time money

[taɪm ˈmʌni][taim ˈmʌni]


  • This is worth all the time and money I devote to learning and practice .

    从这点看,我花在学习和联系上的 时间 金钱还是值得的。

  • Time and money consumed in litigation ;

    消耗在诉讼中的 时间 金钱

  • He wouldn 't have the time or money to take care of me

    他既不会有 时间也不会 有钱来照顾我。

  • Anybody who does that is wasting his time and money .

    无论是谁,那样做纯属浪费 时间 金钱

  • An inch of time is an inch of gold . ; Time is money .


  • It might help if campaigning didn 't absorb so much time and money .

    如果竞选活动没耗费这么多的 时间 金钱,情况或许还不会这么糟。

  • Time is money just figure out how much ?


  • Do we have to ask for more time and money ?

    我们需要请求更多的 时间 经费吗?

  • A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain .

    只要发生一个错误,全部的 时间 金钱就将尽付东流。

  • Doing this can save a lot of time and money .

    这样可以节约 时间 金钱

  • We have invested a lot of time and money .

    我们已经投入了大量的 时间 金钱

  • Paperless trading can save time and money .

    无纸贸易能够 省时 省钱

  • We wasted our time and money .

    我们浪费了 时间 金钱

  • They compensated my loss of time with money .

    他们用 补偿我的 时间损失。

  • I could just save you the time and money .

    我给你省点 精力

  • He squander his time and money in gambling .

    他在赌博中浪费了他的 时间 金钱

  • What 's that fellow up to sneaking around like that ? It is all those scoundrels of Jews : they get in every time money changes hands .

    这家伙鬼鬼祟祟的,想干什么?这都是那些坏蛋犹太人干的事。什么 时候 一转手,他们就钻进来。

  • They will help you to effectively save your time and money .

    他们将帮助您有效地节省您的 时间 金钱

  • Even if the employer ultimately prevails valuable time and money are lost .

    即使雇主最终胜诉了,也损失了宝贵的 时间 金钱

  • They are subject to the constraints of time and money .

    他们受到了 时间 金钱的限制。

  • Don 't begrudge time money and effort when training personnel .


  • Every time an e-mail interrupts you it costs time money and brainpower .

    每次有电子邮件打扰你的时候,你都在付出 时间金钱和脑力。

  • Patience time and money accommodate all things .

    有了耐心, 时间 金钱就有了一切。

  • Time is money .

    时间就是 金钱

  • Time money effort and sweat . How will you pay for your goals ?
