time pieces

[计] 计时装置

  • To address the first two types of conflicts it 's time to introduce two more pieces of replication metadata that are used primarily for conflict resolution .

    为了解决前两种类型的冲突,下面介绍另外两 主要用于冲突解决方案的复制源数据。

  • It rained all night and all day during which time the ship broke in to pieces .

    雨下了一天一夜,就在这 时间 船撞成了 碎片

  • In the so-called Hierarchical Model of galaxy formation galaxies are supposed to slowly bulk up their stars over time by absorbing tiny pieces of galaxies rather than in one big burst .

    关于星系的形成,所谓的“等级理论模型”中说:随着 时间 推移,星系应该通过吸收星系中的 零星物质来慢慢地扩大恒星的数目,而不是猛然间大规模地诞生。

  • Using reflection allows applications to be structured for flexibility with external information used at run time to hook pieces together into a working configuration .

    使用反射使构建应用程序更加灵活,可以在运行 用外部信息把 各个 片断挂接(hook)在一起,形成一个工作配置。

  • At the same time three pieces of advice were advanced such as revolution for teaching content innovation for teaching method and enhancing for teaching team .

    同时,结合教学 实践,提出了环境工程专业英语教学内容改革、教学手段创新和加强师资队伍建设的具体措施。

  • Then taking TUXEDO as an example it analyses the character and mode of OLTP building up the application frame . At the same time detailed pieces of composition and technological characteristic of TUXEDO are introduced .

    然后,以交易中间件的代表TUXEDO为例分析了OLTP的特性,以及中间件架构的OLTP模式, 同时详细的介绍了 中间件TUXEDO的组成和技术特点。

  • Don 't give up . It 's time to pick up the pieces and move on to the next challenge .

    别放弃希望,现在是收拾 残局,迎接另一挑战的 时候

  • Because of the fake data layer you also can define your API connections to other parts of the project and ensure you have less problems when it 's time to integrate all the pieces .

    有了假数据层,还可以定义到项目其他部分的API连接,并确保在集成所有 部分 时候问题较少。

  • The utility model relates to an electronic quenching instrument which can be used for measuring the cooling capacity of quenching mediums and the phase change time of work pieces .

    电子淬火仪用于测定淬火介质的冷却能力及 工件的相变 时间

  • But it 's time to start picking up the pieces .

    但我们是 时候正确的选择了。

  • The passage of time has allowed such pieces to be viewed without the stigma of novelty he said .

    他还说, 时光的流逝使这些 作品可以在新奇的光环褪去后,为人所审视。

  • All the work are done by children themselves including scarification semination fertilization and watering etc * In free time everyday pieces of plots become the children 's favorites .

    从松土、播种,到施肥、浇水,所有的工作都是由孩子们自己亲手完成。每天只要一有 空闲,这一 块块菜地就成了小家伙们最爱去的地方。

  • Method Using self questionnaire method severity of depression was evaluated in 103 subjects . At the same time 336 pieces of feedback tables investigating nursing content were sent out to study the relativity between factors affecting nursing staffs ' mental state and nursing quality .

    方法采用自评式问卷调查的方式对103位护理人员抑郁程度(SDS)进行调查, 同时对其所在科室的住院病人发放336 护理工作满意度反馈调查表,分析其二者之间的相关性。

  • The algorithm can analyze the new collected data directly without separating the whole time series into pieces and fitting them individually so in the true sense it realizes the online fault detection .

    由于不必将整个 时间序列进行 和单独拟合,算法可以直接处理获取的新数据,实现真正意义上的在线故障检测。

  • In the Matlab environment with the grammar of this article the average processing time in the 0.8s / pieces around the plate to ensure a better real-time .

    同时本文的文法在Matlab环境下,平均处理 时间0.8s/幅左右,较好的保证了车牌的实时性。

  • So the disorder of the pieces will probably increase with time if the pieces obey the initial condition that they start off in a condition of high order .

    这样,如果 纸片从一个高度有序的状态的初始条件出发,纸片的无序度将可能随 时间而增加。

  • If time moved backward the broken pieces could come together in a great many ways .

    如果 时间反演,这些 碎片就能以很多方式结合起来。

  • One time two pieces of glass batten cutting .

    同时切割 两根压条,效率高;

  • A $ 35-a-month commitment will get you one piece of clothing at a time ; 10 pieces will cost $ 159 a month .

    一个月支付35美元,你便能 每次能租一件衣服;一个月支付159美元,便可以每次租10

  • The test results showed that the RSD was linearly correlated with the concentration of sulfited and the soaking time of potato pieces .

    本实验显示,RSD与 亚硫酸盐护色液浓度和护色 时间均呈线性关系;

  • Chess masters have a much easier time memorizing location of chess pieces than beginners even though they 're recalling the same information .

    象棋大师记 棋子的走法比新手轻松容易,在回忆同样的信息时,也能较为容易 回想起来。

  • The application processing time is one of the three pieces that make up the average client time & the other two being the WebSphere connection wait time and the driver processing time .

    应用程序处理 时间是组成平均客户端时间的三个 组成 部分之一,另外两个 组成 部分是WebSphere连接等待时间和驱动程序处理时间。

  • The gold platinum and steel time pieces have black dial faces made of lacquer paint that includes coal recovered from the debris field of the Titanic wreck site .

    整个表由黄金、金和钢制成,表盘为黑色,含有从泰坦尼克号失事 残骸中取出的煤。

  • The probability distribution function for the life of the button type zinc silver oxide cells is a normal distribution based on the statistical data obtained from the discharge time of 194 pieces of cells under 2k Ω constant resistance discharge .

    本文根据194 扣式锌/氧化银电池在2kΩ恒电阻条件下放电 时间(寿命)的统计结果,导出了该电池寿命的概率分布是服从正态分布规律的。

  • At that time I can eat two pieces of a Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake is very good Mid-Autumn Festival every year I have enough to eat moon cake in the sense of something more to say .

    时候一个中秋我能吃上两 月饼就很不错了,每年中秋我都有吃不够月饼的意犹未尽之感。

  • ( The phrase ' wearing a watch ' in Chinese sounds similar to the word ' representative ' a homophone rich with meaning considering the penchant among China 's leaders for doing the work of representing the masses while sporting expensive time pieces . )

    (中文戴表与代表读音相同,考虑到中国领导人喜欢戴着价格不菲的 名表来代表人民群众,这个同音相当意味深长。)

  • This paper puts forward a valid method to design the on-board SAR real time imaging processor using seven pieces of Xilinx FPGA based on the CS arithmetic .

    根据星载SAR成像算法的原理,提出了一种用 FPGA实现 成像处理器的有效方法。

  • The Japanese Jewelry Fair was held in tokyo and this was the first time that numerous pieces of jewelry designed by master were exhibited in japan .

    日本同修 首次于东京举行的日本珠宝展中,介绍多 师父设计的天饰。

  • Designers are even taking time to hand-stamp pieces and label them carefully with the name of the season .

    设计师们甚至开始花 时间手工 印,并且把这季的名字做成标签小心翼翼地贴在衣服上面。

  • Time to pick up the pieces and * You know and move on I suppose .

    我想他们在收拾 残局日子还得过下去呢。