time-series analysis

[经] 时间序数分析

  • Application for GPS deformation monitoring of an improved time-series analysis method based on wavelet noise reduction

    基于小波消噪的 时序 分析改进法在GPS变形监测中的应用

  • In tins paper by utilizing the time-Series analysis theory a further research on the mathematical model of the railway bridge-vehicle system has been conducted .

    本文提出了利用 时间 序列 分析理论建立了在列车运行条件下的桥梁&车辆系统的动态数学模型,试图为桥梁振动的模态参数识别寻求新的途径。

  • Descriptive analysis time-series analysis correlation analysis and principal component regression were used to process data .

    综合应用描述性分析方法、 时间 序列 分析 方法、相关性分析方法和主成分分析等统计分析方法对资料进行分析处理。

  • Time series data set comes with a temporal ordering . The pure time-series analysis was developed firstly .

    时间 序列数据集伴随着一个时间上的排序。

  • When a program needs input data it reads a record ; The pure time-series analysis was developed firstly .

    当程序需要输入数据时,它就读记录; 早期 研究主要以 时间 序列 数据 为主

  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of neural networks for linear time-series analysis and forecasting .

    本文主要探讨基于神经网络理论的线性 时间 序列预测的 研究

  • The time-series analysis theory is applied to analyze and forecast the dynamic variation of groundwater in west part of Jilin Province China .

    运用 时间 序列 分析理论对吉林西部地下水位动态变化进行了分析和预报。

  • Time-series analysis is an important tool for many fields such as economics information science and geography .

    时间 序列 分析在经济学、信息科学、地理科学等各个领域研究中都是重要的研究工具。

  • In the oil condition monitoring field of mechanical equipment the use of the method of time-series analysis has rarely been reported .

    在机械设备的滑油监控领域,对其 光谱 数据采用 时序 分析目前尚不多见。

  • Application of Time-series Analysis and Characteristic Extraction in Diesel Engine Fault Diagnosis

    时序 分析及特征量提取在柴油机故障诊断中的应用研究

  • The panel data framework has several advantages over pure cross-sectional or time-series analysis .

    较于纯粹的截面或者 时间 序列 分析,面板数据框架有几种优势。

  • To discrete-linear systems with stained observe noises based on the ARMA innovation model using modern time-series analysis method a new decouple Wiener trace filter method are presented .

    运用 时间 序列 分析法对正常和故障情况下导航系统中方位保持部件陀螺仪输出随机漂移信号进行分析,得到一种判断陀螺仪性能故障的方法。

  • The several representative period genetic models were found which had high prediction accuracy . It demonstrated that the method of period genetic model was fit for the time-series analysis of financial indexes and it had a good effect .

    经实证研究,发现几个具有代表性的时段基因子模式有很好的预测准确度,说明时段基因模式研究方法用于对财务指标的 时间 序列 分析作用明显,该方法可行。

  • The positive correlation between stock returns and market liquidity in time-series analysis is consistent with the cross-section analysis .

    从横 截面 时间 截面上综合 分析,得出流动性与收益率之间的正作用关系,两种分析结论相同且结果与实际相一致。

  • Time-series Analysis for Metro Passenger Flow Based on N Days Average Volume

    基于客流n日均量的地铁客流量的 时间 序列 分析

  • Study on the Cam Shaper Design Based on Time-series Analysis

    基于 时序 分析的凸轮廓型曲线拟合研究

  • The traditional Box-Jenkins Time-series Analysis and Forecast method confirms the parameters by trying errors .

    传统的博克思-詹金斯(Box-Jenkins) 时间 序列 分析与预测方法对模型参数的确定使用试错法。

  • By analyzing the sensor model and applying the time-series analysis method a more systematic complete self-validating sensor structure based on the ARMA model is established in this paper .

    自确认传感器就是一种不仅能输出测量值,同时能够对自身的工作性能、状态进行 在线 评估的的新一代智能传感器。

  • During the course we will examine applications of several learning techniques in areas such as computer vision computer graphics database search and time-series analysis and prediction .

    我们也将在课程期间检视数种学习技巧在一些领域上的应用如电脑视觉、电脑绘图、数据库搜索和 时间 数列 分析与预测。

  • This paper studies main characters of runoff process at Datong Station with methods of time-series analysis .

    运用 时间 序列 分析方法研究大通站的径流过程基本特征, 分析表明,1923年以来大通站的 径流 序列明显 趋势 变化

  • Wavelet analysis method 、 nonlinear chaos theory and support vector machine theory rapidly grow up among nonlinear time-series analysis by right of excellent theory to offer a new way of stock technical analysis .

    小波分析方法、非线性混沌理论及支持向量机理论凭借其自身理论的优越,在非线性 时间 序列 分析中的迅速崛起,为我们对股票进行技术分析提供了新的方法。

  • It chiefly includes transition probability matrix analysis substitution analysis limit probability and Markov chains ' first reach time analysis and entropy analysis in the range of Markov chains model and time-series analysis . Their principles and methods are mainly expounded in the view of geology .

    它主要包括马尔科夫链模型中的转移概率矩阵分析,置换分析,极限概率和马尔科夫链的首达时间分析,熵分析和 时间 序列 分析,本文侧重从地质学的角度阐述了它们的原理和方法。

  • More financial indexes were selected which were conducted large-scale time-series analysis used statistical methods . At last several characteristic time gene sub-models were gained .

    本文选取尽可能多的财务指标建立财务预警指标体系,并运用统计学方法对大规模财务指标进行 时间 序列 分析,得到具有一定特征性的指标时段基因子模式。

  • To deal with the discrete-linear systems with stained observe noises based on the ARMA innovation model using modern time-series analysis method a new Decouple Wiener trace filter method are presented . The simulation example shows the validity of the new algorithm proposed here .

    对带有色观测噪声的离散线性系统,本文应用现代 时间 序列 分析方法,基于ARMA新息模型,提出了一种解耦Wiener跟踪滤波新方法,仿真例子说明了本方法的有效性。

  • In this paper we applied the self-similarity time-series analysis method to the modeling of Wi-Fi traffic presented the procedure of FARIMA ( p d q ) model building and conducted our research using FARIMA ( p d q ) model .

    本文系统地将长相关特性的 时间 序列 分析方法引入到Wi-Fi业务建模中,给出了FARIMA(p,d,q)模型的建模步骤,并利用该模型对Wi-Fi业务进行研究。

  • Robust time-series analysis method and it 's application in slope monitoring

    稳健 时序 分析方法及其在边坡监测中的应用

  • The reliability of the time-series analysis method in processing unsteady random signals is verified .

    验证了 时间 序列 分析方法在非平稳随机信号处理方面的可靠性;

  • In people 's society economic and scientific research activities a lot of datas occur in the light of time order . Time-series analysis appears in the study of this kind of datas but imperfect observation datas often occur .

    在人们的社会、经济或科研活动中,很多数据都是按照时间顺序产生的,对这类数据的研究产生了 时间 序列 分析这门学科。

  • By analyzing and researching the rule that heating 's thermal load changes along with time puts forward the principles to forecast heating 's thermal load by time-series analysis .

    通过对供暖热负荷随时间变化规律的分析和研究,提出了采用 时间 序列 分析 对热负荷进行预测的原则;

  • Effect of Atmospheric Haze on Cardiovascular Diseases of Urban Residents in Guangzhou : a Time-Series Analysis

    广州市灰霾天气对城区居民心血管疾病影响的 时间 序列 分析