time deposit account

[taɪm dɪˈpɑzɪt əˈkaʊnt][taim diˈpɔzit əˈkaunt]

[经] 定期存款帐户

  • Time deposit a savings account or CD held for a fixed-term with the understanding that the depositor can only withdraw by giving written notice .

    定期 存款设有固定时期的储蓄 户口或存款证,存款人必须提交书面通知,才可以提取存款。

  • Each time you make a deposit into your savings account ( or each time you shove a few dollars into the jam jar hidden under your bed ) write down the date and how much you saved .

    每当你把 放进银行 户头(或把几块钱放到果床底下的酱罐子里),记下日期和你存了多少钱。

  • You can have both a time deposit and a current deposit account in the one passbook .

    一本 存折里既有 定期 账户,又有活期 账户