time of receipt

[taɪm ʌv rɪˈsit][taim ɔv riˈsi:t]


  • Although after you re-submit the card is the same but this is the time of receipt as defined .

    虽然和你以后补办的身份证是一样的,但是是以这 收据作为 时间上的界定。

  • Additionally it 's a shortcoming in the law that the affirmation of time of arrival is not intact so the rule of retrieval should be supplied and the effect of acknowledgement of receipt should be defined as well .

    《电子签名法》对于数据电文到达 时间的确定存有缺漏情形,应当补充检索到达规则,以合理分配风险。同时,确认收讫规则与 收发 时间规则的适用界限以及确认 收讫的法律效果尚须进一步明确。

  • If the time of such deemed receipt is not during customary hours of business notice shall be deemed to have been received at8: 00a.m.on the first day of business thereafter .

    若上述 收取 时间不是惯常的营业时间,则视为已在之后的第一个营业日的上午八点收到该通知。

  • For sales of taxable labour services the date on which the labour services are provided and at the same time as the sales value or proof of receipt of sales value is received ;

    销售应税劳务,为提供劳务 同时 收讫销售额或取得 索取销售额的凭据的当天;

  • The notice in writing need not be given if the state of the goods has at the time of their receipt been the subject of joint survey or inspection .

    如在 已对货物的状况进行联合检验或检查,便无需书面通知。

  • Should the documents stated in this clause be incomplete or lost during transit the Seller shall supply them free of charge to the buyer at the time of receipt of the notification by the buyer .

    如果条款中所述的资料不完整或在运输途中丢失,则卖方应在 接到买方通知后立即免费提供完备。

  • The neutralization reaction showed when the conditions were as follows : 5 % milk of lime 50 % Calcium Citrate temperature 60 ℃ reactant time 1 hour the product has high of product receipt rate excellent quality security and innocuity .

    中和反应条件:石灰乳浓度5%,柠檬酸浓度50%,反应温度60℃,反应 时间1h,产品 收率高、质量好、安全无毒。

  • The JMeter application can measure elapsed time between the transmission of an IFX-encoded request and the receipt of an IFX-encoded reply .

    JMeter应用程序可以测量在传输IFX编码的请求和 接收IFX编码的应答之间的耗用 时间

  • Cma testing shall have the right to reject any application for service without giving any reason whatsoever before at the time of or after receipt of such application .

    检定中心在 收到服务申请 ,无论之前和之后,有权拒绝任何申请而无须任何理由。

  • Time of shipment : Within days after receipt of deposit not allowing transshipment and partial shipments .

    装运 期限收到可以转船分批装运之信用证天内装出。

  • For a larger order the time of shipment will be fixed upon receipt of a definite order . Any flight test and wind tunnel correlation always suffers from a great number of unknowns .

    较大数量的订单,将根据具体订单另行确定保 货期。在对飞行试验与风洞试验进行比较时总有大量的未知数。

  • Time of shipment within10days after receipt of your letter of credit from Shanghai to Singapore .

    收到您从上海到新加坡信用证十 之内装运。