉酸模的浸出物、 灰分、酸不溶性灰分和水分进行了测定;

  • About 33 % of total protein 61 % of total lipid and 62 % of total ash content were lost during fermentation period .

    发酵降解了大米总蛋白的33%,总脂肪的61%, 灰分的62%以上;

  • Combined with the comparison of volatile oil yield total ash content and acid-insoluble ash content the quality of the samples was evaluated with the index of cinnamyl aldehyde content .

    以桂皮醛的含量为指标,结合对含油量、 灰分、酸不溶性灰分等的考察评价药材的质量。

  • Effect of total ash and major mineral elements on the quality of tobacco leaves


  • Contents of water total ash and the aqueous and alcoholic extracts were also determined .

    依据 植物的水分、 灰分和浸出物的含量,可作为生药质量检定的指标。

  • The total averages of water content total ash content and acid-insoluble ash content are respectively 7.85 % 5.82 % and 0.92 % .

    16批药材样品水分、 灰分、酸不溶性灰分含量总平均值分别为7.85%、5.82%、0.92%。

  • This paper presents a flying ash remelting system for cyclone furnace which is used to treat the refuse containing Cr and can remelt the total flying ash from ESP.

    本文介绍的旋风炉飞灰回熔系统,用于处理含Cr废渣时可回熔掉 全部电除尘器收集的飞

  • The average content of total ash was 3.07 % ;


  • The total ash of 7.27 % acid _ insoluble ash of 1.62 % ethanol _ soluble extractives of 56.2 % and ferulic acid content of 0.058 % were obtained . These results offer the preliminary help for the quality control on Radix Angelicae Lateralis Preparata .

    结果表明:归尾含 灰分7.27%,酸不溶性灰分1.62%,醇溶性浸出物56.2%,阿魏酸0.058%,为归尾的质量控制提供了初步的实验数据。

  • The results shows that the content of heavy metals in fly ash of small size particles is relatively high but small size particles account for little among total amount of fly ash .

    结果表明:小尺寸颗粒飞灰中富集的重金属含量较高,但是小尺寸颗粒的飞 总量中所占的比例很少;

  • The content of caffeine and tea polysaccharides increased to some degree and total ash content changed little .

    咖啡碱和茶多糖的含量均有一定程度的增加,而 灰分含量变化不大;

  • The expanded uncertainties of total sulphur ash volatiles phosphorus and calorific value are 0.02 % 、 0.17 % 、 0.05 % 、 0.001 % and 0.14 MJ / kg respectively .

    焦炭标准物质的 硫、 灰分、挥发分、磷含量的扩展不确定度分别为0.02%、0.17%、0.05%、0.001%,热值的扩展不确定度为0.14MJ/kg。

  • The contents of N P K total ash in leaves of Myrica are higher in first year than second year . 3 . There is a little difference in the shape among Myrica root nodules .

    杨梅属三种埴物叶营养元素含量不同,但总的情况是两年生叶中N、P、K和 灰分(矿质元素)均比一年生的高。

  • The routine index of quality evaluation of radix codonopsis was measured eg moisture content total ash acid not dissolve ash polysaccharide extractives etc.

    补充了党参品质评价常规指标,如水分、 灰分、酸不溶性灰分、多糖、浸出物等项。

  • These plants are all rich in sodium and chlorine belonging to heigh quantity sodium plant type and their contents of sulfur and total gross ash are 1-3 times as many as that of other plants .

    它们都富集氯和钠,属于含高量钠的植被类型,硫和 交分也比一般植物高 1&3倍。

  • Method for determination of total ash and of alkalinity of total ash and water-soluble ash in fruit and vegetable products

    GB/T8857-1988水果、蔬菜产品的总灰分及 灰分和水溶性灰分的碱度测定方法

  • Results The total ash contents and acid-insoluble ash contents of all samples were in the normal range .

    结果各样品 灰分和酸不溶性灰分均符合要求。

  • After classification the total ash is under 8 14 % at the same separation density condition .

    经过分级及 分选后,在相同的分选密度的情况下, 煤灰 可以 到8.14%以下。

  • Contrary to the total ash content the total element content was negatively correlated with the quality grade of green tea .

    与茶叶的 灰分含量规律相反,江西珍眉的无机元素 总量与其品质等级呈明显负相关。