time charterer

[经] 期租人

  • Where the charterer did not instruct in time as to the chosen port of discharge as agreed in the charter and the shipowner suffered losses thereby the charterer shall be liable for compensation ;

    承租人未按照合同约定 及时通知确定的卸货港,致使出租人遭受损失的,应当负赔偿责任。

  • The charterer entitled to limit liability should include bareboat charterer and time charterer while voyage charterer space or slot charterer be excluded .

    作为责任限制权利主体的船舶承租人包括光租承租人和 租承租 ,不应包括航次 承租人、舱位/箱位承租人。

  • According to interpretations the word charterer in the Convention shall be deemed to be a combination of bare-boat charterer time charterer and voyage charterer .

    通过解释,公约规定的承租人应当是光船承租人、 承租 和航次承租人等的统称。

  • Every time charter party must have an off-hire clause under which the charterer can discharge his obligation of continuous paying hire during the chartering period .

    停租条款( off-HireClause)是几乎每一个期租合同都订明的条款,该条款规定在一些特定的情况下 承租 可以中止履行其支付租金的义务。