time orientation

[taɪm ˌɔriɛnˈteʃən][taim ˌɔ:rienˈteiʃən]


  • In a new stage and under new sit situation to keep its advanced nature the Party should adhere to the theory of Three Representatives and represent for all the time the orientation of advanced culture .

    在新时期和新形势下,要保持党的先进性,必须全面坚持三个代表, 始终代表中国先进文化的 前进 方向。理论计算得理论图。

  • The abilities of time orientation short time memory and object naming were significantly ameliorated in the treatment group ( P < 0.05 ) while there was no obvious improvement in the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

    时间 定向、短程记忆、物体命名能力治疗组有显著改善(P<0.05),而对照组改善差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

  • Have to compare at the same time good of orientation ability and organization moderate the ability .

    同时具备较好的 适应能力和组织协调能力。

  • Results There were no differences between both groups in onset time recovery time of orientation hemodynamic and respiratory changes and hepatic and renal functions .

    结果两组病人的入睡时间,睁眼时间和 定向力恢复 时间,呼吸、循环及肝、肾功能的变化无统计学意义。

  • Then the relationships of polychronic time orientation with other four cultural values namely individualism masculinity long-term orientation and past time orientation are analyzed .

    其次,本文分析了个人主义、男性度、长期取向和过去取向分别与多元 时间 取向的关系。

  • Peoples different time orientation is one important aspect in intercultural communication .

    而人们不同的 时间 取向是跨文化交际的一个重要方面。

  • F group eye opening time extubation time and recovery time of orientation is longer than K and N group the difference was statistically significant ( p0.05 ) .

    F组呼之睁眼时间、拔管时间及 定向力恢复 时间均长于K组和N组,差异有统计学意义(p0.05)。

  • After operation the mean conscious recovery time and orientation force recovery time was 10.9 ± 2.8 mins and 12.6 ± 3.1 mins respectively . There were no cases of restless delire nausea and vomiting and retention of urine .

    术毕意识恢复 时间10.9±2.8分钟, 定向力恢复时间12.6±3.1分钟,无躁动、谵妄、恶心呕吐、尿潴留等。

  • As far as position control system is concerned it should accomplish orientation action in the shortest time and orientation should accord with precision demand .

    对于位置控制系统来说,应能在最短 时间 完成定位动作,并且 定位符合规定的精度要求;

  • Time orientation belongs to non-verbal communication . Many scholars at home and abroad has been concerned and researched on it .

    作为非语言交际中重要的一部分, 时间 取向已经得到了国内外众多学者的关注和研究。

  • This paper aims to reveal the differences of time orientation between Sino-US and its essential causes to put forward the feasibility of proposals to better overcome the cross-cultural communication barriers caused by different time orientation .

    本文目的在于揭示中美两个群体 时间 取向的差异及其决定其差异的根源,并提出一些意见和建议,希望更好地解决跨文化交际中因时间取向差异而造成的各种交际问题。

  • Often there are slim pickings by the time that last orientation session rolls around .

    通常在最后一 会议举行之前只有一些少量的 选择

  • As a main ship navigation device GPS has high precision all weather real time orientation and navigation feature .

    GPS具有高精度、全天候、 实时 定位与导航功能,是目前海上航行的主要导航设备。

  • The scores of sub items of MMSE including place orientation time orientation short time memory account ability language expression language repetition figure portrayal in patients with VCI were lower than those in normal subjects ( all P < 0.05 ) .

    地点定向、 时间 定向、短程记忆、计算能力、语言表达、言语复述、图形描画7项亚项的评分均明显低于正常组(均P<0.05)。

  • The Influence of Time Orientation On Cross Cultural Communication

    时间 取向对跨文化交际的影响

  • Compared with group P-F the hemodynamic in the D-K group was more stable but HR decreased significantly when BIS ≤ 60 . The induction time and orientation recovery time of D-K group was longer than those of P-F group ( P0.05 ) .

    D-K组术中血流动力学较P-F组更加稳定,但当BIS≤60时心率下降明显。D-K组麻醉诱导 时间 定向力恢复时间长于P-F组(p0.05)。

  • A properly historical orientation of modernization includes a time orientation and a space orientation .

    现代化的历史定位包括 时间 定位与空间定位。

  • Bridging Sino-US Cultural Difference & Strategies from a Time Orientation Perspective

    跨越中美文化障碍&一个 时间 取向视角的思考

  • It would give credence to the academic literature that implies the time orientation in such a culture is inferior to that in the West .

    这就表示相信学术研究著述所暗示的,在这样的一种文化中的 时间 定位要逊于西方。

  • At the same time columns orientation content planning star in the audience when choosing the host of northeast of cultural basis points creating a considerable influence of TV obtained the win-win market and reputation .

    同时在栏目 定位、内容策划、明星主持人选择时也以观众对东北文化的青睐点为依据,打造出了一批颇具影响的电视栏目,获得了市场与口碑的双赢。

  • Existing studies devoted a extensive discussion on several aspects such as time perspective time orientation time management time urgency and procrastination . Thus integrated model of time-personality is under construction recently .

    已有的研究从时间洞察力、 时间 定向、时间管理、时间紧迫感、拖延性等方面对时间人格进行了探讨,最近的研究则转向构建综合的时间人格结构模型。

  • Based on relevant theories this paper first analyzes time orientations from three perspectives : polychronic time orientation past present future orientation and long-term orientation .

    依据相关理论,本文首先从多元时间取向,过去、现在、未来取向和长期取向三个角度考察了在华美国跨国公司中中国员工 时间 取向的特点。

  • Time synchronization between satellite and the earth is an essential problem in ensuring satellite time benchmark and orientation precision .

    星地时间同步是保障导航卫星 时间基准以及 定位精度的关键问题。

  • MMSE result the AD patient 's scores of time orientation place orientation object named were lower significantly than that of VD but the score of describe graph was higher than that of VD ;

    时间 定向、地点定向、物体命名评分AD患者明显低于VD患者,而图形描述评分高于VD患者;

  • The differences between Chinese and western culture in philosophy historical background and social system and so on have caused their differences in concept of time and attitude toward time and as a result have created different modes of time orientation .

    由于中西方文化在哲学观、历史背景、社会模式等诸多方面千差万别,其对时间的观念和态度也存在着很大差异,从而产生了不同的 时间 取向模式。

  • Based on the important position of time orientation we can overcome the conflict and misunderstanding which is caused by differences in time orientation so as to achieve the purpose of successful communication .

    通过对中美 时间 取向的比较研究,我们可以克服中美人们因在时间取向方面的差异而引发的误解和矛盾,从而达到成功交际的目的。

  • At that time the orientation of Chinese culture was focus on the foundation of proletarian political party and it needed Marxism combining with the labor movement of China .

    当时中国文化 前进 方向集中体现在马克思主义同中国工人运动相结合建立无产阶级政党上面。

  • Many scholars at home and abroad research on the language of cosmetics advertising categories but the cultural dimension of this deep-seated cultural connotation of the time orientation perspective dedicated to a comparative study in English and Chinese cosmetics slogan are a few .

    国内外众多学者对化妆品广告语的研究分门别类,但从文化层面以 时间 取向这一深层文化内涵为视角专门对中英文化妆品广告语进行对比研究却为数不多。

  • Hemodynamic and respiratory changes during anesthesia onset time recovery time of orientation and side effects of the drugs were observed .

    麻醉中观察记录两组病人的入睡时间, 定向力恢复 时间,循环和呼吸指标的改变以及麻醉前后肝、肾功能的变化。

  • A Real Time Orientation Measuring System for Asphalt Concrete Paver by Means of Image Measuring Techniques

    利用图象测量技术的摊铺机 实时 定向测量系统