timber resource

[ˈtɪmbɚ ˈriˌsɔrs][ˈtimbə riˈsɔ:s]

[法] 森林资源

  • China should broaden the channels for wood supply increase the timber self-sufficiency and develop outside the forest resource base ; security early warning mechanism should be established . 4 .

    应拓宽木材供应渠道,增加 木材自我供给率,建立境外森林 资源合作开发基地,建立中国 木材产业安全预警机制。

  • Function of Timber Transport Certificate in Forest Resource Management

    木材 检查站 发放 木材运输证在森林 资源管理中的作用

  • As for Chinese timber industry the existence of the resource base is still weak scattered layout and low level scale that seriously restrict the timber industry .

    中国的 木材产业仍然的存在着 资源基础薄弱、布局分散、规模水平低等问题,这些问题严重制约着木材产业的发展。

  • The paper suggests that the integration of 6S technologies is not only need for new forestry science & technology innovation but also can bring informatization and scientific management to forestry activities and promote the foundation of monitor system of timber resource in our country .

    本文认为,6S技术一体化既是新的林业科技创新的需要,也能促使林业生产和管理的科学化和信息化,推动国家 森林 资源监测体系的建立,从而为实现林业的可持续发展奠定基础。

  • And then according to theory of international competitiveness this paper makes a concrete analysis on China 's timber industry safety from aspects of timber resource supply demand quantity and quality industrial organization competition development of relative industry and industry policy separately .

    依据产业国际竞争力理论,分别从 木材 资源供给、市场需求数量及质量、产业组织竞争、相关产业发展和产业政策等五个方面,对木材产业安全进行了具体评价;

  • The Method to Estimate Timber Volume with GIS in Forest Resource Inventory

    连续森林 清查应用地理信息估计 蓄积量的方法

  • Finally he regards the acquisition of exportable resources of timber as the focal point and analyzes the effective methods to carry on the conversion of the foundation of the international trade of Chinese timber resource .

    最后,以创出性资源的获得为重点,分析了如何进行中国 木材国际贸易 资源基础的转换。

  • Application of Integrative Technique of GIS and ANN to Forecast of Timber Volume of Forest Resource

    GIS与ANN整合技术在森林 资源 蓄积量预测中的应用

  • The method for the volume estimate of illegal excessive timber logging was introduced by means of data from forest resource inventory and planning or similar stand data under the circumstance of only the pits left on the spot by illegal excessive logging .

    介绍了在 盗伐、滥伐林木现场仅有树坑的情况下,利用相应小班森林 资源规划设计调查资料或相近林分调查资料对被盗伐、滥伐林木作材积估测的方法,并举例说明。

  • This paper summarized research progress in reconstituted bamboo timber and discussed the feasibility of its industrialization from four aspects : resource technology marketing and investment benefits .

    综述我国重组 研究的进展,从 资源、技术、市场、投资效益等方面探讨了重组竹产业化发展的可行性。

  • Base of those select the best types of the structure distribution modes for the different site conditions including sand-binding and wind-controlling forest 52 types farmland shelter 18 types timber forest 8 water resource shelter 9 types road shelter 22 types .

    同时,筛选设计了适合不同立地类型的最佳结构配置模式,包括防风固沙林52种,农田防护林18种, 用材林8种,水域防护 9种,道路防护林22种。

  • However the timber resource of our country is comparatively in short supply . The development of cement-bonded particleboard is restricted in raw material .

    但是我国 木材 资源比较紧缺,水泥刨花板的的发展在原材料上受到限制。

  • Investigation on Status Quo of Timber Species Resource of Jinzhong City and Comprehensive Exploration and Utilization

    晋中市 林木种质 资源与综合开发利用

  • As a renewable resource crop straw not only rich in carbon but also can partially replace timber resource .

    农作物秸秆作为可再生资源,不仅含有丰富的碳源,而且可以部分代替 木材 资源

  • Keeping a reasonable timber use and trying to save timber resource shall be a long term technological policy .

    坚持 木材合理利用、节约 利用应成为一项长期的技术政策。

  • The method of periodic balance which is mainly suitable for the cutting determination of the timber forest is adopted to determine the rational annual cutting in certain period of forest management to achieve forest resource sustainable utilization .

    采用分期平衡法确定某经营期间森林的合理年伐量,以实现森林 资源的永续利用。本方法主要适用于 用材林主伐量的测算。

  • Timber - used bamboo resource and its industrial utilization in Yunnan Province

    云南 用竹 资源及其工业利用

  • Through the analysis of domestic and international timber supply this paper gets the conclusion of weak resource base of China 's timber industry .

    通过分析国内 木材 资源与国际 木材 资源供给,得出了中国木材产业 资源基础薄弱的结论;

  • The analysis results indicate that environmental benefits of watershed forest resources are extremely important . In comparison with traditional forest resource management of timber yielding environmental benefit consideration will cause changes of forest resource management and social welfare changes .

    分析结果表明:水源涵养林的环境效益显著,与传统的仅考虑 木材效益的林业经营方式相比,考虑环境效益后将使林业 生产实践和社会福利发生变化;

  • Jiashan ' timber industry creates special economic phenomena of zero resource .

    没有资源禀赋优势的浙江嘉善 木材产业形成了经济学界所谓的零 资源现象。

  • During the recent years Heze city built up a group of wood-processing factories with the timber resource advantage .

    近些年,菏泽市依托当地 林木 资源优势,形成了一批小规模、大群体、区域性发展的林产品加工企业。

  • Chinese fir planted forest is the main part of timber forest resource in Zhejiang Province China .

    杉木人工林是浙江省主要 用材资源

  • There have been lots of fields of sand area resources development in China including forest construction for timber base peat resource development and utilization thermal tube technique application exploration of petroleum and natural gas and all are with certain scales .

    我国对沙区资源的开发利用已扩大到多个领域,沙区 用材 基地建设、泥炭 资源开发利用、热管技术应用、石油天然气开采等都初具规模。

  • This paper summarizes and analyzes historical development of Jiashan ' timber industry from aspects of industrial resource industrial layout and industrial organization .

    从产业 资源、产业布局和产业组织三个方面总结与分析了嘉善 木材产业的发展沿革;

  • A site acquired for the purpose of extracting or removing some valuable resource such as oil minerals or timber is classified as a natural resource not as land .

    和一般土地不同,用来开采或获取石油、矿物质或 木材等有价资源的场所被分为自然 资源一类。

  • Discussion of Timber Trade Relationship between China and Russia Based on Resource Allocation Theory

    基于 资源配置的中俄 木材贸易关系探讨