


  • The Ecological Timberwork & American Southern Pine Timberwork System Its Exertion in Landscape Design

    生态 木构&美国南方松木构系统及其在景观设计中的运用

  • Ancient Chinese timberwork tower and its aseismic analysis

    中国 结构古塔与抗震分析

  • Australian housing style is given priority to with Europe type and beautiful type but the bricky timberwork building that new structure is typical Australian type however .

    澳大利亚房屋建筑风格以欧式和美式为主,但是新的建筑却是典型的澳大利亚式的 砖木 结构房屋。

  • As the material supply the southern pine timberwork system offers landscape designers an ecological way on the side of material circulation and energy consume .

    美国南方松 木构系统作为材料供应在物质循环和能量消耗方面,为设计师特别是景观设计师提供了 良好的生态环保途径。

  • In the recovery experienced timberwork brick and reinforced concrete structure steel structure several process .

    古建的复原方面,先后经历了 结构、砖石 结构、钢筋混凝土结构以及钢结构几个过程。

  • Timberwork takes a great proportion in existent old architecture such as Hangzhou liuhe tower and ying county timber tower of Shanxi that all have hundreds years of history .

    在我国现存的古建筑中, 结构占有相当的比例,如杭州的六和塔和山西应县木塔等都已有数百年的历史。