time lever

[taɪm ˈlɛvɚ][taim ˈli:və]

[电] 定时杠杆

  • Now time limit has become the key factor for mold factories to develop markets and win orders so it is important to raise the standardization lever of mold design and manufacturing reduce repetition work and improve working efficiency .

    而就目前模具行业的发展来看, 工期已成为企业开拓市场、赢得定单的关键因素,因此提高模具的标准化设计与制造 水平,减少重复性的劳动,提高工作效率日显重要。

  • Afterwards propose using EOQ purchasing model to purchase long lead time materials also analysis the purchasing strategy when it under different customer service lever .

    然后,提出采用EOQ控制模型来采购长交 货期物料,并分析了在不同服务 水平下的长交货期物料采购策略。

  • Calculation on the balancing time of mechanical railway track scale lever system and Study on the error in its weighing in motion

    机械轨道衡 杠杆系平衡 时间的计算及其动态称量误差的探讨

  • Comparison between the calculation results and that of actual tests shows that the balancing time of the lever system has art extreme effect on the measuring accuracy of the dynamic mechanical track scale .

    同时与实际检测结果对照,说明 杠杆系平衡 时间对机械动态轨道衡的计量精度有极大影响。

  • At the same time the cost of tax collection and management is still on a high lever reaching 5 % - 6 % . But tax dodging and evasion are still prevalent in China .

    同时,我国的税收征管成本居高不下,税收征管成本率已经达到了 5%&6%左右,而偷逃税现象仍然很严重。

  • At the same time we analyze the relation of inferiority feelings social supports and coping styles to reduce the lever of inferiority and improve the mental health of the graduate students .

    同时,考察分析了自卑感与社会支持和应对方式的关系,为改善学生的 自卑感状况提供一条新的思路,为做好当前研究生的心理健康工作进行探讨。

  • The control time and lever in 2004 was forecasted according to precipitation runoff data of Acheng City in 2004 .

    根据2004年阿城市降水量预报及多年径流资料数据分析,2004年初对汛期控制 时段与限制 水位进行了预测。经汛期的实际验证,所做的预测是正确的。

  • Around the same time the lever handle which had been around for centuries began to become popular particularly in Europe .

    大约在同一 时期,已经发明了几个世纪的 把式门柄开始流行,特别是在欧洲。

  • At the same time the option is always used to speculate because of it 's characteristic of high financial lever low bargaining cost the convenience of complete a business transaction and high fluidity .

    同时,期权具有的财务 杠杆高、交易成本低、交割便利、流动性强的特点,也频频被应用于投机牟利。


    时序加工控制器机械式 杠杆压力机

  • Considering those factors mentioned above we might say that the time when lever principle was discovered in ancient China was no later than the Warring States period which is nearly at the same time with Western countries .

    综合这些因素,可以认为至迟在战国 时代,我国先民已经掌握了 杠杆原理,这在时间上并不晚于西方。

  • Although the vector was used in mechanics at that time its exact importance was not realized completely and had not been abstracted and studied in a higher lever . 2 .

    当时的数学 物理学家们虽然在力学中使用了向量,但没有完全认识到向量思想对于力学的真正重要性,没有将其抽象出来作为数学的对象进行深入研究。