time control

[taɪm kənˈtrol][taim kənˈtrəul]


  • The finite time control problem for a class of linear discrete-time system with time-varying norm-bounded exogenous disturbance is discussed .

    讨论一类具有时变、有限能量外部扰动的线性离散时间系统的有限 时间 控制问题。

  • RS485 communication net ; real time control ; multi wire system ; reliability ;

    RS485通讯网络; 实时 控制;多线程机制;可靠性;

  • The design of fuzzy controller of some aerial bomb and the programming of real time control software

    采用 模糊 控制的某航空导弹俯仰 舵机模糊控制器的设计与软件编程

  • The Controller Area Network ( CAN ) is a serial communication protocol which efficiently supports distributed control or real time control with a very high level of security .

    CAN总线控制器局域网是一种有效支持分布式控制或 实时 控制的串行通讯网络,和RS-485总线相比实时性、稳定性较好。

  • And then describe the module of pre audio amplifier triangle generator comparator death time control and output driver etc.

    同时还详细描述了前置音频放大器,三角波产生电路、比较器, 死区 控制电路,输出驱动电路等子模块的设计内容。

  • Calculation Design of Supporting System of Floor Bottom Formwork and Time Control of Formwork Removal

    浅谈楼板底模支撑系统计算设计及拆模的 时间 控制

  • Noises caused by the drag system of electric appliances can be greatly reduced by real time control of the reactive information of the surrounding conditions .

    对电器拖动系统产生的噪声,采取环境状态信息反馈式进行 实时 控制,可获得满意的降噪效果,同时可带来可观的经济效。

  • Time management disposition is a dynamic trait of personality including time value time control and time efficacy .

    时间管理倾向是一种具有动力性的人格特征,它由时间价值感、 时间 监控观和时间效能感构成。

  • Layered and distributed ; Microcomputer real time control reliability ; Hydro-power station supervision and control ;

    分层分布;微机 实时 控制;可靠性;水电站监控;

  • According to the actual situation given a set of rules using computer simulation technology to get the optimal time control of the traffic lights .

    根据实际情况,给出车辆行驶的一套规则,利用计算机仿真技术进行模拟,得到 最优交通灯的 间隔 时间

  • Real time control of deformation path is key to precision metal forming .

    在金属塑性成形 过程的应变路径 控制中, 控制 模型的建立是一关键。

  • Computer Manage System for medical consumables purchase on network and quality price real time control ;

    本文主要介绍了运用信息化的方式,开发了医用 耗材网上 申领的管理系统。

  • This paper introduces hardware circuit structure of glassware grabbing manipulator and programming skills . It presents a way for time control of this manipulator .

    介绍了钳杯机械手的硬件电路结构及软件编程的技巧,并叙述了机械手 时间 控制的一种方法。

  • They refuse to accept the fact that college life demands some degree of time control .

    信息他们不愿意接受大学生活要求一定程度的 时间 控制这一事实。

  • Time control or adaptive control were chosen by judging the traffic intensity at the intersection .

    判断交叉口的交通强度,选择 定时 控制或自适应模糊控制。

  • Poor technique in proper method and time control acquisition .

    技术不足,未能掌握正确方法及 操控作业 时间

  • To correct your clock settings click the Adjust Clock button to launch the Date and Time Control Panel .

    若要更正时钟设置,请单击调整时钟按钮以启动 控制面板的日期和 时间

  • Environment profiles ( optionally ) provide deployment time control of the specific IP address assigned to a virtual machine and also of the naming conventions used to name the virtual machines .

    环境配置文件向分配给虚拟机的IP地址、以及用于命名虚拟机的命名约定(可选地)提供部署 时间 控制

  • The practical application results show that the system has advantages of high stability and reliability real time control ideal monitoring effect and convenient operation .

    实践应用表明,该系统运行稳定可靠, 实时 好,监控效果理想,使用方便。

  • Time control within 5 ~ 999 sec . for high efficiency and low consumption .

    时限预热 控制5~999秒,使工作达高效益及低消耗。

  • In other words time efficacy mediated partially the relation between time control behaviors and self-esteem self-efficacy and learning satisfaction .

    探讨时间管理效能对 时间 监控行为和自尊、自我效能和学习满意度的中介作用。

  • And it had the function such as remote meter reading time control alarming for the abnormal using of electricity .

    控制 系统简单、成本低,具有远程抄表、 定时 控制、异常用电报警等功能。

  • Based on Simulation of the Time Control of the Traffic Light

    基于计算机模拟的交通灯 时间 控制问题

  • Application of Dead Time Control to Power Supply for Plasma

    死区 时间 控制在等离子体电源中的应用完全电离的等离子体

  • Research on the Relationship between Sense of Time Control and Job Performance of University Teachers

    高校教师 时间 监控观与工作绩效关系研究

  • This implementation runs as a decision support tool the simulation example proves its usefulness in decision making and real time control .

    该系统可作为决策支持的工具,模拟实验证明了其在应急决策和 实时 控制中的有效性。

  • Within operations there exists a substantial portion of two key elements of successful business_profits through the control of costs and cash flow through planning decisions and lead time control .

    成功的生产经营主要取决于两个因素通过控制成本以提高利润和通过决策及 控制资金周转 时间以获取流动资金。